Monday 14 September 2020


Nick Armbrister is a writer from the Grim North. He writes gritty and funny poetry on many topics. This new ebook includes work on illness, romance, death, life and tattoos. His interests include alternative music, tattoos, aircraft, reading and paganism. His poetry covers these and other topics. This book is a unique collection of alternative poetry which are both memorable and funny. Check out book 2.

Lancaster Lady

You remind me of the pretty young ladies who used to make Lancaster’s at Avro’s.

They always smiled.

Even though half of their magnificent aeroplanes fell in flames over Germany.

Tens of thousand of men lost.

Many aircrew had sweethearts building the Lancs.

Their smiles died forever when war stole them.

I know you aren't such a lady, are you?

Or are you my dear lady?

We work in a bakery making cakes.

I’d love to see you smile.

Your prettiness would illuminate my night sky

and I’d always safely return home to you my dear lady.

Are you the lady who built my Lancaster?

You’re forever my English rose.

Your beauty will never fade nor your light ever dim.

Let’s go to a real English pub together.

Just us my dear lady.



Panda Party

It's 16.40 and we sit in my armour plated Fiat Panda car

under the ground drinking beer and partying.

What joy!

The stereo plays old music tapes of Goth, metal and 80s tunes.

We've lots of beer and pizza to consume.

Two pretty gals have joined us for a laugh.

One sucks my dick and groans in delight.

I open a new beer and lean back in the passenger seat.

My mate is in the back with a brunette.

Quietly they fuck.

I glance over and smile.

That's how to do it.

My bullet proof car is party central.

No longer a driveable vehicle,

a unique underground venue for getting it on.

Hell! I'm coming.

Nearly time for a shag!

Then more ale and swapping partners.

Party all night till 06.00 when we sleep.

Bring it on!

Memory Hole

Fall into my memory hole

and get lost in the stars.

We glide in the ether

becoming a permanent element.

Noble gas born out of nothing,

forming fire and making


Becoming star children.

Memories of stars.

Sacred Dream

You can’t steal my dream.

You can take everything I’ve got

but you can’t steal my dream.

I keep this dream alive thru the years.

It belongs to me, me alone.

Material things are a false God,

not for me.

My dream is my path.

My path my dream.

You can take all my stuff but never my dream.

Not ever.

My sacred dream.

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