Sunday 16 June 2024



Metro Cats

The city is like the one Nostradamus saw

A modern metropolis where everything happens

Life death destruction creation

Around people who inhabit this place

And other locations like it globally


Ready for anything expecting it now

And it will in a massive way soon soon soon!

For we are being prepped for it


Expect the worst!

Get ready to die! 

On and on and on!


Till we are used to terror plots

Desensitized to mass shootings

Not shocked by enemy air attacks

Unfazed by natural disasters

Even accepting alien invasion


All of this and more coming to a city near you

Knocking the buildings over and slaying the people

People like us who are totally fucked

Just worthless pawns in the big game


A galactic fuck piece chess board

A universal ass fuck of death


We are being shafted and told the end is nigh

The lucky ones will be removed in the Rapture

And some more will be Satan's slaves

As for the rest well...


We are all fucked nuclear quake tsunami burn style

When our cities fall





Away From Them

I like to get away to the hills and mountains

For there I feel free and have no worries

There are no stress or crazy demands up there

Only localized dangers like getting lost or falling

These can be planned for and precautions taken

Unlike the bitter backstabbing people in the cities

Not to mention the overpaid lazy bosses busting our balls

When out among nature I am part of it and belong

Not trapped in a concrete townscape and choking traffic fumes

I look up at the blue sky and marvel at the views

Miles and miles of nothing but greenery there before me

The pain of aching legs and sore feet is worth this

Being at the top of an 800 metre mountain

For a few hours of timeless freedom and smiles

This little moment is priceless...











Life in the tire factory is certainly interesting

For both the employer and employee

Each stabbing the other in the back

With lethal words and snide actions


Who fucked who and who grassed who up

And other issues that are too stupid to believe

It all happens here at Smith's Tires

The bosses get fat from their slave workers toils


While the workers resent their masters 

Having no choice to work long hours for low pay

A few plan revolution but are too scared to act

So they remain defiant but controlled


Each one of hundreds making car tires

A heavy and monotonous job 

One step better than the dole

In a company whose profits are millions


With a CEO who flies a Learjet and drives a Hummer

He eats at the top restaurants

Stays in 6 Star hotels

And soon will be assassinated...



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