Saturday 8 June 2024

an hours worth of poems hehe

Or What

The world keeps turning as we keep breathing

And doing what we do as people

Time and time again we go thru the actions

Living life eating sleeping working fucking dying

Till we born same cycle birth to death way it is

Some write a book about it all their own views

How is their view different than mine or yours?

We will know when we read their book

Or they read our book if we write it

How about those who don’t write it all?

Most are like that and don’t care for words

Or saving their snail like lives for posterity

It’s been like this since Roman times

And will be till our final end whatever that is

Meteor strike from behind the moon

Alien invasion or nuclear war or what?





And then there was one

One human life to be lived

It was to be liked endured hated loved


Way it goes for we get only one

Is that too much or too little?

We can only question it

No more than that


Who invented human life?

And gave us the chance to live

Was it aliens or God or us

Inventing ourselves far ahead in time

And then sending them way back


To the start to make a big circle

Cave girl on the hill waves at alien ship

Going back to the future to get her brother

How’s that for a story unwritten written lived?




Well ahead in time/future general thinks hard/which ones to send back




No Ritz

They set up a disco club in the social club

I walked there it was quite far on the estate

I had to run past some teen trouble causers

A big younger than myself who was I to fool?

I dressed in shirt trousers and shoes

It was 1990 or 91 and I wanted to meet

A nice galfriend for I’d never had one

Nor experienced good sex or a relationship

My life was paused there nothing going on

For years except bad times and experiences

Not the time to mention that shit but the club

I went to it ordered a beer followed by more

There was hardly anyone there all night!

The DJ played dance music I never danced

There were no gals there to ask it was crap

All the trouble the leaflet poster went to

Posting their printed flyers thru letterboxes

When only 2 or 3 people turned up!

I never went back and forgot about it

Just what did they want to achieve the Ritz?




No Ego

In time who will win the fight?

The fighter pilot in a cool jet fighter

Or the emotionless Terminator type drone?

Emotions versus AI balls to the fucking wall

Pilot ego knows no ends but 0s and 1s are ahead

Logic always wins and rules in an experiment or fight

Watch the skies it’ll happen sooner rather than later

Pilots now obsolete relegated to desk jobs




How Hard

Why does the yellow car drive round town?

Is it lost or simply cruising or up to no good

Maybe they’re casing out banks to rob

Or well-dressed people to kidnap for ransom

Or a gal to rape at knife point

Do we call the cops or follow them

How about we do them over

How hard can it be?




It Starts

The Cold War ended decades ago

Most of the old weapons still exist

In some hangar or ammo store

They’ll finally get to be used

After waiting for time to pass


As it always does day by day

Now tech is here with aggro

Russia is now the enemy again

I’m unsure why they never

Went hot back in the Cold War

Putin wasn’t the leader then


He is now and he warmed it up

Things are getting interesting

Old weapons join newer ones

And will get to be used

In a post Cold War almost

Pre War world waiting for it


To start not all out nuclear

Bit by bit as that’ll be later

Each stage scene needs to run

Start to end and a final encore

It’s in the long script so wait


Do your job and contribute

To the long final war

Using all the weapons

How the world really is

We should be friends


It’s a fake big lie

As you all know

Do your bit

It’s started




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