Monday 5 August 2024

The Town of Golden Nipples - The Best of Juniper’s Daughter - Fragmented Whole/Juniper’s Daughter - Black Lense


The Town of Golden Nipples - The Best of Juniper’s Daughter - Fragmented Whole/Juniper’s Daughter - Black Lense


Nick Armbrister

Copyright 2020 Nick Armbrister. All rights reserved.


I ask PAGAN GODDESS JUNIPER why there’s so much war and murder in the world. She told me the DEVIL wants to take our world for his. Welcome to the oldest war in history - light versus darkness... will the scales tip into darkness? Together, we can stop Him.


Juniper’s Daughter Picks a Man (version)

   On a cold rainy early winters night Juniper’s Daughter landed her flying disc on the car park of Aldi supermarket and went for a beer. She was dressed in casual attire, not to stand out, and wanted a man doing it the old skool way. She sauntered into the bar, holding the door open with one hand and let all the guys in the venue get a good look at her, in turn she took in each of them; most were crap but one caught her eye. Slowly she looked his way and made eye contact and entered, walking over to him. Two dozen sets of male eyes and several female tracked her as she went to the bar and stood next to the man. The witch shook her hair and ruffled it with her hand. Turning, she glanced at the man and announced in her Danish accent, “Hi there, you gonna buy me a drink then?”

   The man looked at the young woman beside him noticing that she was toned up under her loose fitting casual clothes and replied, “Yea why not. What are you having?”

   “Why young man, I’ll have you! I mean I’ll have a beer!” commented the girl.

   Laughing, the witch slightly blushed. This got the man excited and guaranteed his interest in her. His gaze never left Juniper’s Daughter. She looked into space at the spirit bottles upside down behind the bar. The man ordered the drinks in a flustered voice. Losing his cool a little? She smiled gently at him and asked his name. He replied, “Jason.”

   “I’m Anna but people call me The Witch due to my blond hair and looks coz I’m from Denmark. I don’t mind that actually.”

   “Really? I’ve never been to Denmark though I like the beer they make, it’s really good. Have you drunk it?”

   “Oh yes my love, I’ve had it many times. Thanks for the beer.”

   The couple was quiet for a minute drinking their drinks and thinking about the other. He liked the blond lady, she wasn’t like local gals and did she really want him or did she slip up? She liked the young man from first glance and soon she would make love to him in her flying disc, disguised as a car, after their drinks. Moving closer to the man, Jason, Anna gently held his hand and slowly moved her face towards his and kissed him once on the lips. He didn’t back away or resist, he met her kiss and parted the witch’s tongue with his, kissing her deeply. She closed her eyes and ignored the envious looks from other people at the bar and tables in the pub. A few people whispered and pointed, this doesn’t normally happen and who was this foreign exotic stranger? After a long timeless kiss the witch let her hand brush Jason’s jeans, feeling his bulge. They kissed again and finished their drinks. She whispered that she wanted him and held out her hand, he took it and followed her. Together they left the pub and walked over to the car park where her ‘car’ was parked.

   Inside the Fiat Punto MK7, Juniper’s Daughter reclined the driving seat and smiled to herself, the cloaking kit on her disc sure was good; making it look like the newest souped up Fiat hot hatch.

   The guy was suitably impressed, commenting, “Nice Wheels!”

   “Thanks Jason. What do you think of me? Do you want to make love to me?” she said, smiling.

   “Yes please Anna!” he replied, nodding.

   “Let’s do it then!”

   The witch lifted up her skirt and her bare smooth legs shone in the dim moonlight, this excited the young man who touched her leg in awe, he couldn’t believe how nice Anna was. Like she wasn’t human! He ran his hand up to her thigh, she groaned in pleasure. He didn’t stop, going up to her fanny; she had no panties on! He felt her moist warm cunt with shaved pubes and stroked it gently. He brought her to arousal. Delicately he inserted a finger up her tight but well-fitting hole. She grabbed his cock in his jeans, squeezed and rubbed the bulge. It was plain to see what he wanted to do to her. There would be no backing out now.

   She kissed him deeply like a hunter after her prey, no let-up even when it was cornered. Who was the hunter and who was the hunted? With one hand she undid his zip and flicked his dick out, she had done this many times before. His cock twitched in utter anticipation. Anna held his cock with one hand and wanked him off as fast as possible. Her other hand gently traced the outline of Jason’s neck, for a reason only known to the witch. Her man moaned and screamed, “Oh yes!” as his cock bulged with blood and he spunked up.

   His cum shot out all over her hand, she went down to lick her hand and then the dribbling liquid from his dick; he groaned and closed his eyes while she sucked his cock. He struggled to finger her with one finger. Such was the event affecting him. His whole body felt light and his vision was unfocused in the darkness, he shut his eyes and orgasmic oblivion claimed him. His single finger inside the witch went limp. Juniper’s Daughter started whispering magical incantations only known to her. Jason couldn’t hear these and it would sound like she was calling his name. The circle was complete, she was sucking his cock and his finger was inside her pussy, soon she would make love to him and claim him for hers forever.

   Juniper’s Daughter removed Jason’s jeans so he was naked from the waist down; she lifted up her skirt and climbed on top of the youth, ready to fuck him to death. A trick she had done many times and utterly enjoyed doing, a real thrill quite unlike any other. Jason moved underneath Anna, as she got comfortable, she whispered to reassure the lad that everything was fine. His large cock slid inside with little effort, her cunt was tight and well lubricated. Immediately she moved, gently up and down, feeling his hardness fill her hole. She was on it and smiled, knowing she had her man, again. She rode him good and proper like it had to be done, getting every inch of his supersonic love muscle in her tight cunt. She shut her eyes and focused her magical power on her cunt. Her brow furrowed under her effort of making love and bringing her magical power online within herself. Almost silently she whispered her incantations. Jason thought she was whispering his name and he called back, “Anna, oh my Anna!”

   He started to cum up the witch, this was the signal to her pussy juice to do its own magic and it started to suck in the bucking lad, who was underneath the witch, inside of her.

   Up her cunt he disappeared, he screamed in pain as his penis was sucked deeper into the realms of the witch. What the fuck was happening? He opened his eyes, wide with terror, just as he came. His orgasm shot through his body, diminishing the pain for a second. He used this time to try and free himself but it was no use. Juniper’s Daughter had her man!

   “What the fuck are you doing?” screamed Jason in utter panic to the witch who still bucked and bounced on her victim. His balls were sucked up her cunt in a hideous action taking the flesh off his upper legs with them. This continued until his legs broke and snapped like matchsticks, he screamed and shouted in agony. People from the nearby pub heard this but didn’t interfere. They knew a forward gal like this could handle herself and if anything happened, it was Jason’s fault.

   Anna smiled and talked more loudly, she didn’t mind Jason hearing her secret spells; dead men told no secrets. Now his lower legs went up her cunt, flesh, muscle, skin, bone and blood sucked up inside the small slim witch, to where?

   Jason waved his hands around and hit the witch but these made her punch him back, he fell against the seat unconscious. He was lucky he would die in peace. His upper body started its journey inside the witch under her magic power, being sucked with the rest of Jason up into her cunt. In ten minutes it was over, not a trace of Jason remained, not even a drop of blood or a single hair. Anna smiled and brushed her hair. Leaving her Punto sports car, she went to another pub in search of a new victim. She fancied her chances with a girl this time. It had been a while since she had lesbian sex…

   Jason had previously abducted and murdered two teenage girls. His third potential victim was never aware she was his next target or that her would be abductor was dead. Juniper’s Daughter had stepped in and stopped a monster. She knew who was innocent and who was guilty. It was a savage world and she was a savage witch. Now it was time to find an evil girl and enact the most basic justice.





Juniper’s Daughter - Barren

   Anna spent many hours every day thinking of the time when she was banished to the island. It was actually “her island” now. She had been here twenty five years; she knew so by the turn of the seasons and marked each down upon the wall of her stone cottage. Banished because she was infertile and would never have children, to this place one hundred and fifty miles off the Norwegian coast, a prison without bars. In her bones she felt her loneliness as she stared out to sea, looking at the turbulent waves. They were always in motion like her wounded mind. Sighing, Anna turned and walked back to her cottage. The afternoon light was perfect; it was time to paint another tortured painting of the ocean. She knew the sea felt her pain, that the ocean was her jailer. Not her lost husband who banished his young wife here, he was innocent in Anna’s eyes, acting on his father’s orders. Standing before her canvas, Anna sighed and mixed her colours together before her. A crazy image took shape where everything was moving. Ocean blue was her favourite colour. She’d leave out the strange yellow lights. A single tear ran down her cheek. Her pain was eternal, yet she smiled.

   Anna turned the metal music up on her stereo. Iron Maiden blared out of the speakers. She worked on her canvas, her artwork was nearly finished. In her mind she remembered what had occurred yesterday. It was terrifying but her fear of the event was short lived, overcome by curiosity. This wasn’t of this place, her island prison. She had been watching the sea, the blues and greens were forever moving. Something made the ocean move in the wrong way.

   “What the hell?” Anna stuttered.

   The sea kicked upwards and rose many metres, then exploded in a huge tower of white spray. A silver object, totally unnatural, slowly rose out of the depths. It broke loose of the vast salty water and was free; it was like a newly minted coin, silver and quite magnificent. Rather beautiful yet overtly malevolent. What or who was inside the flying disc? It rose effortlessly and arced round with no sound. Dipping slightly as it turned, Anna saw it was perfect in its design. She stood rooted to the spot, scared or interested? The disc slowed and landed twenty yards away from Anna, on the grass by the cliff top. One minute later the side opened up and a figure emerged, she had flame red hair. In a hushed voice she announced: “I came to help you.”

   “Who the heck are you?” Anna gasped, looking at the person before her, mouth wide open in amazement.

   “Anna, my name is Juniper’s Daughter. I don’t want you to be afraid; I promise I won’t hurt you. I want to help you,” Juniper’s Daughter said, smiling.

   “How do you know me? Where did you come from? How can you fly that... that thing, from out of the sea, just like that? That’s not possible!”

   “Yes it is Anna. You saw it with your own eyes. How can that be a lie? This craft was built by aliens a long time ago. I use their ship for the good of humankind, call it my job. Listen,” explained the witch, “I know you have a bad leg. Do you want me to heal it?”

   “My leg? How the fuck do you know about that? You can’t see it because of my brown skirt,” Anna replied, looking down at her windblown skirt. Her leg ached, as always.

   “If you let me heal it, then you’ll believe me.”

   Anna thought about it for a few minutes, glancing at her leg, to the strange woman before her and at her flying saucer. Finally, Anna nodded. “Yes, do it.”

   “Okay, please come here and stand before me,” instructed Juniper’s Daughter.

   “Okay,” agreed the island woman. She slowly walked over and stopped one metre from the witch.

   “This won’t take long and will be painless.” Juniper’s Daughter knelt down and touched Anna’s leg. Lifting up her brown cotton skirt, the witch saw the raw wound that refused to heal and grimaced. Purple scabs covered half of Anna’s lower leg; newer ones were a vivid red. Placing her left hand over the affected area, Juniper’s Daughter closed her eyes and whispered several strange incantations. Her breathing became deep and regular, she concentrated and focused her positive healing energy. A sudden white light came forth from her hand, totally obscuring Anna’s leg. The light rose in brightness till it was impossible to look at. Then suddenly it was gone.

   “What the hell?” whispered Anna. She saw fresh pink skin where the old scars and ruddy wound had been. “That’s not possible.”

   “Now do you believe me? Your wound is healed. The new skin will soon be the same colour as the surrounding skin and you won’t be able to spot the difference. Be careful when you walk over the rocks, you don’t want to fall and hurt yourself again,” said the red haired girl, standing up. She offered her hand in friendship. Anna took it and they shook. Friends.


   Back in the present, Anna left her finished canvas to dry and cleaned her brushes. She ejected the music CD from her stereo and turned it off. Walking over to her LCD TV, she picked up the remote and clicked it on. Going to the War Channel, she watched a movie called The Blue Max. Anna loved war films, especially ones about aircraft and air battles. She relaxed in her red leather easy chair and watched the film. In her mind though, the stocky woman was uneasy. It was the things Juniper’s Daughter had said to her that spooked her. Things about having a baby and being back with her lost husband again. Anna knew that was all impossible, all of it, but being inside the flying saucer when the strange woman said it, somehow swayed Anna’s mind. A glimmer of hope?

   Anna’s biggest fears were like the Devil’s shopping list. She couldn’t have kids and was totally infertile. Anna had been banished to this little island for twenty five years. To do that, her husband mustn’t have loved her and now he would be long settled with someone else. No man would want her now, including her former husband. She was middle aged and going grey, her brown hair ruined by grief and stress. Her brown eyes were dead eyes, with no positive emotions. Only insanity and pain lived in those once sparkly happy eyes. Her fair complexion was ravaged and blown away by the strong northerly winds. She was a hollow shadow of her past self. Stop worrying, she told herself and watch the film.

   Later Anna fed her only companion, her dear friend and pet, Tom. He was a wild rabbit who had been lost in a storm and she found him when he was half dead. Nursing him back to health, she gave him food, water and lots of love. Now he was very tame and friendly, her only friend. Anna didn’t consider Juniper’s Daughter a friend, why should she? She hadn’t seen another person in twenty five years and what about the strange entry the mad woman had made? Flying out of the sea in an alien craft. Just crazy!

   “What do you think Tom? Is she mad? She’s the first person I’ve seen in all my time here and you know what? I’m not bothered, no not at all. People are the reason I ended up here, banished forever. Fuck them!” Anna ranted, passing her pet rabbit a home grown carrot. He took it hungrily. “Only you matter Tom. Nobody else, not at all”

   Tom ate his carrot and squeaked once in agreement.

   “Still, I always wanted kids and still do. Do you think she tells the truth? Am I too old to bear a child? I’m forty five now. She says such lies,” sighed Anna, taking a drink of homemade beer. She needed a drink, a strong one, after recent events. I’ll always be alone, she thought, wiping away a tear. Not even my holidays on the other side of my island help stop my pain. Do they make it worse?


   The strange red haired woman called Juniper’s Daughter returned a few days later, to see how Anna was and if her leg was fine. Anne was walking by the cliff edge, peering down over the five hundred foot drop at the waves crashing upon the rocks far below. White spray made the rocks glisten like newly melted chocolate. Each crashing wave made a booming noise that Anna liked. It reminded her why she was hear and gave her something to look forward to – doing a new painting of those very waves and ocean. Suddenly from out of the dark rain filled clouds a series of yellow lights appeared, blinking on and off several times.

   “Looks like bitch is back with her fancy flying machine,” commented Anna, angrily spitting over the cliff edge, into the wind. It didn’t blow back in her face.

   From out of the clouds the silver object appeared, itself taking on the look of a cloud. Yellow lights showed its disc like outline against the murk. The object rapidly grew larger and dropped below the cloud base and majestically landed, like a ballerina doing a somersault with the grace of a swan. It was fifty yards away on a flat area of ground, far from the cliff. Was the witch scarred of the drop? thought Anna. Looking over, she saw a hole appear in the smooth metal craft and the red haired girl stepped out.

   “Greetings Anna, how are you doing?” shouted Juniper’s Daughter over the wind. The opening closed and she walked over.

   “I knew you’d come back, I saw your lights in the sky. I know you’re a witch,” replied Anna, ignoring the question on her health.

   “Yes you’re correct; I am a witch, amongst other things. I heal as you know. How is your leg? Fine I presume?” commented the witch.

   “Only a witch would possess such a craft as a flying saucer and only a witch could heal my injured leg like that. My leg is okay, no blood or pain. I thank you for that. I didn’t mean to be insolent before when you healed it. It’s just I haven’t seen another person in a very long time.” Anna looked downcast and gazed longingly out to sea. She sighed and blinked away her tears.

   “Do you want to see him? I can take you there, right now in my flying disc. All you need to do is say yes.” Juniper’s Daughter knew how sad Anna was, at her continued isolation on her island from her husband. Not even twenty five years killed her love for him, it made it even stronger. That was admirable.

   “You can take me there? Right now? You’re not lying or tricking me, are you?”

   “No, no I would never lie or trick you Anna. I mean what I say. I will take you to your husband right now if you want me to.”

   “Yes. Take me, right now. Right this very moment,” Anna answered, smiling as tears flowed down her face. She didn’t mind the witch seeing her weep now.

   “Come Anna, take my hand. You won’t ever be alone or sad ever again.”

   The two women held hands and walked to the silver craft that rested upon the green grass, under a moody grey sky on an island surrounded by a blue green sea that was never still. Climbing aboard the disc, they entered this fantastic machine. It soon zoomed out of sight and headed towards the Norwegian mainland guided by destiny herself. A witch called Juniper’s Daughter.


   In a small fishing village, a man struggled to sleep. As usual, he was haunted by dreams which killed his rest and made him feel uneasy. The same dream every night for twenty five years: the banishing of his dear wife to an off shore island because she was barren. She would never give him a son to continue his bloodline. His “new” wife of twenty four years was by his side, asleep. He had never loved her, not like he did his first wife. Yes, he was fond of her but it wasn’t love. She had given him three children, of which two were boys. His family bloodline was safe for another generation. It was his father who had found the second wife, the daughter of a neighbouring family. The ceremony was a rushed affair, as if it would remove the memory of the failed first marriage. Did his father know his son still loved his banished wife, even now over two decades later? What would he do if his son sailed to the island to join his wife, send a hunting party to kill them both? A violent law of family existed here; betray that and you were as good as dead.

   Suddenly there was a whooshing noise and the wooden house shook. This jerked the man awake from his worries, he got out of bed and made his way outside, wearing only his night clothes. On the field in front of the house was such a crazy sight. A shiny silver disc lit up yellow, illuminating the scene. In front of the disc were two women. One was dark haired, maybe red, and the other was someone strangely familiar. It was his first wife, his real wife! He ran over and almost stumbled over the rough grass. In seconds he was with her, in her arms. She had changed so much! The years hadn’t been kind to her, she was going grey and her eyes were sad eyes. Yet it was still her! His Anna! How was this possible?

   “My love, I knew you’d come. I knew you would. Every single day for twenty five years, I prayed you’d come back! You have returned my love!” said the man, Anna’s husband, through his tears. He fell to his knees in utter shock.

   Anna smiled and her eyes came alive, for the first time in all those years. She smiled at her husband and knelt down, embracing him. She kissed him. He returned her kiss; she felt his tears on her cheek. “We’re together now. Come with me and join me on the island. No one will interfere or stop us.”

   “How did you know I was here? What is that machine? Who is your friend?” asked the man, incredulous.  Slowly he regained his composure and stood up, not taking his eyes of the scene before him or the girl in his arms. “You want me to leave? And leave all of this? My family and my home? My livelihood and my parents? You know what my father is like. He hasn’t changed; he’ll pursue us and kill us all.”

   “I promise to answer all of your questions when we leave, all of them. We can be together, do you want that? I do, I have all this time. I’ve never stopped loving you, not for one moment. Join me my love on my island.”

   Silence descended on the scene. The man thought it over. Leave his wife, who he never loved, to look after their children. What about his vengeful father? He quickly decided.

   “Let’s go. Right now. I never did love my second wife. She’s not like you,” he said, looking back at his house. It looked like it belonged to a stranger. It did. Fuck his father; he’d caused enough heartbreak already, especially for Anna.

   “We must go now,” Juniper’s Daughter commented, joining the conversation. She indicated to the opening in the craft.

   “Come on my love,” Anna whispered, urging her husband to go. She took his hand and led him to the disc. They climbed aboard. The witch entered last, she cast a spell so no one would miss the absent husband or realize where he had gone. Silently the disc took off and flew into the clouds, out of sight.

   “Liam my dear, how I missed you. I waited twenty five years for this to happen, for us to be back together,” Anna said, embracing her husband. They were sat on a red leather seat in the craft’s control room. The witch sat separately in the pilot’s seat and flew the disc.

“We won’t be apart again, not ever. Tell me my dear Anna, who is your friend and how did she rescue me?”

   “My husband, this is Juniper’s Daughter. She’s my friend and helps people like us. She’s a good soul. And we’re in her fantastic flying disc.”

   “Wow, it’s like she was sent by God to help bring us back together. Kiss me my dear,” Liam said. He held his wife and welcomed her kiss. In his heart it was like yesterday when they had last kissed. A little later, Anna answered Liam’s questions. There were a lot of them.


   Arriving at Anna’s island, the disc landed and the couple embarked. Juniper’s Daughter stayed aboard her craft. Goodbyes were said and she took off, on new missions doing who knew what. She promised to return soon. Anna and Liam made love inside her quaint stone cottage; there was no worry of infertility or of anyone coming to harm the couple. Finally there were together. How long would it be till someone else joined them? A third little person? The witch had left her positive legacy through words and actions, some of which Anna was aware of. Did she know that the witch had genetically modified her barren body, allowing her to bear children, even at forty five years of age, with alien genetic science? Maybe Anna was aware. She was happy being reunited with her lost love. They had a lot of catching up to do. Love could endure and a happy ending ensue...






   The three great tribes were at war, many hundreds of people had perished in the huge conflict. It wasn’t clear who would win. It could easily end up with only three men remaining, each a warrior of the warring tribes. After that, there would be no one left. Juniper had let the war go on long enough, now she had to act. If not, she would be guilty of letting the slaughter get out of hand. The tribal warriors had killed and been killed enough times, their lesson had been learnt. It was time to stop the killing. She picked the strongest tribe to be the fulcrum of the event.

   Juniper was always earthbound, doing her roles of healer, witch and warrior woman. She was divinely worshipped as a Mother Goddess of fertility and a dozen other things. Her battle skills were equal to her life giving skills; she needed to fight to defeat her stubborn opponents when her magic wouldn’t work. Skilled in arcane arts, she was a spell weaver and magician of supreme power. Her hands could give life and take it away. Her crystals were her magical key and her bows and arrows were her life taker. A weapon she crafted herself and used with deadly efficiency. Dressed in animal skins, Juniper was an athletic figure of intelligence and emotions. She understood herself, her world and her subject. There was nothing she didn’t know. Experience taught her everything and knowledge was her key in winning her battles against the darkness. Dark energy balanced out the light side and goodness, like the day replacing the night. Such was Stone Age life in what would become Europe many aeons later.

   She could travel by foot, silently and stealthily, to surprise her enemies and bring them to heel. Or she was able to travel instantly from one place to another by using her magic power channelled through her crystal wand. This was a skill she used sparingly, early humans were very superstitious and their fear of the witch could overcome their desire to be led. Moving from place to place, the witch did her job. When the war broke out, this threatened to undo her previous efforts at keeping the peace and healing. She had to act now.


   Overlooking the flat plain on two sides, the low hills gave whoever held them command of the area. They were occupied by the stronger tribe called the White Spears. Their enemies were living uneasily side by side on the grasslands below, often fighting one another or attempting to take the high ground. Many warriors were killed in these forays. The coming battle would decide the issue of who kept the hills and also the low ground; there was a danger the two opposing tribes would be wiped out by the stronger enemy. Could Juniper stop this? She crept up the hill, keeping low to blend into the metre tall wild grass. Her bow and arrow were ready to be used in anger. With her senses keyed up, she was ready for anything; this was her time. Up ahead she saw camp fires and heard voices, several warriors were on guard and would be armed. Slowly she advanced.

   In the White Spear camp a warrior named Nian held his spear to his chest. His weapon shone in the firelight. He hadn’t killed a man yet but he had been involved in several skirmishes with the tribes on the flatlands. It was a matter of time before he got his first kill and became a seasoned warrior veteran, one of the men. Then he could claim a wife and build his own dwelling for his family. He itched for war and to kill an enemy, he felt it in his veins; they ran hot with a lust for action that often overwhelmed him. Nian wanted to go down the hill alone and wipe his enemies out all by himself. His warrior elders warned him not to do this, he would be cast out of the tribe and be an enemy himself. There were ways of doing things. Just then, he saw movement in the grass, past the flames of the dying fire. He instinctively knew something or someone was there. Maybe an enemy or a wild beast. He judged the distance and threw his white spear into the grass where he saw movement. His sleek two metre spear arced out and into the grass. A scream of pain was Nian’s reward. He got up and ran to the grass, shouting to his brethren to join him, that there was an enemy in their midst.

   Juniper had fucked up; she moved too close to the edge of the camp and was spotted. The spear caught her in her thigh. It was a bad wound and bled profusely. She knew she was beaten before her battle had begun and this changed everything. Suddenly there were figures standing before her, towering over the grass, shouting and pointing. Before she passed out, she felt them roughly lifting her and taking her to their camp. Mercifully she felt no more pain. Juniper never even got a single arrow off.


   Later Juniper awoke. It was dark. She was in a cave. They hadn’t covered her eyes but had gagged her and bound her hands behind her. Looking down she saw her thigh was roughly bandaged with dried leaves and animal fur to stop the blood. Moving her injured leg, she bit into her gag and fell back against the wall. It hurt like hell. Juniper was about to do a healing spell upon herself to take the pain away when she stopped. If I heal myself or stop the pain, they may know that I’m more than I seem, that I’m a witch, she thought. If they found out, she could be put to death and sacrificed. Or revered as a queen. One thing at once, thought Juniper, lying back and closing her eyes. The pain receded to a dull ache and she slept.

   Daylight shone in through the cave entrance, waking the witch. She groaned and sat upright. Her body ached due to the awkward position she was in. Her hands were numb and her wounded leg was sore. Suddenly the daylight was blocked out; there was someone there. A man, a warrior, stood by the entrance. He studied the witch and she did him. She recognized him as the spear thrower. He nodded and walked over to her. In his hand he held a white spear, stained black with blood. Her blood.

   “I see you’re awake,” commented the young warrior. Slowly he walked over and keeping his distance, he pulled down her gag with one hand.

   “Yes, I am,” confirmed the witch, when she could speak. She spat on the floor and took a deep breath.

   “How is your leg? Does it hurt?”

   “No, it doesn’t,” Juniper replied, looking down to her wound.

   “Really? You’re a bad liar. I spared your life so we could capture you. We know who you are and what your intentions are,” the man boasted, nodding. He had his own plans for her.

   “What do you mean? What is this you say? I was hungry and came up here looking for food. I was about to make myself known to you and ask for some food when you speared me.”

   “You want food? Here, have some of this.”

   “What is it?”

   “Cooked flesh from a prisoner we caught from the Red Stone tribe. He was a brave fighter, now he feeds our tribe. Eat.”

   The warrior placed his white spear carefully against the wall, out of reach of the witch, and knelt down. In his hand he held a piece of blackened meat, scorched by the fire. He broke some off and put it in the prisoner’s mouth.

   “Don’t bite me or I’ll knock your teeth out. You like it?”

   Juniper nodded compliance and chewed the tough flesh. It was muscle. Its owner must have been a fine warrior. Yes, it’s okay, thought the witch. She had to eat, she was famished and had to win her captors respect. Eating the flesh would achieve just that. She swallowed it.

   “That’s good. Thank you. May I have some more?”

   “Yes, you may.”

   Again the warrior gave his prisoner some meat. He noticed she liked it and he smiled his approval. He gave her the last bit and said he had to check her leg, to see if it was infected. Very carefully, he removed the dressing of leaves and skin.

   Juniper winced when the leaves were removed, some clotted blood was pulled free and it stung. A bit of blood bled from the edge of the wound. The rest was closed up. It wasn’t as bad as she had feared. She needed to kiss his arse. Her plan had to work; especially now she was hurt. It was a high price to pay.

   “You’re a fine spear thrower; you got me with a good throw. You could have killed me,” she said.

   “Yes, I’m the finest spear thrower of our tribe and I’ve killed many enemies of our tribe. I could have killed you from fifty paces. You’re very lucky,” the warrior replied. He sprinkled some herbs onto her wound and put a new dressing of dried leaves and animal skin in place.

   “I am lucky, you’re right. You could have. How is my wound? Is that Night Fire you’re putting on to stop the infection?” She wanted to show him respect and that she had a little knowledge of herbs, to show she understood him and his actions. She knew he was lying about killing anyone, it wasn’t in his eyes. He was the one for her. He was pure and untouched by the Devil. She could steer him away from war and death.

   “You’re wound will heal with no problem. The leg will be stiff for a few days while the skin joins together. Yes, the herb is what you call Night Fire. We call it River Blood. It will stop any infection and dull the pain. Only a small amount is needed. How do you know about herbs?”

   “That’s good about my leg; I don’t want to be lame. I’d starve to death then. I wouldn’t be able to hunt with my bow and arrow. I’ve used some herbs for cooking and to heal minor cuts when I’ve been chasing animals to kill one.”

   “We don’t want you lame, there’s no danger of that. My spear throw was perfect. You can use your herbal skills when you’re well to heal our tribe and make our warriors stronger and better killers. As for your archery skills, I want to see them for myself.”

   “I will help you with my herbal skills. Looking at what you just did to my leg, I think you have much better knowledge than I do though. I agree to show you my bow skills when I can. I hope it’s not too long,” Juniper commented, knowing that the warrior now trusted her.

   “Good, I’m glad you agree. I won’t have to use any of my other skills on you then, to persuade you. You can stay here till you’re well. I’ll untie your hands and bring you some water. Your weapon is fine and in a safe place by the way,” the warrior replied. He motioned for the witch to lean forward so he could undo her bonds. He smelled her dirt and her essence, it turned him on and he wanted her. His cock twitched under his animal skin. Did she see it?

   “That’s very kind of you. I promise not to escape or be a burden to you. Thank you for tending my wound, for the food and keeping my weapon safe. When I’m well, you may have me and take me for your wife. If you want to,” she said. She knew she had him now; she held the power but did her best not to show it. She offered him everything.

   “Yes, when you’re well, I’ll take you and make you my wife. You can give me many strong sons to be future warriors for our tribe. What’s your name?”

   “I’m Juniper.”

   “Juniper... I’m Nian. It means Warrior of the Sky.”

   “Well Nian, I promise to be a good wife to you and I’ll give you many strong sons.”

   “Good Juniper. Now I’ll fetch you some water and let you rest.”

   “Thank you my warrior.” Juniper knew her mission was beginning, she was in the tribe!


   When Juniper had healed, she was allowed to walk about the tribe’s camp. She saw many brave warriors and many women with child, carrying the next generation of warriors. A limp still troubled her but she slowly made good progress and hobbled round best she could using a crude wooden crutch. Juniper sat on a wooden chair one of the tribal elders made for her to rest her leg. This allowed her to show the White Spear tribe her archery skills and how to make a strong lightweight bow and equally reliable arrows. Only certain wood would do, some were too heavy or would snap under the strain. The witch fashioned six good bows and fifty arrows, each was functional and could fire an arrow accurately up to three times the range of a thrown spear. She showed the male warriors how to aim and hit targets. They struggled with the pull of the bow string; it took a certain skill to master. Juniper was a good teacher. A bow and arrow were superior weapon systems when compared to the other tribes on the plain. Secretly the witch enchanted the bows to only be used for hunting, not to kill other humans or wage war. No one was aware that Juniper did this. She was cunning and slowly changing the destiny of the tribe, away from the war with the low land tribes. It was all part of her job. After one week of tuition and two weeks of practice, two of the warriors were competent in archery. One of these men was Nian. He killed a huge wild bison with three arrows. In celebration of this stunning feat, a feast was planned.

   A strong sense of cohesion ran through the camp. It was brought about by Juniper’s presence and her teaching of a new set of skills, allowing the tribe to hunt big game safely and efficiently. Planning for the feast was rapid. Tribal women painted themselves with red ochre to represent their connection to the earth and their Mother Goddess. Juniper herself was part of this. Male warriors donned ceremonial head gear and masks to appear as creatures of the night, supernatural beings called Elementals. The tribal elders and witch doctors went into trances and talked to those who had passed to the spirit world. Juniper secretly cast spells to allow for a good feast day and she knew it would rain, to bring atmosphere and allow the nearby river to quench the tribe’s thirst.

   Soon feast day was here. Juniper was able to walk unaided now. She wore a ceremonial dress made of woven animal pelts. She appeared as a symbolic witch. Did the tribe know what she really was? They’d soon find out. Nian’s bison was roasted on a spit and the feast began.

   “I see you’re dressed as a witch Juniper. That’s a good omen for you and the rest of us, yes indeed,” commented Nian, looking the slim woman up and down.

   “Thank you my warrior. My skills are little when compared to your own, especially your spear throwing ability,” Juniper humbly replied, looking at Nian’s chest.

   “Come witch woman, you’re my equal. You can use a bow; you taught our tribe some of your skills. For that, you’re my equal. Maybe in time you’ll be my wife and teach me everything you know. Yes you carry the scar of my spear skills, for that I’m truly sorry,” whispered the warrior. He knelt down and placed his head upon Juniper’s slim toned belly. She touched his head and soothed him.

   “It’s true I bare your scar upon my skin that marks me as yours. Yes I will be your wife and teach you all my skills. I will help your tribe and be your humble wife and their wise woman. Thank you, it would be an honour to be by your side as your wife Nian.”

   Nian looked up and smiled. He stood up and nodded agreement. “Thank you Juniper. For everything. Let’s celebrate even more.”

   “For a better future,” the witch said, happy her plan was working. “I love you Nian.”

   “Yes, we’ll make things better. I love you Juniper,” Nian confirmed. Opening his arms and looking at the other tribe members who danced and smoked ceremonial pipes, Nian shouted: “Hear this. Hear this White Spear tribe. Juniper has agreed to be my wife and teach myself, and the rest of you, everything she knows. T This feast will be the first of three to celebrate our wedding.”

   A huge cheer went up and dozens of people shouted and screamed in happiness. Many came over to Nian and Juniper and lifted them up above their shoulders. Pieces of cooked meat were passed up to them, as was locally made wine. The duo took all that was offered and their bellies became full. On went the party, all through the night. Two more feasts would follow and a huge wedding ceremony would bring harmony to the White Spear tribe. Their aggressive acts against the two low land tribes would fizzle out, bringing peace and stability. With the main war faring tribe ceasing its attacks upon the two lesser tribes, battle would end and trading could begin, when the time was right. Juniper was on the way to be a good peacemaker. Would she be a good mother when Nian gave her many sons and maybe a daughter? Time would tell, before then it was party time!





Juniper’s Daughter - Spring with My Family

   We went on a weekend to the Lake District, my love and I, in our flying disc. We had just been married not three months past. Ourselves together, my pagan witch wife and me, we were a family? Yes. In my eyes we were, extra additions would come later. Of that I (we) was sure.

   Climbing up Great Carrs mountain under a blue spring sky, we were under heaven. There was still snow on the tops; we passed the snowline at 2,500 feet. I used my pick hammer to lever myself up the steep incline, at the head of a U shaped valley. There was no glacier here now, only my wife and I. She was nimble and quick, needing only her toned limbs, ex British Army boots and thermal gloves to ascend the mountain. Looking back, she smiled down at me. She always beat me. I dug my hammer into the frozen earth and picked up some snow. My snowball hit her shapely behind; a shriek of surprise came forth. There was a wet patch on her jeans. 

   “Just wait till I get you on top, you’re for it!” she jested, nodding her head. With that, she turned and continued climbing the sheer fifty degree slope.

   “I know,” I chuckled, picking up my rock hammer and going on. “Is that a promise?”

   After half an hour more she reached the top of the mountain and stood on the rock edge. A vertical drop of a thousand feet was between her and the ground. Strenuously I finally got up to her, my muscles ached – no chance of a massage with her vivid expression. I stood there breathing heavily by her side. It was clear who the winner was – my dear wife. With a wicked smile she took my hand and in a Judo move, dropped me onto the snowy ground. A metre separated us from oblivion. She straddled my chest and proclaimed her win with a kiss.

   “I win my dear husband.”

   “I know you always do. You’re on top.”

   “Yes, I know.”

   “Take me then, winners reward.”

   “I like being on top. I’m a woman.”

   “I know,” I said, looking up at her pretty face, in shadow under a high spring sun. Below me, I saw the abyss of the valley created by monumental natural forces. What was my dear wife in comparison? She was part of the same world of nature, encompassing her, myself and my family.

   “Kiss me my love,” she whispered.

   I did so. Then we made love on an icy mountain, just us and this ancient timeless mountain in the greatest scenery on earth. Soon the circle would be complete, my pagan bride Juniper’s Daughter would be with child.





Juniper’s Daughter - Trip

   It was cloudy and we were lost in our airplane. A day trip in my brother’s plane turned out to be a nightmare – we were bloody lost! Our fuel was low. I kept an anxious eye upon the fuel gauge needle; it moved in only one direction, downwards to the empty mark. A fine mess!

   My brother grimaced and tapped the gauge. He too thought it was lying! Grimly he spoke: “This ain’t good Lee. We’ll have to ditch in the sea in ten minutes when our gas is gone. There’s no sign of the coast and the compass is bust.”

   I looked aghast at my brother. “What?”

   “In the sea. A force landing. I hope you can swim,” he added.

   Our plane flew lower and the engine stuttered. The grey sea looked menacing under equally grey clouds. We were going in! The engine stopped dead. We went down.

   “Oh shit!” I shouted.

   “Yes,” my bro commented.

   Our little aircraft spiralled down to the cold ocean. No more words were said; this was it. Time to die!


   Juniper’s Daughter and her disc emerged from the grey clouds to rescue the people and their plane just before it touched from the sea. It was a piece of cake for the witch. She grinned and engaged the tractor beam to grab the plane when it was ten meters above the sea. Two lives had been saved. How would the two men take being rescued by an immortal witch in an alien space craft? Would humans never learn about getting lost over the ocean? She would teach them a few basic navigation skills.





Juniper’s Daughter - A Holiday Horror

   Dan won a holiday in a competition he had entered three months ago. It was a break for two in Central Norway. As he was single, he took his mate called Lee with him. Both lads had been single for some time and welcomed a break from grimy Ashton.

   They were stood on a medium size mountain overlooking a glacier in a two mile wide valley. It was a stunning sight. “Quite something isn’t it?” Dan said, shielding his gaze from the midday sun. The glacier seemed to glow blue in the light. It was sunlight reacting with air bubbles within the ice.

   “Yes mate. You can see forever. It’s beautiful,” Lee commented, nodding in agreement.

   “Come on, let’s climb the rest of the mountain,” Dan indicated, pointing to the heights.

   “Okay if you want to. We’ll have to be careful,” the other agreed. It was potentially very dangerous, with jagged rocks on the icy mountain side.

   Both men turned and slowly ascended the two thousand foot high granite mountain. It towered over the one they were already on. On the way up, Lee thought of what Dan had done the year before. It was a nasty thought of a nasty event. He kept quiet, not alerting his mate to any trouble.

   Half an hour later both climbers reached the top. It had been an easy climb, avoiding the perilous rocks. Dan stood near the edge, at the summit. A pile of rocks indicated the highest point of 2,046 feet. He was about to say how nice the view of the valley was when Lee acted out his revenge. Anger burned inside his evil twisted heart, he thought of his wife who was now pregnant and living in France. She had slept with Dan and fled the country back to her parents.

   “I know full well what you did with my wife, Dan. For that, you must die!” Lee whispered, breaking Dan’s reverie of the valley.

   “What? What the fuck are you talking about?” Dan retorted, his eyes on his friend.

   “You fucked my wife and got her pregnant. Then she left England and fled to France, leaving me,” Lee angrily explained. He took a step towards Dan.

   “How... how the hell did you find out?” Lee gasped, his secret found out. He was seized by panic and looked around at the cliff edge. It was very close.

   “That’s right Dan, I’ve known all along. I saw you both together fucking, your cock going into the slag’s pussy. She was loving it, you pounding her cunt. And now you must pay the price.”

   “She seduced me. It wasn’t my fault. She started it, blame her!” Worry filled Dan’s entire body. He tried to speak but couldn’t.

   “Maybe so but she’s not here, she’s in France. You are and it’s time to die, you twat!” In one simple action, Lee pushed Dan off the top of the mountain. It was a long way down. Dan screamed once and fell out of sight.

   “Game over Danny-boy. You thought I never knew. I bided my time till now. Now that you’re dead, my revenge is complete. They’ll say it’s a simple climbing accident and I’ll get away with it. You swine!”

   Down below, Dan thudded onto the rocks, dead. Every bone in his body was broken.


   Step back in time. What would you have done? Murder your best friend or let it all go and forgive him? The ex-wife was a cow and look at the times Dan and Lee were having now, in lovely Norway. Time reverses. Back on the mountain top, above a blue glacier, two men take in the moment. After ten minutes, one spoke: “This place is beautiful. Look at it, this is perfect.”

   The other replied, “Yes, nothing is equal to the majesty of the mountains.”

   A cloudless powder blue sky arced overhead and black ravens flew cawing past. One of the two men, Lee, commented. “You did me a favour, last year.”

   “I know. I’m sorry but I had to do it Lee. I do regret it, making love to your wife,” replied Dan. His expression was like the stony ground that he gazed down upon.

   Lee thought for a minute. Should he confess his evil thoughts? Yes. Best this is sorted out, now, while they were alone. Anything could happen. “I was going to push you off the top and kill you, right now.”

   “What? You were what?” Dan gasped. The enormity of what his friend said hit home. I could be dead in the valley, at this instant, if Lee had pushed me off the edge. Why did he tell me, not do it? Does he feel guilty? Dan was full of anxiety, worry and another emotion he couldn’t place.

   “Yes, I was. I’d be a murderer then and carry the mark of Cain. I was so close to doing it Dan and I stopped. A split second before I was going to do it,” Lee whispered. He became morose and distant. Up above, ravens circled and chattered to one another. An omen?

   “I don’t know what to say, I don’t.” Dan gasped, his heart beating in his chest. He began to sweat and wiped his brow. He looked away from his cunning friend and at the valley. It was a peaceful scene.

   “Don’t say anything, forget it.”

   “No, I won’t be silent! I did you a favour Lee. The wife who took your cash is back in France, out of your life. Now it’s like the old days. We can go to the pub, see a live band and go on holiday. How can anything be better than this? Look at it,” Dan angrily shouted.

   “I was going to kill you, now I’m not. Don’t you see? I saw the error of my ways. I should have seen sense before I married the money grabbing bitch. I didn’t. You did me a favour, even if you did it like a cunt. I’m free of the gold digging bitch. You hurt my pride, that’s why I was going to murder you. My wounded pride, silly I know.” Lee had never been this honest in his life, not even to the cops when he had stolen a car when he was fifteen. He got off on that as there was no evidence. This was different, this was almost murder. What was he thinking? Almost killing his friend and now admitting it. Was he mad? Had he done the right thing? Slowly, the tension left his body and he knew he had. One of the ravens flew off, into the valley.

   Dan looked incredulous. The realization that he could have been dead, two thousand feet below was a strong one. It bounced around his head like a rubber ball. Dead, pushed by my friend, he admits it, all because I fucked his bitch of a wife. I had to get rid of her somehow! I couldn’t kill her, fucking her was the next best option! Dan kept his eye on his friend. Silence descended while both men collected their thoughts.

   “Okay. I’m sorry on sleeping with your wife and for hurting your pride, I apologize. From the bottom of my heart, I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you. Look, forget what happened. Let me buy you a beer in the tavern in the valley,” Dan finally said. He felt relieved at his apology. Would it be accepted? Would he be unharmed?

   Silence and the valley became magnified, like they were the only things on earth. Lee looked at Dan.

   Dan was going to comment again, he wanted this problem to end, in this remote place that belonged to God and nature. Why had it surfaced here, on the mountain? Was it a cleansing experience by forces both men couldn’t understand nor comprehend? Was it God at work? Or just coincidence? Away from busy England, thoughts from the past year came to the surface like air trapped underwater, because it was the right time. There was only one raven overhead. It flew in a circle, cawing to itself.

   “Yes, I accept your apology. Screw it, a beer sounds good. No, let’s have ten beers. Forget my ex-wife, she won’t ruin our friendship. Good riddance to bad blood,” Lee said, smiling. A line had been crossed, for the better. He had accepted Dan’s apology and it looked like Dan forgave Lee.

   “On what you said about what you were going to do to me, forget that too. I forgive you; you saw common sense before it was too late. That was your wife making you act, not you. Let’s go to the tavern. We both need a drink.” Dan also forgave. The matter was at an end. The two men descended the mountain; both had been on a journey and had changed inside. One had lost his guilt and the other his anger; both had forgiven.

   Up above, the single raven descended to look for his mate. A clear blue sky remained and the peace of the valley was unbroken by an act of death. High above, almost out of sight, sun glinted off a silver object. It was a flying disc and inside was a witch called Juniper’s Daughter. She had achieved a positive result, changing both men’s intent, so evil wasn’t committed. The glinting object shone one more time and vanished. They never saw it. Two men were now at peace. The tavern beckoned...





Juniper’s Daughter - Fragmented Whole (for Karen)

   Emma was twenty nine, from Manchester and single. She had a four year old daughter called Kate. Emma was an only child, her mum died of cancer and her dad lived in Sheffield. They’re not very close; he was an absent father. There were only two childhood friends who stuck by each other through a variety of events: first boyfriends, starting work, getting married, having kids and splitting up. All shared experiences. Alison and Lisa were Emma’s friends, knowing one another since Secondary School, aged eleven. Unbroken bonds of friendship, unbreakable?

   They all went on holiday to Spain after leaving school, at sixteen. Getting drunk, chasing guys, being chased in return, met some Spanish lads, were rescued by English teenagers and fled the fight that erupted. The lads fought it out; the girls ran and laughed madly. This holiday brought them closer together and more mad times followed, both good and bad, over the coming years.

   Emma went for her first tattoo with Alison and Lisa when they were all eighteen. Each had a butterfly design, the same but with different colours. Emma’s was blue, Alison’s green and Lisa’s red. Now over a decade later, the tats were a bit faded but still looked cool and got noticed by people who asked what they meant and why all three girls had them. Symbolic in their meaning of a shared bond of friendship, joint experiences, and freedom. When their butterfly tattoos were done, they came from events that happened in each of their lives. Within the space of two years of their holiday, the girls met various boyfriends. They were happy at first.

   Emma met Pete. He was twenty eight, a decade older than her, was a car salesman and appeared a gentleman. His niceness stopped there. Over the three months they were together, Pete used, abused and seduced Emma. Then left. Emma was a mess. Her friends were there for her, wiping away her endless tears and listening to her pour her heart out.

   Alison met Oliver. He was a year older and on the dole. Being a nice guy, she was okay on the fact he was skint all the time. They had a two week romance; he took her pride, a grand in cash and most importantly, her virginity. And was never caught, getting away with it. Alison was Oliver’s doormat. Emma and Lisa were there for her.

   Lisa met Jason, a twenty five year old boxer. He used his skills on her dad after a late night out after her father complained. Jason got the red mist and left the older man in a wheel chair. The six month romance meant nothing to him, nor did his three month stint in jail after the assault trial collapsed. Lisa was terrified to give evidence. The other girls never left her side and supported their scared friend.

   The three girls swore to look after each other and never let a man upset, use or abuse them ever again. They went and got inked, having butterflies on their right shoulders, individual eye catching tattoos. Each picked a colour, their favourite. The tats represented closeness, friendship and femininity, especially in bad situations. They played like butterflies, flitting from bar to bar, from man to man before any got too close, taking what they wanted, always being free. Past lessons were learnt, a lifetime promise of friendship endured. Would it endure a new holiday and all it entailed? They would book it next week and find out.

   Emma reminisced on her youthful times with her mates. Now, they were still young and planned a new holiday back to Spain to remember their earlier times and have a new adventure. Emma attracted all the lads, nice ones and bad ones. Her blond hair and grey eyes captured many hearts, she was a fey lass who was a Tinker Bell and liked to get her way. Being a party person she loved girly get togethers in one of their flats or a night out. Many such nights were in Manchester, involving loud music, smudged lipstick and lots to drink. Especially for Emma, who was single. She paid a baby sitter to watch Kate. Her job as a fashion designer paid for her frivolous life style. On a recent night out, the girls planned their new holiday to Benidorm. Emma had a range of new clothes to take, Lisa a new hairdo to show off and Alison cash from her new job to spend.


   In Spain, it was hot. The three girls were on the beach; all wore fetching bikinis and nothing else. Their figures were still trim and very noticeable by the passing guys in swimming trunks. Ignoring these, the girls acted aloof and chatted amongst themselves. Emma whispered, “I do like that blond body builder over by the rocks. You see him?”

   Lisa and Alison glanced to where their friend indicated with her head. Their glance was quick and went unnoticed by the large muscled man. But he noticed their sexy bodies and the promise each scantily clad body held.

   “Very nice. The question is there’s three of us and one of him. Who will have him?” Alison commented, nodding slowly. She risked another glance.

   “Yes indeed. We could all share him,” laughed Lisa, rolling her eyes and smirking.

   Emma stammered a reply, “You what? That’s naughty Lisa. I saw him first, so if anyone should have a choice of him, it should be me. Anyhow, he’s not my type. Too much muscle. He’s probably a himbo.”

   “I think he’s quite sexy, all that toned flesh and who cares if he has the intelligence of a moron,” Lisa replied, “he might be able to go all night!”

   “Yes just imagine that, all night long. Making love seven times, not getting a wink of sleep,” Alison added to the conversation, which was rapidly going downhill. Her face was a look of sheer delight.

   “Right you two, enough of that! We came here to have a break and chill. Yes we can party but enough of that talk, for now. I want to get a tan,” Emma said, silencing the talk. The other girls glanced at the man, to Emma and then out to sea. What were they thinking?


   A day later in an exotic Spanish restaurant, the girls were eating a three course meal and were dressed to kill; very sexy looking ladies. The starter had been eaten and they were waiting for the main course. Conversation was light and on a number of topics. Lisa was chatting to Emma when Alison’s attention was drawn to the door. A man walked in. He was instantly recognizable, even in his expensive Armani suit which clung to his body like a second skin, barely hiding his fine physique.

   Crikey! It’s the body builder from the beach. I hope the other girls don’t see him. It’ll be handbags at dawn if they do. I wonder if I can get the man’s room number? I’d love to spend some time with him, thought Alison, running a hand through her hair. Her eyes remained on the man. This wasn’t unnoticed.

   “Alison what are you staring at? Is our conversation boring you?” Lisa commented, looking at her friend.

   Emma stopped talking about music and followed Alison’s stare. It led straight to the muscle man that Emma had originally spotted on the beach. Oh my! He looks fit!

   “It’s him! The muscle man,” Alison said, regaining the use of her voice.

   “He looks a million dollars,” Emma gasped, suddenly feeling light headed.

   “Hands off girls, he’s mine,” Lisa added, nodding in affirmation.

   The damage was done. The body builder spotted the ladies and walked purposely over. In seconds he was with them, towering over the girls. He was a man mountain of muscle and sinew. “Hello ladies. How is your evening? You don’t mind if I join you, do you?” he politely asked.

   Silence descended, each young woman was speechless and spellbound. It was really him, the body builder! He looked even better close up and in a sharp stylish suit. A walking god! If a man could be called beautiful, this one certainly was.

   He dealt with the embarrassing silence by saying, “I’m sorry for interrupting your meal. Maybe I’ll come back another time?”

   “No, no don’t go. Please join us, there’s another seat next to Lisa,” Emma stammered. Was she taking charge of the situation or hoping the man would pick her? It was always about boy meets girl, wasn’t it?

   “Yes, sit here next to me,” Lisa said, moving the empty chair out.

   “Thank you, I think I will then. It’s an honour to meet such nice ladies, it really is,” replied the man, smiling. He sat down in a graceful movement. His size didn’t make him clumsy; it accentuated his poise and style.

   “Nice to meet you. We saw you on the beach the other day,” Lisa said. “I’m Lisa.”

  “Ah yes, when I was doing my exercises. My name is Rudy,” the muscle man said, introducing himself.

“And I’m Emma and this is Alison,” Emma added, forcing a smile. This is one I can lose. It’s blatantly obvious that Alison and Lisa want to bed Rudy. Just look how Alison looks at him and how close Lisa is sat near him! I must keep cool and not look an idiot. Or he won’t want me.

   “Nice to meet you. I think you all look very nice and lady like. I do approve,” Rudy complimented.  He closely looked at each lady and saw their butterfly tattoos. The girls’ shoulders were all bare on this warm evening. “And what are those? You all have the same tattoos?”

   “Yes, we have the same body art,” replied Emma. She wanted Rudy and tried not to show it.

   “Do you like them?” asked Lisa, only inches away from Rudy. She sensed what he was capable of and could hardly compose herself. Did he know the affect he was having upon the girls?

   “They’re quite unique and it’s different when you all have them and each is a different colour. Yes, I like them very much. What do they mean?” Rudy replied.

   “They mean closeness, friendship, femininity and freedom. We’re all free spirits,” Alison explained. He can have part of my free spirit later, oh yes!

   “No man will ever pin us down or capture us,” Emma said. Was it too late now? Was the cat amongst the pigeons? “We had a number of bad experiences with men some time ago and decided to stick together and never let it happen again. Not with any man.”

   “That’s some reason to have tattoos, it really is. I’ve never heard anything like it. A powerful reason,” Rudy gasped, taken in by the girls’ bond of unity and determination through the years. Did he know that he himself was right now, a very threat to what the girls had agreed to all those years before?

   “Yes, it’s quite different isn’t it?” Lisa commented. “Ah look, here comes the waiter with our main course meal.”

   The young Spanish waiter hurried over carrying three plates full of food. God knew how he didn’t drop them. The conversation stopped while the waiter took the empty plates and glasses and took new drink orders. Rudy asked if he could order a cold beer. It was okay to, Emma nodded.

   “I’m very impressed with you all, thanks for letting me join you,” Rudy said. “Everything about you all is unique and beautiful.”

   “We’re glad you joined us. You have a male beauty all of your own,” Emma whispered. The other two girls were strangely quiet. Were they planning something?

   “Thank you Emma. It’s an honour to join you.”

   The drinks arrived and the four people quietly drank. Each was left with their own thoughts and views on this encounter. Lisa and Alison both read one another’s minds and planned to steal the muscle man from Emma, they knew she liked him very much from the way she avoided their eyes. When would they both act? Would Emma be mad?

   Minutes ticked by and dessert was ordered, along with more drinks. Emma and Rudy chatted amongst themselves, as if the other two girls weren’t there. Lisa and Alison exchanged words now and again. Neither was happy but not showing it. Finally the meal was over and the bill ordered.

   “Let me pay your bill ladies,” Rudy suddenly said. Before anyone could object, especially Emma, he took his bulging leather snakeskin wallet out and took out the cash. With one hand he indicated for the waiter to come over and paid the bill. He left a large tip.

   “Rudy, you didn’t have to pay our bill,” Emma stammered, taken aback.

   “We don’t even know you,” Lisa said.

   “Thanks a lot Rudy,” Alison added.

   “The pleasure is all mine. Thanks for letting me join you and drink with you. I must go now, I’ll see you soon. Of that I’m sure. I’m staying in the Sheridan Hotel, Room 109,” Rudy smoothly replied. He was a really professional player. All of the girls would be calling up to his room.

   “Thanks see you soon,” the girls replied together, as Rudy finished his drink and left the three women. Their eyes never left him till he was out of sight.


   Lisa went up to Room 109 to see Rudy, creeping out of her friends' room as they soundly slept. She went up the dark stairway to Rudy's room. Shadows danced over her mousy brown hair and her grey eyes shone with mischief. In her mind she knew what she was doing was wrong; her friends would be hurt but her heart said do it. Lisa climbed the stairs. At Rudy's door, she waited for a minute composing herself. Then she knocked. Seconds ticked slowly by and her heart thudded in her chest. After an age, his door opened. Rudy stood there, before the darkened room, naked. A candle illuminated the scene. How romantic thought Lisa, oh my, he's naked!

   "I knew you would come to me," Rudy whispered, stepping aside to let Lisa enter. He looked longingly at her bare legs under her white t shirt.  

   “Yes, I’m here. Did you think I wouldn’t come?” the young woman said to the alpha male who stood before her.

   He closed the door and stepped toward the girl; she didn’t step back. His arms embraced her and she felt fire course through her body, something making her feel alive. It was her who initiated the kiss. She placed her hand on his neck and drew his face to hers and they kissed.

   She is perfect. Lisa is wonderful, Rudy thought as he held Lisa. His strength was immense but he treated her like a butterfly, for he knew she was delicate even though her kisses were passionate. For ten minutes they stood kissing, eyes closed letting their emotions rule their hearts. Feeling of joy and well-being made him reluctant to break their embrace. It was Lisa who did so.

   “To the bed…” was all she said.

   It was six steps to the bed and they took their time. Rudy lifted up and took off Lisa’s t shirt in one swift movement, she didn’t object. It fell to the floor. In the candle light Lisa was stunning, so was Rudy. This was how it was intended all along, from exchanging looks on the beach. The body builder pushed his lady gently down onto the luxurious King Size bed; she was so small under his enormous frame. His cock was erect and it brushed her thigh, her body shuddered.

   “Oh Lisa, you’re perfect,” Rudy whispered, kissing Lisa once on her lips and moving down her face to her neck. Here he lingered for a minute, sending her into dreamy oblivion. Moving lower, he found her breasts and kissed them in turn, sucking her nipples and stroking her breasts. I’m in heaven, nothing can be better than this.

   “My Rudy, you’re perfect. Take me,” replied Lisa, holding his erect member in her hand and guiding it home. She wanted him and she knew he knew it. Moving her body, she guided him home and accommodated his eight inch cock. He thrust deeply into her and she wrapped her legs around his pounding shapely arse, to endure his rapid rhythm. It was obvious he knew what he was doing.

   Groans came from the couple; they were two people in harmony with one another. Each giving something to the other and creating a union they would never forget. Lisa started to cum; her orgasm built up and jolted her body making her move even faster. Her hair was over her face and she screamed and shouted Rudy’s name when he mercilessly made love to the maiden before him. When he shot his load, he moaned and groaned like a man possessed, looking at her through half closed eyes, he struggled for breath while kissing Lisa. For an age their orgasm was a joint thing, created by them. Finally it was over…


   Later, Lisa crept back down the stairs to her room. She silently entered and went back to bed totally unaware of Alison watching her and knowing what had happened. After half an hour, Alison rose and went to Rudy to repeat Lisa’s actions. Was this all planned or coincidence? Lisa was soon asleep, tired out by her crazy passionate time with her new lover.

   Alison climbed the stairs and went to Room 109 where Rudy was. She knocked lightly and didn’t wait for a reply, quickly entering and shut the door. Her eyes became accustomed to the candle light and she saw a dark form on the bed; it was Rudy, completely naked. She ran her eyes over his shadowy form and knew he was facing her. Lisa beat me to him but I’ll have my fun with him.

   “Hello young lady. I see you took my invitation and came to join me,” Rudy commented. With one hand he beckoned his guest over. She immediately joined him.

   “I know you made love to my friend Lisa, I saw her return. Now you can have me. Show me how you treat a lady,” Alison replied, running her hand up Rudy’s thigh. His skin was smooth and the muscle firm like steel. They moved closer and kissed.

   Rudy moved his hand up Alison’s silk nightshirt. He felt her body and moaned deeply, his hand finding her breasts.  What an angel.

   “Do it now, do it now Rudy. Make love to me!” she whispered between kisses.

   “Soon my dear, soon.” He held her in his perfectly sculpted arms like an artist holding a unique artwork of infinite value.

   Their kissing was a river of lust, building to a waterfall of love. There was no time here, only two lovers. When they made love, it was slow at first and then frantic like it was the end of the world. Alison cried for the love she had never known, for her heart had never felt like this. What was happening? Was her soul finally healed after years of pain from being broken hearted? Not even her friends knew how much she hurt inside. Only her frail green butterfly tattoo had stopped her from committing suicide.

   “Don’t cry my dear Alison. I’m here for you. Shh, don’t cry my love. No one will hurt you, I’ll protect you,” Rudy consoled her. He kissed her tears and held her close. He felt her body shudder in sadness and stroked her hair, soothing her.

   “I’ve been hurt so many times and no one understands. Now even my friends. All I have known is pain from men in my life, they use and abuse me. You’re the only one I’ve ever told that to,” she quietly said. A single tear ran down her cheek.

   “A woman should never cry. Not over a man. You have an inner strength that few people have. I respect you for that. Don’t be sad Alison; you make me sad because you cry.”

   “You don’t need to be sad for me,” Alison tried to laugh. “I’m a mess inside, it’s as simple as that and I’m not strong. I’m weak and just a boring girl.”

   “I admire you spirit and honesty and beauty. No, you’re not weak. You’re special and beautiful and I love you for who you are. Really, I do,” Rudy commented, kissing her once on the forehead and holding her close.

   “Thank you Rudy.” Alison closed her eyes and dozed, her sadness replaced by happiness and a new belief in herself.


   Emma woke in the morning and stretched in her bed. She looked tiredly round their room in the new dawn light and stopped in horror. Alison wasn’t there! She knew right away where she was; in Room 109 with Rudy! Lisa was still asleep and Emma quietly got up and went to confront her friend and her new lover. She was numb and angry. How dare Alison do this! How dare she, she knew I liked Rudy.

   Coming to Room 109, Emma opened the door and peered inside. Two people were in bed asleep. She knew who they were.

   “Hey you two, how dare you do this!” shouted Emma. Tears of rage streamed down her cheeks and the two sleeping forms came rapidly to life, waking up with a start and sitting up in shock. Tired eyes stared at the intruder.

   “Eh? What the hell?” Rudy said.

   “Oh no, Emma...” from Alison.

   “That’s right Alison, its Emma your friend. Or we we’re friends before you did this!”

   “Calm down love, its fine. Don’t get stressed,” the body builder said, placing an arm lazily around Alison. She moved closer to him.

   “Don’t you even talk to me, you himbo! You haven’t got the sense you were born with!” Emma snapped.

   “Emma chill out, we’re having some fun,” Alison commented. The look of betrayal was clear to see.

   “Shut your fucking mouth you bitch! Don’t ever call yourself my friend again, do you hear? I mean it Alison.”

  “Emma, don’t say such things...” the naked girl stammered, realizing what she had done. She looked at Rudy and to Emma.

   “This has gone too far, I want you to leave the room. Now!” Rudy shouted, pointing with his free hand. The other still embraced Alison. It was obvious they were in this together. Emma was the intruder, in the room and in the sense that she hadn’t fucked Rudy, not part of his little club.

   “Before I go, I’ll say this. You two deserve one another. If I ever see you again Rudy I will claw your fucking eyes out and cut your prick off, do you understand? As for you Alison, this friendship of ours is over. You made your choice when you joined lover boy there.” Emma gained strength through her anger and turned to leave the room. She was stopped by a final verbal bullet from Rudy. It was devastating.

   “Give my regards to Lisa. She’s a good lover, different from Alison. Shame I never had you Emma, I’d like to see how you compare to your friends.”

   “Fuck you both...” Emma shouted and left the room. She didn’t close the door.


   Lisa was in bed pretending to be asleep. She knew Emma was upstairs at Room 109 and she doubted it was three in a bed, more like a confrontation. This was proven to be correct when Emma stormed into the room and hurriedly grabbed her things. Lisa sat up and watched her friend put on a pair of cut down jeans, her sandals and head for the door.

   “Wait, Emma, please don’t go. Where are you going? Come back,” Lisa cried, red in the face. Her betrayal was obvious.

   “Be quiet!” snapped Emma, picking up her mobile phone, money and passport.

   “I can explain. Listen to me.”

   “Fuck off you whore! You should be up there in Rudy’s bed with Alison. I know what you did, you pair of cunts!”

   “Don’t call me that. It was only some fun. It’s still not too late for you to fuck Rudy. We planned it all out,” Lisa said, crying.

   “You’re even more of a cow than Alison is. I’m flying home alone. Our friendship is over. Don’t try to call me ever again.” Emma left the room and slammed the door.


   Emma was aboard Olympic Flight 457 heading back to England. She tried to sleep but couldn’t. In her mind she saw Alison and Rudy in bed together and Lisa doing the same thing, earlier on. My two best friends, conniving against me to fuck some body builder they don’t even know. Both of them knew I liked him and fancied him. How dare they! We can never be friends now, not ever. When I get back home, I’m having my stupid butterfly tattoo removed. It doesn’t mean anything now, except pain and betrayal. Those bitches!

   The silver airliner flew majestically through the clear blue sky at forty one thousand feet. On the weather radar a big cold front was visible, reaching up to forty five thousand feet. The jet couldn’t climb over it; it was at maximum height. The pilot radioed Air Traffic Control and changed course. On a parallel course ten thousand feet higher and invisible to radar or the human eye, a silver flying disc followed the jet. A witch was inside. She had a bad feeling something terrible would happen.

   Yes, we had some good times but now it’s time to move on and think of myself for once. I’ll change my number, email and block those two bitches on Facebook. If they contact me, I’ll have them done for harassment. Time for a new start. Some good can come out of this, Emma thought, opening her eyes and looking out of the window. She saw huge grey clouds and jagged flashes of lightning. Then felt the turbulence hit, making the twin engine airliner lurch sickeningly. The Fasten Seatbelt sign came on and the pilot made an announcement on bad weather and a change of course.

   Juniper’s Daughter knew the airliner was heading for a storm. The black grey clouds towered up to her altitude. Opening up a vision window, the witch saw the jet slowly turn away from the wall of cloud. It was too late! Lighting reached for the frail metal plane. And found its mark.

   “I must save the airliner from the storm and all aboard,” Juniper’s Daughter commented. She dipped the nose of her disc and arrowed down to the plane.

   “Just brilliant,” Emma muttered. The passenger next to her heard her remark and nodded in agreement. Things became bad. A flash of lighting and a bang shook the whole airframe. A small of burning filled the cabin.

   Suddenly the turbulence became worse and the jet nosedived. Emma checked her lap belt and took a deep breath; her stomach was in free fall. Something was wrong. The airliner was in a dive and not flying level. Was the pilot trying to fly under the storm?

   Juniper’s Daughter was flying a hundred metres above the crippled airliner. She saw lighting repeatedly hit the plane. She energized her laser system to hold it in a tractor beam and guide the jet to safety. When she was just about to lock on it happened. Multiple massive bolts of lightning hit flying disc and a surge of energy smashed into the jet with a billion volts, upending it and sending it off course, upside down. The witch was knocked unconscious and was unable to help. She was in danger of dying herself. Her craft fell to the ocean like an autumn leaf.

   A whine indicated the engines were at full power and the plane vibrated. Luggage storage lockers popped open and bags and duty free bottles fell out, concussing several passengers. A stewardess who was trying to calm the passengers was thrown to the ceiling like a spider in a web. Panic gripped the cabin and the airliner rolled upside down, beginning its death dive into the cold choppy ocean many miles below. Two hundred and sixty seven souls were aboard the Olympic airliner. One was an upset young lady called Emma.


   Lisa and Alison stayed in Spain having fun with Rudy. They were certain Emma would come round and forgive them for their little erotic escapade when they got home. Lisa was watching the news in a bar when a news flash came up of an airliner going missing over the Mediterranean. She knew it was Emma’s plane. Sickness filled her entire body and she ran screaming from the bar, looking for Alison.

   Alison was with Rudy in the pool, chilling out and enjoying time together. Both looked up in alarm when Lisa ran towards them. She was hysterical. The couple hadn’t heard of the air crash.

   “Emma’s plane has crashed. She’s dead...”

   “What? What did you say?” Rudy asked, incredulous.

   “Lisa, you’re not making sense. We’ll see Emma next week when we return home,” Alison said. Is Lisa playing a joke on us?

   “She’s dead, God damn you! Her jet went down; it was on the fucking news!” Lisa screamed, weeping and collapsing to the floor. Alison got out of the pool and went to embrace her distraught friend. Rudy athletically climbed out and ran to the bar. He had a word with the waiter, who switched on the satellite TV. Rudy turned up the volume and they all heard the truth:

   “Olympic Flight 457 nosedived into the Mediterranean Sea after flying into a thunderstorm. It is feared all aboard are lost. Wreckage has been found and the search for survivors is continuing. No one has been found alive at the moment. Three bodies have been found...”

   Rudy’s eyes never left the large plasma TV. He started to cry. This was his fault! Oh my God. What have I done? If I hadn’t seduced the two girls, Emma wouldn’t have left for England and she’d still be alive. How can I live with this? What have I done?

   Alison and Lisa wept like children. They were as guilty as Rudy. What had they done?


   Two days later three bodies were found at the base of a cliff, smashed apart on jagged rocks and soaked by ocean spray. The broken body of a body builder and two English ladies with butterfly tattoos. A fourth body, with a butterfly tattoo, lay trapped one thousand metres under the Mediterranean Sea, in a crushed and broken airplane. Four young people, three who had endured so much, were together in heaven.

   Juniper’s Daughter was trapped in her damaged flying disc four miles from the airliner on the seabed. The silver flying saucer lay on its side against a seamount, debris littering the immediate area. Exotic alloys were holed and damaged. Internal systems were compromised. Not even the Devil had been able to do this before. Was he behind the thunderstorm? Had he finally won his eternal war of darkness?  The witch’s craft was invisible to sonar and not found by those looking for the jet. For her there would be no rescue. Was the witch dead too?




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