Saturday 14 March 2020

only i do air battles this good lol out of frontier town by nick armbrister

only i do air battles this good lol
Category: Writing and Poetry
okay i know i said id only ever share with you the devil snail bit from my new novel im working on and ive posted that here several times. scroll down to read that bit about laser poodle dogs. i wanted to share this with you coz ive made up a stunning air battle bit and by sharing it with you you can see my superior skill in this area lol. and it doesnt detract from the suprise of what the story of my new novel is about. if anything itll add to the anticipation of it. and dont forget it wont be out for a long time. in the meantime enjoy this breathtaking bit of aircombat. this stuff is my bread and butter.

this is stunning stuff.
out of frontier town by nick armbrister.

Into the dark blue summer sky rose five Kahlia Akasha air defense configured new build new design warplanes piloted by Gant, Andrew, “Pilot”, Gothic Lucinda and Sandra. Flying by infrared they climbed steeply in close formation heading to the last known position of the enemy craft, reported by Janice before she was shot down. Missiles were armed and aimed by infrared, radar kept on standby until battle commenced and pilots were ready. On cockpit displays the mile count unwound quickly as both airborne formations closed at high speed. Orders were exchanged and each jet launched a single radar guided missile from four carried, this would be a long dangerous fight. Five burning spears sped through the blackness of the new night almost blinding the pilots but their night vision goggles automatically adjusted the brightness. At full speed the fighters kept directions easily outpaced by the radar guided missiles that flew at two thousand plus miles per hour. Now altering onto their own courses the missiles got a smell, they had each locked onto a fat juicy English army troop transport full of troops, weapons and Devil Snails. Seconds lasted forever while missiles closed on their prey at unreal velocity, remaining in formation and only changing height, speed and direction slightly the transport craft stood no real chance unless they did violent evasive manoeuvres. There was violence but when the five missiles clanged home with the force of war, five large explosions erupted in the night growing into huge orange flowers fuelled by methane fuel, metal, weapons and human flesh. Nothing remained only falling blackened shattered debris but it wasn’t nearly enough; still the huge advancing formation flew forwards leaving just time for one more radar guided missile shot.

“Pilot to formation good shooting, good shooting. Light up your radars the bastards knows we’re here. Fire one more radar missile and then close for heat seeking missiles and guns. Good luck and good hunting!” Pilot hurriedly announced over the fleets secure radio net.

“I’m gonna send them bastards straight to fuckin’ hell!” from Gant. In five cockpits gloved hands brought up radars in air-to-air mode, confirmed radar missile lock and fired again. Immediately after launching Pilot threw his jet into a violent dive so he couldn’t be fired upon by the special bullets the escort craft carried, Gant climbed almost vertically enjoying the g-force that pushed him into his seat, the other three jets turned left and right in a melee of twisting airplanes like fish in a pond fleeing a pike. They moved position just in time! An escort transport increased speed and flew through the formation of troop carriers just missing two or three of the slower craft; firing four nuclear bullets when he was in front of the formation was guaranteed to scare their enemy. Too late! Three miles ahead the nuclear bullets exploded and blossomed into vivid mini suns sending huge shock waves speeding out buffeting the escort transport which now climbed out of danger. The slower transports were safe due to the longer time to cover the distance; the explosions were just mushroom clouds hanging in the sky only slightly radioactive due to airbursts not kicking up fallout from the ground. While this was going on five more fat transport craft exploded and died with over their compliment of over sixty soldiers and flight crew, on flew the unstoppable formation.

Now jockeying for position to attack again the five Kahlia Akasha prop jet fighters became sharks amongst the pike, murderous predators with no mercy.. Sandra turned her warplane on its wing and came down at a dizzying angle into the side of the transport craft formation. She had been almost blinded by the explosions of the nuclear bullets but her night vision was slowly returning, she let the weapons aiming computer select a target with the most suitable missiles this close it was a sniffer – a heat seeker. She had four of these under the wings of her black gothic warplane, a creature almost like herself. Selecting confirm on her Head Up Display she pressed the trigger once and felt a slight shudder when the small infrared missile left the launch rail and zoomed into the enemy craft faithfully homing into the path of one arrowing down to explode a metre in front of the bulbous nose transport. A white orange explosion reached out engulfing the front of the craft shredding the single pilot breaching the pressure cabin burning the very air ripping the lungs out of the dozen soldiers jammed inside. Shrapnel from the missile ripped into the methane fuel tank setting off the detonation that finished the frail craft like it was a crushed egg giving Sandra a third kill.

“Yes take that you violent killers!” she whooped in joy turning violently again and just missing another transport craft. Her finger pressed the gun trigger automatically not bothering her gun wasn’t locked on even if she missed she would scare the fuckers to death. Big fat 30mm shells spewed forth from the twin barrel cannon mounted under Sandra’s jet missing the transport but scaring several pilots into violent evasive action. Two collided and another huge blast depleted the numbers of English army troop carrying craft, Sandra squealed in delight pulling back on her control stick and searching for a new target. She had five kills now and was an ace! She quickly data linked the number five back to Frontier Corps HQ where this was analysed and sent on to the Weapon Facility so a score could be kept of enemy losses. Closing from below on a gaggle of more troop transporters Sandra locked up her three remaining heat-seeking missiles and fired all three while in a steep climb from below on her targets a mile above her. One missile missed due to some type of decoys launched by one of the transports, it looked like a falling birdcage of burning material. Both remaining missiles homed onto the hot rear exhaust of two transport craft and blew them to bits after impacting in the engine section next to the fuel tank, Sandra violently swerved her jet out of the way when burning fuel and bits of metal cascaded towards her like as firework. She passed out due to the violence of her manoeuvre, her jet arcing over on its back in an inverted dive towards the ground through the formation of troop transports. If she was conscious she would have seen distant mid air explosions from other hit craft from her squadron mates’ victories but she was in real danger from hitting the ground now. She wasn’t used to the strong g-forces the warplane generated during violent turns and manoeuvres, this wasn’t good due to the chance of becoming an easy target but the plane had a built in facility that returned it to level flight automatically. This happened but in the middle of the lower reaches of the massed formation! Two troop transporters saw her and angled their noses down slightly and fired their single machine guns at her, tracer shells curved down out of range but when the distance diminished both tracer streams met her stealth fighter. Hammer blows shook her little warplane jerking Sandra awake she shook her head and swore violently feeling the small bullets eating up her plane. Her cockpit canopy shattered and fell away in huge bits of plastic in the slipstream while hand grabbed for the control stick turning her plane away from the line of fire into a different heading away from the bullets. Cold air blew past her at over three hundred miles per hour, she couldn’t fly faster or she would be knocked unconscious, she knew her jet was damaged but not how bad. Her infrared goggles stopped working she was about to reach up and remove them when the windblast whipped them away; this was no good she thought I’ve got to land. Reducing speed to two hundred miles an hour and diving steeply out of the enemy transport formation she attempted a night landing. Before she did this she carried out one last act of defiance by pressing a switch near her trigger and clicking the missile switch to “Radar” then pressed the trigger twice. Closing her eyes she felt the jolt when both radar guided missiles left their launch rail, without no cockpit canopy the roar of their rocket motors was deafening and the bright glare of their engine flames was visible through her closed eyelids. Flying blind for Sandra counted, “One, two, three,” aloud and opened her eyes just in time to see both missiles climb steeply and whoosh upwards impacting two more fat transport craft in bright yellow explosions. Now armed with only her cannon ammo and in a damaged warplane Sandra was about to attempt a night landing, a suicidal move at night with no night vision goggles and infrared system. Enemy bullets smashed her electronic cockpit displays or shorted them out so she couldn’t even use them to guide her. Then through her half closed eyes she saw what she needed, in a field burning merrily away were two smashed army transport craft these were ideal reference points for a force landing. Flying over the filed once at 200mph she cut her power even more and picked her approach point coming in-between both ruined craft, keeping her wheels up so her valuable fighter wouldn’t turn over on the rough grass. Lower still the windblast not half as bad now she managed to keep her eyes open fully flying by her manual back up system when the final electronic system died. She noticed the plane was quite heavy to control on manual back up but not exhausting, yes she was a good airplane very forgiving. Would she save herself and my life mused Sandra? Speed coming down now cut the power put the landing flaps down so as not to stall and crash, past the first burning wreck a small whiz when some ammunition exploded and arced over her head. The wheels would touch the ground now if it was a normal landing but this was a belly landing real stick and rudder stuff flying by the seat of your pants (or Goth dress in this case). Feeling the jet touch the ground now, there, what was that? Something wasn’t right! Oh no, she hadn’t jettisoned her under belly drop tank and it still had fuel in it too late now! Fucking computer systems down not reminding her of her weapon load, all her weapon pylons were empty now except the belly one. Her last conscious thought was I’ve fucked up this time I should have remembered that damn fuel tank Sandra screamed in her mind, reaching her ejection seat handle to eject from her stricken warplane as it bounced violently over the grass.

Sandra would have saved her badly damaged fighter plane if she had pressed the jettison button but in the panic of battle and being hit she totally forgot and paid a heavy price. Her Kahlia Akasha fighter bounced and exploded on the grass adding another burning machine to the two blazing army transports, she left ejecting too late giving the English army their first air-to-air victory.

Pilots have varying skill levels Sandra was a very good pilot but that hadn’t been enough to save her; Andrew was a mediocre pilot with little aptitude for flying let alone being able to come out alive from a three dimensional air battle. This wasn’t some knife fight in a bar this was the biggest battle of his life where he had gained two easy radar guided missile kills early on but after that he had been in trouble. He righted his plane after violently changing direction to head back into the fight looking for a new target, flying level not doing any aggressive manoeuvring he had to be aware that he was in danger. A burst of tracer fire from his left side startled him into his reality; climbing steeply he escaped that danger but met another one. His right wing hit a troop transport badly damaging his jet, the transport spun out of control on fire and hit the ground giving Andrew a third lucky/unlucky kill but crippling his warplane. He was on the edge of panicking as his jet banked over almost becoming uncontrollable; he struggled to fly level with six feet of his right wing missing and his remaining radar missile and a heat seeker having been ripped off as well. This threatened to kill him and wreck his plane; it denied him of two more kills due to the loss of his missiles. He knew he had to get out of her or he would die, that fact was simple. Keying his radio he shakily announced, “Renford Boy Two is damaged. Have had mid-air collision am damaged, will try to return to base. Will fire remaining missiles, over.”

“Base confirms, out.”

He pressed his missile-launching trigger and felt his remaining warload leave the pylons; two radar and two infrared missiles arced out into the enemy formation. By chance one each of radar and infrared homing missile found targets and hit them giving the shaken gangster two more kills he was an ace! This fact didn’t even register in Andrew’s mind due to his struggle with his crippled warplane it took all his strength to hold the plane the plane level with the damaged wing hanging low due to the loss of lift. His other flight control surfaces tried to compensate for the damage doing a decent job under normal conditions but at night in the middle of a massed formation of enemy craft this was tantamount to suicide. Army transport craft above and behind him opened fire with their nose-mounted guns sending tracer shells lazily reaching out for him. None hit but many came close further scaring the gangster, “Fuck this for a game of soldiers! Gotta get out of this damn army filled sky,” muttered Andrew sweat dripping down his face. Off to one side a couple of miles away at angle to him some bright flashes went off startling him, averting his gaze and looking down he saw the outskirts of town coming up bordered by fields there he would land; cutting his power he immediately descended through the massed ranks of hundreds of troop carrying transports. His descent was somewhat controlled due to his slow speed but still his right wing hung low, he remembered something about stalling at low speed so he fumbled for the flap lever finally finding it. Moving it down as far as possible he felt the plane become more stable and not lose as much height, he checked his height readout to confirm this. The field came up he had to turn right into his damaged wing, if his turn was too tight he would enter a spin and either be killed or have to eject so he kept his turn nice and wide. Ground level came rushing up despite his slow speed, like Sandra he kept his gear up so he could belly land glancing at his weapon loadout on his weapon screen he hit the jettison button and felt the jolt as the one thousand pound fuel filled tank fell free he hadn’t even used a drop of it just his internal fuel load. The tank fell into a field and hit the ground exploding in a sheet of flame, this gave illumination while Andrew turned and flew lower picking his landing spot. There, a small field next to a row of building that will do. Looking further out over the grasslands he swore seeing a dozen blazing patches of light on the ground; destroyed army transport craft each on the funeral pyre of 13 men – twelve soldiers and a pilot. His right wing wouldn’t come up no matter what he did, he gave maximum opposite rudder and felt his plane slow and buffet almost stalling. Quickly pushing the nose down and giving it full power he regained some control before he hit the ground in a violent jolt that snapped one of the straps on his five-point harness jarring his shoulder badly. Propeller blades snapped off like tooth picks flying hundreds of yards the engine screamed at full power before it seized up when the jet turbine section shattered under the impact, the broken right wing dug into the ground spinning the wounded fighter plane around in a spin that pulled twelve g’s banging Andrew’s head on the cockpit canopy cracking it and knocking him out. Bucking over the long grass the airplane came to rest after sliding backwards for two hundred yards in one piece, definitely repairable coming to rest in the back garden of an abandoned terraced house. He had picked the right spot for his force landing, considering Andrew was a bad pilot he had done a breathtaking job that would have killed anyone else; he must not have fully understood the risks. Andrew was unconscious due to the violence of the impact on landing, if the jet caught fire he would have burnt alive but the plane didn’t, the locater beacon in the plane and bleeped his location alerting the Frontier Corps that another fighter was down. A second rescue squad was sent out to assist the pilot and check if the Kahlia Akasha warplane was recoverable; recovery would not be possible until the army attack was repulsed or a ceasefire negotiated but both of those outcomes were debatable. Frontier Corps intel officers guessed Andrew had sot down between three and six enemy transport craft, if and when they got to him he could confirm his five kills.

Gothic Lucinda flew at full speed through the army transport craft formation not caring about anything just survival she locked up several craft but they were too close for any missiles so she fired her guns. Most of her 30mm shells missed but a couple struck a transport giving her a damaged claim, it kept in formation and flew on. Gently turning and avoiding some gunfire seemingly aimed at her she messed with her controls trying to figure out what to do, not coming to any decision she just flew around randomly firing the last of her shells and hitting nothing. It did feel good though when the powerful twin cannon fired underneath her just like a sex slave under her twenty plus stone voluptuous body. Changing direction and seeing if any missiles locked onto anything she was rewarded with a steady missile tone, she pressed the trigger expecting nothing to happen getting a rude surprise when four small heat seeking weapons left their rails and whooshed away from her. The bright rocket engines blinded her infrared goggles momentarily but she shook her head and looked ahead seeing her weapons guide onto their targets. Even brighter lights popped out from two transport craft decoying two missiles but the other two hit two craft blowing them to smithereens killing everyone aboard, again. Shrapnel from the warhead damaged one of the craft that decoyed her missile; smoke came from its back end. It changed direction and headed straight for Gothic Lucinda increasing speed until it reached seven hundred miles per hour, she was touching six hundred and had no time to turn or roll out of the way. When the two craft came together an act of violence occurred ripping both machines apart giving the transport pilot kill and Gothic Lucinda a kill making her an ace. She never knew this for she died in the resulting explosion, her huge body was torn to pieces and burning flesh and body fat mixed with other falling charred flesh, metal and burning fuel finally settling onto the ground and causing another grass fire. Frontier Corps HQ got another failure in one of their jets’ data links signalling another fatality. This time they had no accurate location due to interference from English army jamming but the two teams already dispatched would keep their eyes open for a third downed jet fighter. With the dozens of burning wrecks on the ground the chances of finding her downed fighter were remote especially after a mid-air collision.

The pilot called “Pilot” was a victor from the earlier air battle against the English army where he had gained great experience when he had damaged some of the transport craft including one of the dangerous special ones with a powerful gun on it. He had been damaged and crash-landed his shot up propjet fighter, now he wanted more revenge to add to his two radar kills. Diving and climbing randomly Pilot locked up a distant pair of transport craft and fired his two remaining missiles shooting them cleanly down making that four radar guided missile victories. Climbing steeply for the main troop transport formation he selected short-range missiles and turned a half circle toward the approaching craft. At each ninety-degree angle of the semi circle he calmly fired a single infrared missile notching up two more easy kills. Deciding against repeating the same manoeuvre he half rolled his warplane violently enjoying the gravitational forces pressing him into his comfy pilots seat. Diving for a thousand feet he flew low level just above the dark grassy fields to pick another part of the huge formation to attack. Flying at maximum speed of over six hundred miles per hour he pulled the control stick to his balls and commenced a vertical climb picking out two more fat transport craft on radar and backed up by infrared. Closing the distance he clicked the trigger and fired turning away to head back down into the weeds, closing has radar down and throttling his engine back to cut his heat profile. Up above one transport exploded the other missile was a failure having broken the lock and gone ballistic. It flew for five miles and exploded harmlessly in the rear of the formation, shame it the relock on system had failed too. No bright birdcage decoys had been launched by the transport craft, a malfunction saved it and its crew. Counting to ten and then opening this throttle to max Pilot began a huge lazy turn to the left wing of the formation selecting Guns on his control stick. Now only armed with his 30mm gun he would get another kill before RTB to re-arm and refuel and rejoin the fight. Picking up two transports flying level slowly he climbed up quickly underneath them, when within range he fired his cannon keeping his finger on the trigger watching in satisfaction when his big fat shells exploded bang in the middle of the first craft. Moving his feet shifted his rudder controls and moved his fire onto the second transport, which also exploded in a huge fireball following the first one in a rain of burning fragments falling to earth. Pilot rolled out of the way of the burning metal and headed back to base with thirty-six rounds of cannon ammunition remaining, he was a sensible experienced pilot who used his head and kept his cool not pressing his luck. He clicked his radio mike twice giving his agreed signal to return to base and sent the number “Nine” over the data link giving an accurate kill count, the most accurate of yet.. Depending upon the tactical situation Pilot would either fly another air-to-air mission or rearm for ground attack to stop the slower approaching army land vehicles. He would adapt as the military situation did, being in his element using his previous flying training from his shady past. He never told anyone what warplanes he previously flew or with whom but his services were very welcome.

Gant flew reasonably well, not as good as Sandra or Pilot but better than Lucinda or his mate Andrew. He had two kills and wanted more being the aggressively competitive man he was. “Where to start? There’s plenty of targets,” he muttered to himself. Gant brought his Kahlia Akasha jet around into the right of the massed transport craft formation at four hundred miles per hour, looking down he saw the transports flew in levels. There were at least three layers of craft he picked the middle to make it hard for them to shhot him down and a challenge to himself, increasing speed to five hundred he angled down towards his enemy. Glancing down at his radar display he set up his two radar missiles for the two craft on the very edge of the middle layer. On his throttle control in his left had was a small joystick that moved in a circle, quickly moving it and placing his computer cursor over the two single dots on his radarscope he clicked each one twice. The first click locked the radar onto the target in conjunction with a radar guided missile; the second click launched the missile onto the target. A multimode radar was in the nose of the Aeroprogress T-720 Kahlia Akasha fighter, it was a wonderful bit of kit, even the old set in the old design new builds was very good though old. Aiming missiles was so easy either work with the Head Up Display mounted before the pilot, use the infrared sight with or without the radar on or use a Helmet Mounted Sight to aim the weapons by turning your head. These aiming options worked well with either short-range infrared heat seeking missiles or long-range radar guided weapons, more efficient ways to get weapons on target to kill your enemy. Gant smiled when the two weapons sped onwards to their targets, “That is for killing my two gangster mates Joyce and Gerald. You fuckin, cunts it’s time for some gangster payback!”

Doing a hard six g turn Gant left his missiles to arrow into the formation causing death and confusion in the middle ranks. Rolling his warplane inverted he looked up out of his canopy to find another target, flying a gentle arc upside down he let gravity bring his airplane down the arc to meet up with more transport craft. Moving his weapon selector to short range missiles he got ready to set the shot up, there! A single transport on it’s own slightly out of formation, still upside down he pressed the trigger once sending one missile into the face of the craft. Both connected in a huge explosion that made five kills now. Rolling level he climbed up steeply opening his throttle to max to get full power in his heady climb, up into the night sky over the formation. Gant saw bright flashes a couple of miles away, some kind of special ammo must be the same type as was used on town in the earlier attack. Got to watch them he thought angrily. Off to his right two fingers of flame glowed brightly orange and blue slowly falling to earth like big flaming flowers before flickering out, more kills by his mates. Several faint streams of tracer shells reached out seemingly for nothing, fuck! One stream zoomed past him even as he climbed steeply now well above the formation, glancing at his altitude he saw he was at twenty four thousand. Someone was climbing after him to shoot like that; machine guns were close range weapons. If they want to fight so be it! Closing his throttle control abruptly Gant felt his Kahlia Akasha fighter hang in space and stall almost immediately hanging there in a stall turn before gravity took hold and their fall to earth slowly commenced. In this time he selected Guns on his control, there! A dark fat shape climbed rapidly past on a blue tail of fire, a single army transport had tried to intercept him. How was that possible? He was in a stealth fighter invisible to radar but his engine was on full power so a small heat signature could have been picked up, still try some of this you cunt contemplated Gant tickling his trigger. A dozen fat cannon shells left his twin cannon and connected with the climbing transport now almost a thousand feet ahead, it was just starting to turn around when it exploded like a massive grenade. The methane fuel tank went up and falling bits of metal hurried down to Gant who was slowly falling backwards in his jet. Kicking right rudder and opening his throttle he avoided the danger and increased velocity to combat speed, looking down by infrared he picked three more transports and locked them up. Three more heat seeking missiles merged down onto the slower craft holding perfect formation, what a way to die he thought that one who broke formation to come and get me had balls. Each missile was a kill giving Gant a grand total of nine with most of his weapons expended leaving a hundred or so cannon shells. He data linked his score back to HQ, yes nine was a good score but time for a few more with my gun ammo. Diving down back into the formation Gant was suddenly blinded by a huge white light, it was like a new dawn but that wasn’t possible it was just before 1 PM. The bright light faded replaced by three more, Gant couldn’t see now but he felt an enormous heat wave surround and engulf him and heard a huge roaring sound, then nothing.

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