Sunday 16 June 2024




Nick Armbrister




Lise went into the summer forest not far from her native St Petersburg. She wondered at the wildness of the trees totally untouched by the human world. For a few short hours each weekend Lise got away from her busy bustling city of over six million people and her hectic job in a small art gallery. Being a girl from the outer suburbs she was used to the wilderness and trees, her brother was a farmer who wanted Lise to farm the land with him but she strongly refused his demands. No it was the arts that stole Lise's heart and this was her main devotion. Her mother admonished her daughter, "Why dear babushka, please find a man to marry and bear our family many healthy children."

"My mother I want to work in the arts and continue my painting, you know I sell a few and then there is my job in the gallery which I adore so much. You know what that means to me caring for my city's art. I promise one day I'll find a man and get married. Just not yet mamushka," replied Lise with tearful eyes. Her mother meant so much to her with her large family but art was such a powerful pull and was the way to the future.

"Ok my dear Lise but I take your word, one day meet a nice man and be wed. I love a good wedding and you'll look beautiful in a peasant wedding dress," soothed her old mother, her wrinkled face cracking into a smile.

 "Yes my mother, now please let me concentrate on my art, marriage comes later. I know it's important to you."

In the forest Lise wasn't bothered with her mother or her old fashioned views; she humoured her on getting married but not yet for her career and creativity was more meaningful. Trees arched up and over the young girl, she was at one with nature in the time that was now her own, no one interfering or meddling in her life and affairs. Lise smiled and looked around her seeing a myriad of trees of several varieties and sizes, her grey eyes took in the happy scene and a smile appeared on her pretty twenty one year old face. How nice and tranquil to spend her time here. Her red summer dress covered her body with just enough fabric not to be indecent, any man would immediately want her, this she was aware of but there were no men here this was virgin woodland. Did her mother think that her only daughter Lisa was a virgin? That was her little secret, her mother never knew of her secret liaisons with the boy over the other side of the city or her old college mate. Lise didn't notice hidden eyes watching her from the bushes.

Walking through the trees was hard but rewarding going, it took her to a quiet world where the only sounds were animals scurrying about in the undergrowth and branches snapping under Lise's boots. Coming to a small forest clearing she saw her hidden place known only to her; a little forest pool just twenty feet across by fifteen and thirty deep situated in a fault in the land. Lise loved this place it was so natural and the home of Mother Nature, the water was crystal clear and pure enough to drink.

Bending down at the edge of the pool Lise cupped her hand and took a sip of the cool clear water, then putting her hands together she poured some over her face gasping when she felt its coolness on her warm skin under the hot sun. Looking up Lise saw tree branches forming a canopy over her pool from the trees growing either side of the water; only a small bit of sky was visible in the middle where the branches left a gap. What a magical place!

Looking around to make sure no one was watching Lise lifted up her thin red summer dress and removed it in one swift motion. She was only wearing a pair of panties a former lover had sent her from Britain; their time together was brief and they made love at this very spot two summers ago. Folding and placing her dress by a rock she undid her boots and put them with her dress, her socks and pink panties followed till she was naked under the sunlight that filtered through the swaying branches.

In one leap Lise jumped into the water landing with a splash in the middle of the pool, she went under the surface sending ripples to every side unsettling the water. Turning round under water she swam down towards the depths into deep water, she noticed sunlight filtering down from the surface giving a sparkling affect which continued to the very bottom. Would she be able to reach the pool bottom thirty feet down on one breath of air?

Half way down she felt her lungs burning with exertion but she didn't let up, Lise's powerful arms drew her down to the sandy bottom like a mermaid descending into the ocean. With a single touch Lise scooped up a handful of fine sand from the pool bottom and speedily turned and arched up to the surface and freedom. She had done it! Thirty feet of water with a single breath and she hadn't even dove into the water. Breaking the surface Lise yelled and smiled in delight as water cascaded from her naked smooth shoulders, what a wonderful place this was! Throwing the sand onto the bank Lise smiled when it joined the other bits of sand she had deposited there after each dive to the bottom, marking this place as hers.

Breaking into a crawl she swam the short length of the pool touching the rock sides and turning under water to swim to the opposite side to ease any knots out of her muscles. She knew swimming was the best exercise next to love making to keep her fit and in shape. For ten more minutes Lise swam and dove in the water until she was feeling tired.

Looking at the only part of the pool with a small shore she swam, left the water and flopped down taking deep breaths. She was feeling a little horny so she decided to play with herself; lying down on the warm sloping rocks she moved her hand to her own hidden place, her own little pool of lust and love, her pussy. A nice Russian peasant pussy that was born into a poor family but that now belonged to a gal who was a talented artist with a job at an up and coming art gallery. Nicely shaved with no stubble, even her piss flaps either side not torn from child birth like some of her mate’s private bits.

Lise was careful not to get pregnant and always took precautions, being on the pill and insisting on condoms when she slept with strangers. It was different when she was with one of her selective mates who doubled as lovers with no strings attached sex, erotic lovemaking in the most stunning extremes.

She brought a few of her trusted lovers to her secret pool and made love and swam in the clear crystal water. They never ejaculated inside Lise, always pulling out. Her middle finger tickled her clit opening up a feeling of enjoyment a tingling slowly coming up from below to the surface. From nearby beady eyes flitted over her lithe little body, unknown to the girl who moved and writhed while her finger did its work. Low moans came from Lise’s mouth, she closed her eyes and thought of Adam who was one of her recent conquests here in the early spring. What fun that had been...

Lise brought Adam to her pool back in April when the season was getting warmer and the snow finally melted bringing life and warmth to her pool. His wife wouldn’t ever know of their amorous encounter in the wilderness, they hiked through the trees holding hands at times when the going was easy, helping one another when it was tough.

Lise knew the way to her dark mysterious pool but she had an advanced hand held GPS receiver just in case they got lost; the forest was a large place belonging to nature. Stopping to kiss by a large tree on their way Lise melted into Adam’s tough frame. He supported her weight and hungrily snogged the smaller woman before him. His brown eyes ran over her face taking in her pretty features. Lise closed her eyes closely followed by Adam. Their tongues clashed in a slow dance of coming lust, suddenly Lise broke their embrace and smiled wickedly, shrieking she ran off through the trees to her pool and fun.

Adam closely followed his lover and thundered past large trees knocking smaller branches out of his way, glimpsing the agile gal who was like a summer nymph in her element. Reaching the pool a moment before her man Lise leapt into the water in a smooth dive like an arrow plunging into the water.

He was close on her heals jumping in one big movement. A splash echoed through the trees, Lise was out of sight hugging the bottom of the pool ten metres down in strong swimming strokes that Adam struggled to follow. His breath was almost gone but he grabbed her by a wrist and brought her towards him; she allowed him a single kiss on the lips before his breath was gone and he ascended to the surface.

She swam a circle away from him over the sandy bottom and serenely followed to get air. Adam kicked out and swam a metre over to Lise and embraced her to finish their kiss; both treaded water and kissed passionately. His shorts clung to his body she briefly felt his cock brush her leg, his vest flowed in the water loose just like her cotton skirt which billowed upwards revealing her nice wet cunt - she wore no panties.

With skill and experience Lise removed his shorts and grabbed his hard cock with her small hands, it was rather large and solid in her fingers. Quickly she brought him closer and placed him inside her making love very slowly so not to drift apart in the water, treading water and fucking.

In delicate movements Lise and Adam made love in the most unique way he had ever done, buoyancy helping their slow actions. Kissing him Lise brought her hand up his back so he wouldn’t lose his way when he thrust in and out matching her speed, almost coming but holding back.

Gasps came out of his mouth mirrored by her low moans, she started to come and increased her speed risking his cock popping out but she allowed for this firmly keeping their position. Her body free floated barely in control of herself just enough to make love.

Adam fucked her more aggressively, shouting while his spunk shot inside the peasant artist’s tight cunt. She bucked and writhed like a water goddess her orgasm climbing up to explode into her life like a bomb, then it was over and both lovers collapsed into one another’s arms and a caring embrace.

He swam over to the shore holding Lise in his arms. Lying down on the rocks he stroked her hair while she dozed in the afterglow of love...

Lise played with her fanny thinking of that time wishing Adam was here, she came with images of him swirling through her mind. In the bushes a hidden figure masturbated in joy at this hidden sight he was watching, soon he would have the young naked girl as his own.

Wanking over her past encounter Lise started to cum her body experiencing one its most joyous feelings, she gasped and panted like a dervish her finger probing and rubbing her red firm clit. Minute nerves sent tender delicate signals to her brain filling her with enjoyment for minutes she played with herself not stopping, her breathing became ragged when her orgasm peaked and she came in a loud sigh shouting her old lover’s name one time, “Adam!” before falling back knackered. Oh how she wanted to be fucked by a man who knew how to do it and satisfy my cravings screamed her mind though her body was satisfied, for now.

Quietly dozing on the edge of sleep Lise didn’t notice the stranger who observed her in his act of voyeurism but she heard the twig snap when he moved and his subsequent curses in guttural Russian. There was someone there with her! At her most secret place and watching her do her equally secret act, how could this be? She was so careful and had never been followed, not this time either for she checked every few minutes over her shoulder. And it wouldn’t be any of her previous lovers, she led them here by long confusing ways so they would never know the way here alone or again except with Lise. No there was a stranger here in the trees watching her!

“Who is there? I know you’re there, I heard you! Show yourself now!” demanded Lise in a steely voice, hardly that of a slim sexy young woman. For a few seconds nothing happened and she was on the verge of thinking she’d imagined the whole thing when a ghostly figure emerged from behind some thick bushes and trees. She was always right!

“What do you want? Who are you?” shouted the naked girl not ashamed of her nakedness or the watchful eyes of her intruder, Lise was in control.

“I am Count von Wolf and I live in the forest nearby here. I must say you do look a very sexy young lady,” commented the stranger in an upper class voice distinctly foreign from here.

“I see. Well, I don’t like being spied on by you or anyone.”

“For that I’m sorry my dear but if I’d have announced my presence you’d have fled or been angry with me.”

“Why should I flee from you? This is my pool and I’m not afraid of you nor any man!” challenged the young lady to the tall middle aged man who had greying hair, sharp chiselled features and wicked blue eyes which were quite piercing even from a dozen yards away. He actually looked like a wolf or alien but that must be a trick of the light and for his name to be Wolf? Coincidence?

“I know it’s your pool and I respect that. See, I’m on the edge of it in the trees not in water so I’m not trespassing,” announced the stranger looking Lise in the eye testing her; she held his gaze.

“Okay then. Don’t cause me any trouble for I can handle myself, even against you!”

“Thank you for that, I promise you I don’t mean you any harm and I will not cause trouble. What is your name? My first name is Verner. Verner von Wolf at your service!”

“Well Mr Wolf, please don’t spy on me again!” scolded Lise.

“Oh I won’t, I give you my word,” smiled the tall foreign man, “what is your name anyhow my dear?”

“Lise,” replied the naked woman sitting up and sliding into her pool. She wasn’t tired no more.

 “May I swim with you Lise?” asked Verner in a German accent.

“Yes, you may. Don’t make me hurt you though for I am a girl of the forest.”

“Thank you my dear. And I’m a man of the forest,” said Verner taking his dark coloured clothes off, it was some kind of black uniform. He placed it neatly on the ground and then left the bushes and dove steeply into the water to join his new friend Lise.

She turned tail and swam down to the bottom of the pool ten metres down to test her new companion, was he any good with strong stamina? What was he like at fucking? Lise soon found out what he was like at licking pussy. Count von Wolf followed Lise down under the water but by the time he was half way down she was on her way back up after touching bottom. Her way to show her diving skill and ability to hold her breath.

She broke surface and took a huge gulp of air. Wolf never made it to the bottom it was too deep for him but he did his best. He surfaced next to the Russian girl, took some air and smiled, “You had me there I never even made the bottom. You’re a fit woman.”

“Yes, I find it easy. I’m in perfect shape as you have seen. Hey, where are you going...” replied Lise; she was mid-sentence when her male companion went under.

He popped down between her legs! Lise felt something tickle her thighs. She knew what he was doing and opened her legs to allow him. Would he be able to hold his breath? Verner went to work holding her legs remaining a metre under the surface to lick her cunt with his tongue. Lise felt it connect with her pussy, an odd feeling underwater.

A nice but distant tingling sensation slowly went through her lower body as Wolf did his work limited by a single breath. Would he manage to make her cum considering he wasn’t able to dive ten metres down in her pond? It was obvious her pussy was priority, not her deep pond of water! His aim was licking wet pussy.

He put up a good show his tongue probing deep into Lise’s love hole, alternating with licking her clit in a circular motion to make her cum. Wolf was almost out of air but he stayed down underwater to do his job, no half measures here even if he drowned.

Above the water Lise groaned and moaned saying, “Oh yes!” over and over under her breath. She was almost there but her enjoyment could lead to the death of a man! Lise wasn’t normally a selfish woman, would that make her so? And she’d have to live with it the rest of her life!

It was okay for she came in a massive sigh and scream, her legs kicked out almost making Wolf lose his grip on Lise, his tongue fought to make Lise cum. Oh how she came!

A victory had been achieved and a young lady satisfied. Wolf broke surface after two minutes licking and slurping her nice lush twat. He gasped for air like a man under strangulation, red in the face almost bursting. The smile on his face said it all; he had put his life at risk and gone out of his way to bring enjoyment to his new friend Lise.

“Holy Lord my prince, that was amazing! You could have drowned though; no one has ever done it to me before!” Lise exclaimed in surprise and happiness.

“Oh it was nothing, really. I just thought of it there and then and wanted to do it. I’m glad you were okay with it and let me, you didn’t have to,” replied Verner getting his breath and back calming down.

“I enjoyed it very much and you took me by surprise. Come on, let’s go to the shore and rest together.”

“Yes, that will be nice, I’ll follow you.”

Lise swam a few yards to the shore and climbed out onto a sloping rock. She waited for the Count to follow and helped him out onto dry land. Sitting down next to him she looked at his rugged wild features, he was a real looker but old enough to be her father!

He placed his arm gently around her and she leaned against him and closed her eyes, she was sleepy and he made her feel safe like something from a fairy tale. Of course such stories were made up and bore no truth in reality.

A deep sleep fell onto Lise. She felt no physical sensation but her mind was corrupted by hidden dark dreams slowly rising to the surface like an air bubble deep underwater yearning for release.

Random images of wild beasts running through a forest similar to the one Lise’s pool was in and someone running or fleeing something else, almost trying to escape a pursuer. And other almost alien images of a distant place or world.

Lise sensed a beating heart and great physical and emotional turmoil. Was some kind of battle happening in her dream or an ordeal? Flashes of a beast like a wolf with sparkling intelligent malevolent eyes, yellow sharp teeth dripping spittle and a face full of evil intent. And some kind of hidden power not from here.

Yet this beast was an animal and belonged to the forest and Mother Nature, just as Lise and her pool in the woods did. Yet it was connected to a dually connected other world. Whoever was running was afraid of the beast and in fear of their life but strangely Lise felt quite the opposite, curious and inquisitive.

She knew the only beasts were wild ones like wolves and bears deeper in the forests where people only ventured with a rifle and three days provisions; here three hours hike from St Petersburg there were no wild animals. They had been hunted and victimised by man, he was the only beast both selfish and destructive.

Her dream cascaded her mind with other violent pictures - a young woman with brown hair and blue eyes screaming and shouting in a foreign language, a hideous creature part wolf and part man rampaging through the undergrowth after his quarry, the girl.

Lise suddenly screamed and was jerked awake. Disorientated she looked around with wide eyes, seeing Count von Wolf naked by her side she missed a breath and gagged for air. Then she remembered who he was and how they had met, how he had joined her in her pool and gone down on her underwater making her cum.

He returned her gaze and smiled a hideous grin, his features changed in seconds. Lise screamed and tried to get up. Wolf stopped her, his firm grip dragging her back to the ground. His face became hairy and elongated, his teeth grew and whiskers emerged near his nose; his breath was foul. Fur covered his body replacing his body hair and his muscles became firmer and three times their size including his penis, a purple shaft twenty four inches long throbbed and twitched up and down. Oh hellfire! I’m screwed look at the size of his cock! Lise’s head screamed. On top of his head was a meal dish with an aerial sticking out. What the Hell?

In a swift action Wolf moved Lise’s body in his firm grip forcing her down on the sloping rocks; it was obvious what he wanted to do - make love to her! What to do? I’ll have to comply and get this over with but what if he kills me with that wicked member between his legs?

A pain like burning oil poured onto her flesh erupted between her legs when Count von Wolf thrust his huge cock up Lise’s cunt which was still damp from the water and with pussy juice. Entry was no problem but the length was hideous!

Wolf shouted and growled like the hideous beast he was slowly thrusting his dick all the way up Lise’s cunt. He pumped aggressively away going down on his elbows that were now his front legs. Lise screamed in pain when serious internal injuries were done to her organs due to the size of his evil devil dick. Something was very wrong, this couldn’t be happening but it was! Oh how it hurt yet it sure felt good! Was the dream part of this? Wolf’s way of getting her ready for this ordeal that was both erotic and killing her?

“Get off me, you’re hurting me!” whimpered the streetwise Russian girl trying to push her beastly tormentor off her.

“Oh my dear, you wanted this ever since you saw me. Don’t deny the truth little one. You’re my most precious maiden of the forest I’ve yet had,” growled Wolf from his hairy snout. Lise hardly understood him. The antenna on his head beeped lit up and went round.

“Your penis is too big it’s damaging my insides. Stop or I will die!”

“That’s the idea my wench. Be quiet while I fuck you!”

“Fuck me then and end it,” she whimpered.

On and on the ordeal went with a two foot cock pounding a nice tight Russian cunt belonging to a self-taught peasant artist called Lise. Closing her eyes she dreamt of her nicer lovers she had made love to at her pool and at other places, happy times with nice people when she chose who to screw and in what position. Then the biggest cock was ten inches from a eighteen year old youth in her local art group.

This was way too much for her little lithe body. Blood oozed out of her cunt from internal tears inside her abdomen, she felt the wetness and surrendered to her fate; the beast from the forest had claimed a new victim.

He pumped away like a rabid ragged dog, not stopping till his melon size bollocks were empty and two litres of cum had forcibly shot inside the girl doing more damage. Wolf screamed as he came, his orgasm pulsing through his wild form giving him a reason to exist.

Lise’s pussy started to rip, the girth of his cock tearing the flesh adding to her fatal internal injuries. It was part of the gig being fucked by an alien wolfman! Before Lise passed out into unconsciousness she opened her eyes and saw a smiling face of her lover.

“Why? Who are you?”

“Why my dear I am the beast of the forest. I am a former Luftwaffe pilot who was shot down in your Great Patriotic war in 1943. My damaged Focke Wolf fighter plane is a mile through the forest. I was bitten by an rabid wolf who was part alien and I became possessed and immortal. Now I live in these woods looking for victims, young pretty women to fuck to death so they become alien wolves and join my pack where I’m the leader of the known Universe. You know now my dear. Soon you’ll die then be reborn as a she-wolf alien; we’ll be eternally together ruling for Eternity then my queen Lise...”

“No! No! I don’t want to die, not like that. I have so much to do in my life. You can’t do this!” stammered Lise passing out one last time.

“Too late my love I already have!”




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