Tuesday 9 June 2020

Down Up Right Left– Erotic Scenes from Juniper’s Daughter: Frontier Town Nick Armbrister sample

Down Up Right Left– Erotic Scenes from Juniper’s Daughter: Frontier Town

Nick Armbrister

Renford was a typical town in unoccupied England that had its own values and morals relating to life, if you were a gangster, a Goth or a normal person trying to survive, a few ideals were born out by modern life there. One example was the death of the family where old school principles became awkward in what was a selfish society governed by the law of the gun and harsh values, family life had no place here. Marriage was frowned upon and often ended in honour killing for the sake of the guy or gal involved by their vicious family members to get the clingy in love partner out of the way, permanently. People still bore children but out of wedlock or betrothal to continue the family bloodline in all but official name, if not people would simply die out. Old time values flourished, like look after your mates, own a gun and use it if you had to, casual sex was encouraged especially with prostitutes who provided a no strings service. Swinging clubs and events were a regular occurrence in many hundreds of people’s lives, with monthly sex parties encouraging frivolous erotic exotic fucking and enjoyment. How could family married life exist in this atmosphere of wanton sex, physical fulfilment and no holds barred self-gratification? Of the three old register offices that used to officialise weddings since the early twentieth century, each had fallen into decline or been fire bombed or taken over for some other more “needed” use. If you lived in Renford and you were brave or foolish enough to plan and actually get married, you had to travel further afield to other unoccupied towns offering this frowned upon service, these places were few and far between. If you came back to live in Renford your lives would be in danger, paranoia and mistrust finished off many marriages, forced married couples to leave or ended in their grisly deaths by vigilantes and contract killers.

   A glance around the walls of the underground dungeon revealed whips, chains, wizard outfits, old Rainbow Rising records twisted and warped with darts stuck in them, large stones that were heated up so a slave could sit on them and blister his arse, handcuffs, anklecuffs, leather underpants with the spike on the inside for people who were into that kind of thing, gimp masks of a dozen designs, rope to tie slaves up and much more besides. For the artistically minded, a set of paints, brushes and an easel was used to paint nice images onto a persons body, especially their private parts and for the workman, a set of nice antique tools could nail their bollocks to a board, this was an act Lucinda had done several times. The sight of a slave walking down Renford High Street with his bollocks nailed to a board was amusing to say the least. She often made her own tools or sexual toys like the Gothic High Chair where a slave sat to be tortured and have his bollocks tattooed with black ink with a tattoo gun (no real pattern just for the hell of it).

   She quickly tied her red hair back with an elastic band so it wouldn’t spoil her aim when she used her machine pistol at close quarters. Lenny pulled his old army cap down on his head and waited making sure the gun’s safety was off. There! Fuck the army was here; a row of running soldiers quickly appeared between two buildings. The Cock hefted his launcher to his shoulder and turned on his infrared sight, ready for action. His huge dick twitched at the thought of making love to Donna but he had a forbidding feeling that he would never do so again, not after today.
   “Lenny to Weapons Facility, we have sighted soldiers in the town centre near our position passing between Queen Street and the Plaza. Have not engaged, repeat we have not engaged. Believe enemy strength is four to six men. Looks like they’re checking us out before they attack. We’re ready for them, Lenny out,” Lenny gave an update to the Frontier Corps who had moved to the Weapons Facility after their HQ was destroyed. No reply came back, he changed frequencies and tried again, this time he got a faint reply that was drowned out by gunfire and then the sound of enemy jamming came over the airwaves. He clicked off the set and swore. 

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