Sunday 18 August 2024

story on a bent manager in a call centre


Corrupt Boss

Juniper’s Daughter pretended to be a normal person so she could work in a call centre to expose the bosses for their corruption and bad practises. She was based in the call centre capital of the world the Philippines. Here she was a simple low level agent taking calls off irate customers on a billing account. It was call queuing with irate customers plus a crooked management and agents who never talked to one another. A toxic account! There was one Ops Manager called Gemma. She ran the account and was responsible for the numbers. She enforced both pre and post shift meetings. Here she ranted about the performance and pushed the reps to improve. If you don’t get the numbers I will have you replaced! Do you all understand? The attrition was very high and moral was low. Juniper’s Daughter was part of this. She worked hard and took calls so she knew what the issues where. She felt jaded like the agents did saw half of them quit. For five months the witch worked in the Manila call centre. This was after three weeks training and two weeks of probation. She was expected to know what she was doing right away. Explaining bill details especially when the customer was disputing extra costs like data or call extra charges. She had to collect a sales quota per day of bill payments. This was part sales and collections skills. The witch was smart and this version of her was just age twenty. By being methodical she was able to list all the problems, identified what needed changing and what could be left alone. She knew what OM Gemma was doing, manipulating the stats to syphon off a weekly and monthly bonus that was for other agents and their supervisors. A couple of reps guessed this was happening but were scared to lose their jobs. The witch acted she called the fraud line and left info under a different name. She knew nothing would be done so she next collected her info and confronted the OM during a pre shift meeting. This way it was in the open and the boss would have a difficult shift. The OM didn’t deny what was obvious and proven by clear well-presented facts. She simply said its part of the job and tried to use her position to shield her. This was a standard tactic Juniper’s Daughter had seen before off Demang and Satan. OM was doing the Devil’s deeds even if she hadn’t signed up with him yet. The witch stopped that. After shift which ended with no meeting the witch abducted the OM with her spaceship and flew her to the dark side of the moon. She also played Plink Floyd’s album of the same name. It had a calming this is real affect. The witch hovered her craft five miles above the moon surface. With her green laser on low power wide beam setting she illuminated the surface. It was a superb scene with craters, hills, moon rocks and more all cast in lurid green shadow. The OM hardly believed what was happening. The witch produced some bottles of beer. She told the OM Gemma that she knew what was going on. You will stop this right now or this is where I will put you. Down there on the surface without a spacesuit. Neither humans aliens or Santa Claus will save you. You will die very badly a lonely death. If you do not change your behaviour OM Gemma you will end up here. Do I make myself clear? The choice is yours. Now finish your beer I have other work to do. Would the OM stop being corrupt or would she be sent to the moon?




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