Wednesday 4 December 2019



Thoughts cascaded in his head while he piloted their jet on course ready for what was to come. “To protect and defend with all and every means at ones disposal but does that include offensive missions totally deniable in a nuclear strike fighter armed with nuclear arms? Crossing the threshold if it actually stops the enemy from gaining a nuclear release? Are we justified to act so offensively in nuclear combat if it’s actually a defensive measure? For in total war there is no mercy even before the commencement of hostilities…”

Beep! Beep! Beep! Oh fuck, enemy radar had gained skin paint on them. How was that possible? They were a hundred feet above the jungle and rolling hills of the coastal area. It must be on a hill and triangulated with a couple of other units. Time to jam the fuck out of them. “Ok my love bring the jammers online and jam their asses, they know we’re here but not exactly where. Go to full power and feed in subtle frequency changes so they can’t track us by our jamming location.”

“I’m on it my love. You going to launch on them?” his demure love answered, tuning in their jammer and making it active. Powerful agile beams of deceiving jamming waves blinded the enemy radars giving false readings and filling their screens with snow.

“No not just yet, not if our jamming works as advertised. Okay… where are we in relation to their secret nuke base?”

“Coming up on the nose eighteen miles away. I’d expect missile launches any minute. Ah there! And there… at two and twelve o’clock, enemy missiles launched. Looks like ballistic, they have no lock on us!” she hurriedly replied, breathing heavily.

“Right, we’re on target and the weapon is armed. I see the missiles, no danger to us. Am pulling up ready to launch and then will turn to starboard onto our new course away from the blast,” the rear seat pilot announced, checking his displays and keying in information. “Be ready for our launch, turn and any more enemy missiles.”

“Okay,” from the girl in the front seat.

“Three, two, ONE! Missile away! Here we go!” screamed her lover as he climbed their jet fifty more feet to give their port missile clearance when it dropped free and lit up its rocket engine. He yanked their jet into a tight right turn, pushing their single throttle to max power without reheat. Acceleration was instant, coupled with gravity in the turn, bringing a grey out. Exciting but in no way dangerous.

“That was bright! The rocket motor,” commented the oriental girl, adjusting her night vision goggles from the glare of the first missile. She checked her systems. Telemetry data linked from the missile showed it was on course and rapidly closing on target at supersonic speed. It would be some flash when it went off, best be ready!

“Let’s get out of here! All hell will break loose in a minute!” whispered her man, watching more inaccurate enemy missiles launch from the dark jungle into the starry sky. They know we are here but not where, he mused.

“Our missile looks good, almost on target. Get ready. Now!” she confirmed, before everything changed forever. He clicked his mike in response and concentrated on flying the jet, turning their radar set on from standby now their enemy was alert.

In a huge white flash, the touch of God, the single converted missile whooshed down onto the hidden camouflaged entrance of the secret nuclear facility. Protected by a massive two foot thick steel blast door, with an outer foot of painted concrete, the base was proof against most weapons but not nuclear. The missile smashed into the door, slightly left of centre, piercing the fake rock and a foot of steel before its velocity was reduced. Sensors and accelerometers sensed this and detonated the weapon, vaporising the door, the air in the tunnel and rock walls of the tunnel. A wave of pure plasma whooshed into the base killing, wrecking and causing a small chain reaction with the single Burmese nuclear reactor and four small tactical weapons being worked on. Destruction was total with not a living soul emerging from underneath the crater which had once been two miles of winding tunnels and underground rooms. Mission kill number one had been achieved. The blast wave buffeted the stealth warplane with a gentle caress as they sped away from their destruction.

“Whoa yeah! We did it! Fuckin’ ace!” whooped the western pilot.

“Yes my love we did, a definite kill. Nothing will be coming out of there now,” she quietly said, checking their cameras were getting all this.

“Did we record it okay?

“Yes my dear, you’ve got to see it. Quite something, the mushroom cloud is already three miles high and climbing.”

“I can see it in my mirror and reflecting over the jungle, it looks like day back there. I can see without my goggles. I’ve had to adjust them…”

More missiles rose into the air ahead of them, all missing. Behind them no more missiles were fired, the launching units were either destroyed or shorted out by the blast and EMP. Time for target number two.

Patching more info into their navigation system, they got ready. She re-programmed their second weapon for its target. It wasn’t been needed before, the first weapon worked as advertised being shoved down the throat of the Burmese military.

Their radar screen had remained blank but now several dots came into view, all unidentified with no IFF and ID’d as Burmese Air Force Mig 29 jet fighters by their compressor blade configuration. Three planes climbed up visible on infrared like slowly ascending comets.

“Three enemy jet fighters, Mig 29s by the radar data, closing from starboard. Ten miles and closing. They haven’t seen us yet. Shall I lock them up for you? Medium or short range weapon?” queried the girl in front, her fingers locking up the enemy jets.

“Short range, I want to make this personal. We’ll take two with missiles and the last with guns,” replied her pilot in his steely confident warrior voice. His finger clicked short range on his control stick, his eyes monitored his computers for any problems; there were none.

Changing course slightly he arrowed their jet toward the enemy Migs. Counting down in his head he fired the first portside Brightstar heat seeking close range missile and then the second. The enemy jets must have got lucky and seen the glare of the rocket motors because they turned as one away from the advancing jet and two even faster missiles. It was no use. The first missile connected with the outer Mig 29 and exploded behind the cockpit killing the pilot and destroying the aircraft. The blast was dim in comparison with the rapidly climbing nuclear mushroom cloud and burning jungle, now a firestorm. Almost immediately the second weapon blew up underneath the other turning jet, blowing a wing off and spinning the plane out of control. The pilot ejected and survived his encounter with an unknown assailant.

One Mig remained and it wanted revenge. Its radar came alive looking for the attacker but found nothing, it looked for them on infrared and saw nothing. His equipment was old and not a 5th gen system. He fired two short-range missiles blind hoping for a lucky hit. All he did was to illuminate his position. His weapons flew four miles and exploded harmlessly when their motors burnt out.

Arcing his stealth warplane around for a gun run the pilot clicked guns on his stick and told his weapons girl he was going in close to nail the last enemy with 23mm gunfire. Good as his word he watched the enemy jet turn and arc up in a climb, following it in his night vision goggles, patiently waiting for the distance to go under one mile. Now! A single press and twenty shells shot out and connected in a fine line with the third Burmese AF Mig. It was hit in the main fuel tank, exploding like a huge firework, so much for armoured self-sealing protection!

“That’s three kills my love. How are we doing for cannon ammo?” he asked.

“Just over eighty shells left my dear, good shooting!” she answered with a smile.

“It’s not just me my dear, we’re a team remember? A very good one. Okay now, what direction to our second target?”

“Erm… come around and steer 284 degrees and fly for five minutes at four hundred and fifty knots. That will take you into our missile launch area. I’ve already programmed the target location. I love you Nick!” she whispered.

“Thanks my dear. Am on it now, be ready for anything. And I love you too Vaanya,” confirmed Nick, his commitment to his lady and their mission was total. He wouldn’t back out not even for a second. Nick reefed their warplane onto their heading and slowed to attack speed. Behind them in the jungle a huge fire roared out of control underneath a cooling mushroom cloud. A single fleeing pilot faced death by fire under the rapidly advancing firestorm.

jimmy boom semtex

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