Sunday 18 August 2024

ahahahahaa call centre poems.. somebody has to work there lol


Till Ill

Go to work with a virus

Give it them all

Never any time off

Dedicated to the job

Even when ill

Love them all

Cough sneeze wheeze

From your virus

That you caught off them

And passed it back

Share it again and again

Call centre joy




New Names!

Brian was with another rep when he saw the Fake God’s lapdog

With a female form the account by his car on the company carpark

It was obvious it was the gal and obvious what they were doing

The TL whose position was too high for his chair looked smug

Even fifty yards away but what confirmed it was their kiss

Both hid behind the car with raised bonnet and kissed

Brian and the other rep were at the right angle to see

He specifically changed their angle so they could observe

It was another support and rep getting it on in the same acc

The Fake God’s lapdog was trained by him in business

And also in sexual matters for both had account mistresses

Brian filed this in his head and would write about it

He was the master poet and story teller with new names!



Thailand Rudeness

The Mamasan was in a bad mood

The French black man who worked in the call centre

Rudely bumped into her and breezed on by

He also caught the Mamasan's boss Grand Mamasan

The Mamasan remonstrated and told the brother off

But he was off like a shot for he had to clock in

Being over lunch bothered him more than annoyed support

The Mamasans went back to bossing the reps about

The brother went back to his customer service calls

Later when he was leaving they grabbed him

The two Mamasans were big and strong like men

Men they definitely wern't as the brother saw

Their big tits cleavage and nipples thru open blouses

And skirts way too short with big muscular thighs

With a Mamasan at either side they frogmarched him

To their camper van they came to work in

It was parked at the carpark in they went

It was dark inside and the door banged shut

The Mamasan told the brother to strip naked

You know what we want both ordered and he did so

Taking off his dark jeans shirt and trainers

To show his perfect athletic physique

The Mamasans removed his boxers and there

There before them was a huge excellent sausage

Both touched it staring in hungry awe at it

With a mind of its own it grew to stand upright

They gently pushed the brother onto a bed

And pounced on him with lips fingers tongues

All over his superb male shape to his cock

Later the brother never knew how they did it

Two Mamasan stripping themselves and molesting him

From what was a traumatic event became ecstasy

They demanded a penance for his rudeness

Over lunch or not and coached him on this

While he fucked their Mamasan pussies ragged

It was the most arcane erotic sexual thing

All three were rather tired on the next shift...




Good Salary

There were a few positive things in the call centre. One was a good salary for doing the job. Combined with night differential and rice salary this was good. Plus some accounts had an attendance incentive or sales remuneration. This helped bump up the wage for the hard working reps. One example was a health care account paid a basic monthly salary of 3
0,000 plus 10% or even 20% night differential and the usual rice allowance. With other bonuses the reps easily cleared 22,000 at each fortnightly pay out. The smart ones saved some of it while the unsophisticated ones blew all of it each payday. They spent it on beer, food, clothes, motorcycles and more. A good salary helped keep the workers in an account especially if it was hard work. Then there was less attrition and the workers stayed where they were. This way the company, client and account benefited. All because of a good salary.



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