Sunday 30 May 2021

Cyanide Footsteps By Nick Armbrister Mel Grobler

CYANIDE FOOTSTEPS original title version of THE RANTINGS OF A DAMAGED MIND is Nick Armbrister's new poetry book jointly written with poetess Mel Grobler. Poetry includes light and dark work covering human emotions and relationships, the death of a northern town and mental health issues to name a few topics. Make up your own minds on this hard hitting and unique book of modern poetry for modern people. From Nick's work about England and his life to Mel Grobler's touching poetry from half a world away (South Africa), this is a book with a difference. It's about the human journey of life, told by two writers who are at opposite ends of the earth. The result is here, a collection of memorable poetry.

Monday 17 May 2021




The system was so slow to use and the boss was always on our back

Hurry hurry get your fingers out this job depends on you

I’ll fire your sorry arses if you go any damn slower!

My company and big fat profit depend on you lazy gets doing this job right

Don’t dawdle and stop gossiping about your Saturday nights

I’ve checked the order already and it’s only half done and needs to be sent

For that you can work thru your dinner hour without pay and eat after work

See what a good boss I am to you all I will treat you at Xmas

And so it went on day by week by month by year by decade

ACME TIRE FACTORY was always this way with a slave boss

And unhappy pissed off workers who were no better than slaves

Why did we stay in the job when there was the dole doing nothing?

We were all mates and drank together every Saturday to forget this

Plus we also worked deliberately slowly to piss the boss off

We could live without eating dinner when our boss was upset

Our tools and line was ok but outdated so we milked it

It was us who ran the tire factory not him and he knew it

We could shut him down or burn his company without interference

We made 2 out of 3 vehicle tires on North American roads

Why change a good thing when we hated but loved it?

Sunday 9 May 2021

my books are on kobo now

Dark Delectable Delicious Destructive

This anthology brings together Nick's darker poems in his 20 years of writing. There are many moods, topics, styles and poems here. Each tells a story. It's up to you, the reader, to judge the work here. The human condition is one of thoughts and emotions. How many of us have been hurt, depressed or angry in our own existence? Nick has experienced much in life; some of his experiences and views are here, in his work. Unlike most people, he writes and documents his life. A unique and varied book suitable for not only goths but everybody else. Welcome to Nick's dark yet creative world.