Saturday 27 June 2020

GIRLS, GUITARS, GATLING GUNS Jimmy Boom Semtex poems


Jimmy Boom Semtex



Aerospace Grade Materials


There is both fear and defiance in this horse's eye, but why?


The horse was NOT scared

I’m a war horse and nobody messes me with me

Not even aliens who think they’re big and hard!

Or so the horse defiantly thought

Well he also thought he was a horse but butbut…


The horse was actually a spaceship!

Low and behold in all his glory

A real spaceship that was in space

To venture between the stars

And he was horse shaped.


But was made of aerospace grade materials

That was mined from distant asteroids

And built into a starship in a factory

That orbited Neptune for ease of use

For cosmicexploration and so more.


The horse shaped space vessel was big

Many miles high and across and heavy

Like the heaviest metal played by Compressorhead

Or mined from the most lucrative asteroid

Powered by fusion drive and ion engines.


Armed with triple laser cannon arrays

For defence against meteors and alien craft

Like now that were ready for war!

Zap! Zap! Zap! went the lasers guns.

Boom boomboom went the alien craft.


And Yahoo! whinnied the horse craft

As he became master of the galaxy

And unleashed war of the worlds

Thus dooming the entire universe

To violence and darkness if aliens won.


But a million horse shaped spaceships

Were being built in deep space

Up-gunned with undreamt of weapons

And uprated engines and other toys

Thus guaranteeing galactic horse victory.


There was no need for a human crew

Machines and robots took over

Ensuring a flawless capacity for success

As a hundred thousand ships sped off

To impose equine discipline in space.

Blended Pans

All things to all men.

Take me to two thousand words.

And send me in orbit so fast.

Tannhauser Gate bound.

Blade Runner esque times ahead.

Paradise on fire.

Heavy Ticket

What a magnificent animal. 
The seven foot long guinea pig.
She was the same standing.
With the bite of a tiger.
I don't want one as a pet.
She would eat so many carrots.
And greens and seeds.
Above all else needing to be free.
One day I must write.
Then dream a dream.
What were you like?
So magnificent and unique.
I think of you...


Night Trip

The couple were taken by men with guns.

Handcuffed and driven far out of town at night.

A***** where the bodies are left.

The armed men threatened and acted.

Which is it? The moped or your husband?

They took the moped in return for her husband’s life.

When the threats were over and men done, they went home.

A long way in the dark far from town.

Other things were taken too like their ipad.

Was there proof of drug use or dealing on it?

For the husband was an alleged dealer and user.

On a hit list to be taken out, for drugs are bad.

Everybody agrees, no more lives be destroyed.

The husband’s life was destroyed a day later…


Truly proud to be an alternative soul.

Those people I’ve met/befriended/seduced

/stolen/bumped into/been seduced/been stolen/etcetc

and you showed me the meaning of being true to one self,

I salute you...




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