Saturday 28 May 2022




Place To Be

The best place to be right now

Is not in Europe over Russia's issues

A pissed off nation with 7,500 nukes

Of different types and classes

As set ready to use on Putin's order

Ukraine started it after NATO grew

Right up to Russia's borders

Now they want to turn back the clock

1997 when Russia wasn't threatened

This isn't possible so they all

Sleepwalk to Armageddon

This year or the next

It's coming soon...



Wet Body

The muscle man has on his gold trunks

See how he dances oh so cool

His lady has on but 3 items

2 nipple tassels and a forward triangle

See how good they look together

An awesome couple like it was a film

Think what they do together

Does it make you blush?



Age 3

Think of the child age 3 what she will do when she’s older

Who will be annoy who will she love where will she work

What will her mum think of her the bosses in work

Not to mention family members who’re older

Know so much more and those rival friends

Who name call pull hair bite scratch bully

The gal can learn karate to grow in and out

Becoming a black belt teacher and leader

Protecting not just herself but others

All this in her future what of age 3?




Pure Art

Combine the 2 of them and anything is possible

The intent of 1 and the capabilities of 1

Together in 1 person both are exemplary

With the abilities to have a new mind

Along with unique artistic talent

Now anything is possible

See what they create

With their muse

Pure art





She strapped on her warplane and flew away to fight

Russian jets being the enemy to be hit

Her missiles were old like her plane


But it was a good one well built

Serviced by her mechanics to perform

When ordered to do by her


She the tip of the spear just a gal

Reason I love my mistress the pilot


Defending our nation each and every day

She already shot down four or five planes

She told me it’s confusing being in combat


Things happen fast beyond comprehension

It’s comparable to driving a racing bike

I think but I’m a hacker and don’t drive


I get into Russian and Red Chinese systems

Do my art and war that way to defeat them

It focuses me while my gal is up above


Keeping us all safe from enemy actions

I want to tell the world but we cannot

We must remain a secret what we both do