Friday 8 May 2020

Juniper’s Daughter: Frontier Town by Nick Armbrister sample

Juniper’s Daughter: Frontier Town by Nick Armbrister

A novel following up Juniper's Daughter The Final War by Nick Armbrister. In a world full of violent gangsters, secret intelligence operatives, a shady witch called Juniper's Daughter, dark Goths and many other erotic characters, all are set for a showdown with the much vaunted English Army who is intent on invading and wiping them all out. The war rages on and the struggle continues in a world where poodle dogs have laser beam eyes and machine guns fire nuclear bullets. Science fiction meets the near future in this raunchy tough story of madness and dark humour. Set in a ficticious town called Renford in a war ravaged land, this story is an intimate look at one version of the future. Will people be nice to one another or will the Devil and death sweep the land?

   “Cris wake up! It’s us the Frontier Corp’s guards. You remember us, Lee and Mike,” the guard who tried to break the window said as he struggled with half of Cris’s body weight in the troop section of the fuselage before emerging into the watery sunlight. His comrade glanced at the twin holes burnt into the body of the craft by the Devil Snail as he slowly walked backwards out of the open door carrying Cris’s feet. His mate followed his gaze and grimaced, outside both men looked at the blackened scorch marks and melted metal.
   “Looks like it was a very close run thing. He was lucky to get back. Where the hell is Noel?” the second guard announced.
   “I’m not sure; we better wait till Cris comes round without jumping to conclusions,” the other darkly replied, “we better radio this through to or our heads with roll. Protocol and all that…”
   They placed Cris down onto the ground as the radio call was made, informing their superiors that only Cris had returned in a stolen English army troop transporter and that he was wounded so send the medic ASAP. The other guard administered basic first aid on Cris’s awful shoulder wound. He struggled moving the blood encrusted jacket to gain access to the wound, he put a field dressing onto the large bullet exit hole but seeing it wasn’t enough placed two more there and one on the entry hole in his back. He gave Cris a single morphine jab to lesson the pain and ease the discomfort even though he was unconscious. Distant sirens echoed over the compound and soon the Corp’s ambulance sped into view and help was at hand, now it was up to the medical staff to work their magic. They prayed silently that their friend would make it or his whole mission was pointless and where was Noel? That played on their minds but there was nothing they could do, it was up to the med staff to stabilise their fellow soldier and treat his wounds so he could be de-briefed by the intelligence people.
   One guard re-entered the craft and turned the idling rocket engine off, his comrade radioed in and asked to be relieved so they could report to their superiors the events of the past few minutes. Orders and commands were issued; an inspection team was dispatched to examine the stolen English army transport craft so any secrets could be gleaned from it and how it operated. Frontier Corp’s really needed a fleet of these to patrol and defend Renford from any attack, would it be possible to reverse engineer it at the Weapons Facility? Communications were sent out by a runner so this important event could be classified, clarified and Corpsified; it was important that no eavesdroppers listening in to the radio net picked up the arrival of this stolen craft. If anyone was able to get a handle on this it was the elite staff at the Weapons Facility, they had the brains, staff and facilities to do most things, so this was a real catch falling out of the sky for the Frontier Corp and associated people.
   Green uniformed intelligence staff arrived in a hurry, armed with measuring equipment, Geiger counters, cameras of various types and a dozen other pieces equipment to begin their examination. Time was of the essence now, what if an English army retrieval team came and attempted to get their craft back? To cater for this a mobile defence post was set up under the trees near the grass with small machine cannon pointing skywards from the direction any English army ships would come. Infrared and radar sensors scanned the heavens just in case, soldiers with machine guns backed up the security detail now guarding the site.
   In the base hospital two armed guards watched Cris and his medical team for he was the most valuable of all because he had English army secrets. Three intelligence officers waited by his bedside while the doctors did their best to look after their wounded man, for he was a potential treasure trove of army secrets, only ever touched upon by rumour or guesswork before. Would he pull through okay to give his secrets away or would he lose the battle due to his serious wounds?

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