Friday 23 August 2024

call centre writing


By Force

The 2 call centre agents sat there

On idle time jeans around their ankles

Scratching each other’s’ jock itch

Till it stopped itching and bled

Then putting alcohol on it

Oh how it stung such pain!

Then they wanked the other off

Mutual masturbation till they came

It was the other agent who came first

His cum jetted onto the pc keyboard and floor

Then his pal came all over the place

Then security arrived to remove them both

By force if necessary for this was immoral!



Call Centre Life

The call centre was a hustle bustle of activity

The reps were all busy with headsets on

Listening to customers and watching screens

Typing while talking while working while thinking

Between calls some joked and laughed

Others dozed hoping to avoid an IR

8 hours a day Monday to Friday or weekends

5 days a week with 2 off often with RDOT

Rest Day Over Time which was mandatory

What wasn’t mandatory was reading the message!

TL would moan but hey you were busy drinking

Not thinking about work except when you was there

The Production Floor was vacant at 01

Such was call centre life always on the go



Real Bitch

The female called me up a free wifi call

Inbound coming to me

How nice of her to call

A youngish female caller


No chat or flirt or numbers exchange

You call me many times

Stop it or I will kill you


I don't care what country you are in

I will find you and kill you

Be nice I said she still ranted on

I let all my team listen to it


Her ranting evil recording

I'll watch my back just in case

The crazed called female hunts me

Killing me badly what a bitch


For her emotions were real

I know her email for revenge

Send her a dick pic

Suck that bitch





2 Egyptian Scam Brothers

There were 2 Egyptian brothers who lived in Miami

Both did scam call centres all over the world

They flew all over the globe setting up scams

Preferring to meet face to face with their tools

Who they used to scam innocent customers

Setting up fake legit call centres here and there

Small and medium centres worked best

Easier to hire and fire staff then and start over

Brian worked for 1 of the brothers’ years ago

And was owed money for pain gel sales

He was paid for 3 but not 32 outstanding sales

Brian wanted to kill both Egyptian brothers

But that was a little over the top so he reported them

On 47 different blogs and international crime sites

Including Interpol and the FBI to get even

Plus he would beat them up if he caught them

Beware of 2 Egyptian scamming call centre bros



Agent performance/fails month after month, chop time!/new job needed now





Middle Aged German

Brian felt it was time for change

Pressure of sales was huge

Even if the rewards were high

The ego boost was great

With nice money to spend

Yet he needed a change

Not going to Thailand

Then the Philippines to call

Six months in each country

Six seven more years doing this

Look at what he’d achieved

He proved it to all people

He could learn a new job

In his forties no easy feat

Way back in 2010 he was offered

A call centre job no he said

I want to requalify on the forklift

Put me thru for my test

Not some stupid call centre job

Now it was his main job

He’d had enough and wanted out

Maybe he’d go to Holland

And write full time instead

Of only part time due to now

A wage slave in the BPO

Albeit a very skilled one

On B2B accounts but hey

Brian missed Germany and well

New adventures were needed

Not just returning for a month

His future was an open book

One that he would soon rewrite




Eight Rice Cups

“How many cups of rice did you have Fred?” the body builder asked Fred.


“I ate one cup of rice mate,” Fred replied.


“Do you know how many I ate?”


“No I don’t, how many?”


“I had eight cups of rice!”


“That’s way too many mate!” Fred was shocked. Their lunch dinner break was only an hour. That included going from the call centre to the eating place, ordering food, eating it then going back. “Why did you have so many?”


“It’s free and all you can eat plus I’m bulking myself up for body building. I need the mass to turn into muscle.”


“I see. Yes I know you need the mass for muscle. It’s all carbs. My old workmate used to do that.”


“Yes. Free food helps so I’m not paying for each rice cup. I work out after shift every day. Do different muscle sets.”


“Good luck with it. I did weights a while ago but never ate a lot. Plus I did a manual job in a bakery. I’m full with what I’ve just eaten too.”


“Come on you two we need to go back now. We need to be back in the training room in five minutes,” one of the gals said. The body builder hurriedly finished his mean and Fred drank some more water. They were all learning Comcast tech support systems. It was intense with a power tripping trainer who only spoke in vernacular.




2nd OM

The 2nd OM asked the rep how he was. You get on with your team mates yes? He nodded and said he did. Then he told the 2nd OM of his 2 stolen sales this week. One by the chat team and the other by the rival call centre. It was good he vented his annoyance and said he’d escalated it immediately. And it was good he said he wanted credit for his stolen sales. It was good that he told the 2nd OM how the 1st OM had been before. How elitist his support team had been. That was fine if they were a military unit of F16 Viper pilot splashing Russian stealth fighters. But it was a call centre and it was us and them. Now it’s changed and all is fine. He enjoyed telling the 2nd OM he should be trained in all the Lead Generating, Fronting and Closing skills. Even if you never use them they’re there. It was a good talk.












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