By Phone
I get so damn horny
When I hear her voice
Her the lovely lady
Who's on the phone
Her sultry tones
Hide so much
And betray it all
Oh I do wanna bed her!
Her the voice on my phone
Telling me the number
Is disconnected!
Welcome to NICK ARMBRISTER/JIMMY BOOM SEMTEX's blog where a variety of writing is posted including old and new work, book extracts, new project updates, book/blog links, photos and more. Watch this space for news on new books, projects, open mic sets and more. Keep it alternative and creative. Life is about being an individual and writing! Rock n roll \m/ :)
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Saturday, 24 June 2017
Round River
The river is blue, the sky is brown, the land
is red and the people gray.
It's all back to front! Am I colour blind or
is a new reality here?
There are no instructions only my wits.
Blame my cousin or the Devil for this hiccup.
The Old World was better and values simpler.
Nobody ripping you off or kidnapping you.
Corporate whores were a million years off.
Now, life only advances at its stopped rate.
There's no going back to our collective past.
Be strong brother and survive this melee.
We must transcend the linear and close the
When it comes to art
There is no sacrifice
Not worth it.
You see,
It's mesmerizing.
The beauty and cost...
Jimmy Guard
Jimmy Guard
Jimmy is proud
Why you ask?
He's part of something
It's important and rare
The Old Guard...
Beware you kids...
3rd Poem
This is for you
Dear human being
Cos we don't like
One another not one bit
Read and enjoy
You forgetful cad.
Thursday, 22 June 2017
8th Son Jimmy Boom Semtex and other writers/poets/authors
Orlov Battle
We are the Neo Soviet hooligans
We patiently wait for the World Cup
For in 2018 we will be ready
Yes there will be trouble
For when the English hooligans arrive
We will fight them
Hooligan to hooligan
They taught us how to hooliganise
We improved upon it
With paramilitary training
And Martial Arts skills
Backed up by military tactics
Let them come
We are ready
For Mother Russia!
8th Son Version 2.0 Jimmy Boom Semtex and other writers/poets/authors
8th Son Version 2.0
Jimmy Boom Semtex and other writers/poets/authors
Most Dangerous Place in the World
My home town is the most lethal place in the world
Voted the worst place to live in England and Wales in 2016
A place where bad things happen
Jimmy has seen an Asian drug dealer shot dead
Jimmy has been attacked by an Asian street gang
Jimmy has been called a bastard by a white chav
Jimmy has been threatened by a psychotic chav
Jimmy has seen stolen cars on fire
Jimmy has seen varied drug dealers deal
Jimmy has seen police raids
Jimmy has seen race riots
My home town is the most lethal place in the world
Voted the worst place to live in England and Wales in 2016
A place where bad things happen
Jimmy has seen an Asian drug dealer shot dead
Jimmy has been attacked by an Asian street gang
Jimmy has been called a bastard by a white chav
Jimmy has been threatened by a psychotic chav
Jimmy has seen stolen cars on fire
Jimmy has seen varied drug dealers deal
Jimmy has seen police raids
Jimmy has seen race riots
Monday, 19 June 2017
England falls again
Five incidents of bloodshed
Over as many months
Spring and summer becoming winter
Three terrorist attacks by Muslims
Two involved cars and bridges
Knives were also a part in one
Another Muslim Extremist used a bomb
And White Van Man got even
Not to mention the tower block fire
It was an accident faulty fridge style
Wasn’t it?
Warming Boom By Saurabh Pant

Saturday, 17 June 2017
Your incredible response fills me with light.
Sunshine of the heavens frozen in time,
tears of the Goddess of this sacred land.
Of the earth, the sky, the ocean and of Mother Nature.
My girl part foreign, part of here, now in my life.
Take me for who I am as I do you,
value you what we have and set out on this journey with
By my side even when we’re apart, you captured
my spirit like only you can. Now I stare
to a thousand yards, see you arrive back in my embrace.
Be one with me, show me the depths of your being,
teach me what you know. Reassure me
when I need love, let our magic flow
between us so we are alone no more.
I am a writer waiting for his break
on the dole again with little money
from the government, who I voted for back in 97,
they don’t mean nothing to me now.
What can I do? Swallow my pride
and do my low skilled job on national
minimum wage and be one of the grey people?
I don’t want much, just to write for a living
and use my writing spark to keep the wolf
from my door. My pride is low now, my talent
not recognised by my enemies in power.
So for them I don’t care and do this poem,
go to the grave for my cause.
Usual Goth poet seeking work,
take a chance if you dare.
I have and gave up my job to follow my dream.
So many people have let me down, lied to me
and broken my trust. I’ve gone as far as I can now
but I don’t care, I say fuck you all
and do my poems.
I sense that you are near me,
close enough to touch, right now.
In my mind.
No one else can see you next to me
but I do. As we are now,
we once were in reality
at some time in our history.
Your spirit never leaves me
and your ghost forever haunts me,
your love is my saviour intertwining
me in your spiders web of hearsay.
Where are you now?
Did they ever love?
If they did, was it right, just?
Questions don’t matter to me,
none of their biased views either.
I possess you, you me.
I make my plans to be with you,
count my pills, sharpen my razor.
Soon now…
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Wow! Tattoo My Butt Part 2 - Where Do You Think We All Will Be Tomorrow? By Nick Armbrister.
Global Party
Party time with foreign diplomats.
We all drink beer, lots and lots of dirty beer.
I provide two thousand bottles that all need drinking.
Stolen off a lorry; make the evidence disappear!
My diplomat mates get on down, drinking their fill.
Mr Bootros Bootros Bootros Bootros Bootros Bootros
Bootros Bootros Bootros Gali
drinks sixty five bottles of beer.
He's so fucking merry and dances with a young Chinese
I get on down and sing a song, SING ME THE SONG OF THE
I see Moosa Koosa partying on with a Thai ladyboy.
I can't write what they did!
But Mr Koosa does love English beer.
A dozen other worldwide politicians are here,
I can't say their names or I'm fucked 9mm style in my
One loves his sex with a Miss Louis-Whiskey.
Never mind the homosexual diplomats drinking my beer.
Think I'll have a look see and try out this man on man
It's only a party so hey, party on and drink my beer.
The Argie and Aussie leaders look fit.
They seductively lick their bottles.
Gives me an idea!
Double blow job after gay sex!!!
Twenty five thousand more bottles remain unused and on
Georgian hookers and diplomats are soon to be
On and on my party whirls.
Elleswyth the Warrior Nick Armbrister and P.J. Reed
awoke. The bed was empty. Cernunnos had gone. Then she felt the earth breath in
and recoil. An electric current ran through her body. Her eyes widened in fear
as she scoured through the darkness. A heavy beating sound got louder and
louder through the blackness. She put her hands over her ears to try to block
out the sound but it boomed and roared until it drowned out all her thoughts.
The mother had arrived.
Elleswyth stood up. She was ready
for what was to come. She was under no illusions of what or who Gaiana was or
what her skills were. She was a real bitch. Well, two could play at that. Hers
was only an earth based power, the warrior Goddess witch's was both earth and
alien based. Thus giving her a big edge. But was it enough? Cernunnos had fled,
coward that he was. No worry. She would face his evil mother alone. Elleswyth
readied herself. With a glare that could melt stone, she sent a hatred spell at
the mother.
PJ Reed Anna story review by Nick Armbrister
PJ Reed Anna story review by Nick
Join Anna, a single parent struggling to
bring up her kids while holding down a minimum wage night shift job in a store.
We find Anna working her shift and looking forward to going home. She day
dreams of dating a nice man in a suit, like the well dressed customer who calls
in. He's actually an agent checking upon her well being. Is there more to Anna
than we can actually see? She wants such
a man. Not a dealer or pimp but a caring man. Her anxiety at work and on
leaving is real. Her neighbourhood is trashy, with derelict buildings, young
teen thugs in masks, deprivation and not much else but hope.
We feel like we're walking home with Anna.
We experience one teen thug rob her at knife point, causing her more anxiety
when he steals her kids' chocolate bars; we experience her anxiety like it was
our own; we feel out of place normality when the drug dealer/growers house and
family is described, at how their daughter plays normally in the street; we see
body parts on a fence; and two people, the masked teen and an old woman, sat
still on a couch, dead? Anna is linked to this. But why? What did she do? Who
is she?
It's Halloween and it plays with Anna's
head. For good reason. The drug growing family end up in body bags. And the
cops take Anna and her kids away. Why? Safety or arrest? Her anxiety and past
reliance on meds are a big issue. If she loses it tonight, she can lose her
kids. Answers are needed. Will we get them? This is a scene set in a town near
you. Reminds me of Oldham.
Paper Targets
Paper Targets
You shoot at people
as if they were paper targets
Not caring
who you kill, maim or injure
Your outrage
has been well planned
Not a single
bit went wrong
You serviced
your guns
hundreds of bullets
Dressed the
part in boots, fatigues and body armour
Then made your
way down the main street
walking with guns in hand
aiming and firing at random targets
One round
here, another there
Aiming at
chests, necks, heads, legs
But reveling
when you shot them in the back
Are you
fucking crazy?
What the fuck
made you do this?
A red letter
from the leccy company?
girlfriend ditching you?
Your dog
pissing on your leg?
justifies your actions
Not even an
act of war
For those
people you shot were innocent
Not some
enemy Russian soldiers on the battlefield
You gunned
down a dozen plus lives
cutting them short with total disregard
Injuring ten
more to varying degrees
I guess your
shooting wasn’t so accurate
Or did you
maim them on purpose?
Only you know
why you did this?
Bringing war
to a quiet urban street
Where they’re
more used to arguing pensioners
And drunken
chavs fighting at weekend
In the space
of five minutes you changed everything
Putting this
small town on the map
For all the
wrong reasons
your cowardly suicide
Tell me, did you
have any regrets?
Before you
swallowed the barrel and blew your head off?
nothing but a fucking coward
With a
collection of illegal guns…
Die raghead
mother fucker die!
That’s what
happened to Daesh
They were all
Swiftly and
serenely by force
Culled with
ultimate force
No more Daesh
Our world was
blight free…
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Broken Turtles by Jimmy Boom Semtex
"Urgh!" screamed the girl pilot.
Sea water poured from her mouth with lots of vomit. Jelma moved back and was
almost sick herself. Chen sat the wounded girl up and moved the hair from her
eyes. Her eyes were a deep iridescent green. Absolutely beautiful.
"Oh my..." Jelma said. There were
tears in her eyes.
The girl saw Chen and gripped his arm with
her remaining hand. Her body shook in pain and shock. Then she smiled. Chen ran
his free hand through her hair. She was very beautiful, more so than Jelma.
Almost angelic. An angel of death who was dying, after killing. Ultimate price
"What's your name? Do you speak English,
Japanese or Chinese? We saw you fight. It was crazy, unbelievable. Where are
you from?"
Monday, 12 June 2017
Juniper’s Daughter: Fookin' Weech By Nick Armbrister
Juniper's Daughter is a character made up by Nick Armbrister. She is a witch. Her main role is fighting evil and the Devil. Join her in a variety of situations and conflicts described in these cutting edge poems. They are multi emotional from satire, serious, sad and left of centre. Subjects include a lamppost that works for the Devil, erotic sex at work, invading a country for its alleged resources and much more. Juniper's Daughter is always busy for evil is everywhere. Corrupting the weak and killing in war. Our world needs the witch now... We Came We came from very far away to see your planet We wanted to meet you and see how you were We were shocked to find so much badness and evil We saw wars, murder, violence, genocide and much more We saw people willingly giving themselves to evil We saw people turn a blind eye to violence and let it continue We saw an all powerful shady figure carry out his deadly agenda We saw a figure of the light try to stop him by her simple means
Sunday, 11 June 2017
906606: Volume One the Self Tattooing of Nick Armbrister By Nick Armbrister
I like tattoos. Over the years I’ve added to my collection till I’m now 75% covered. Only my face and neck, hands and feet aren’t inked. I’m filling in the remaining gaps with varied artwork. This includes doing my own tattoos either by electric gun or by hand. I thought doing it by hand would be easy; how wrong I was! I learned by trial and error. I got advice from some of my artists. My first series of tattoos were done by hand and using ball point pen ink. This works for some people but not me! Ink went all over the bed sheets. More dangerously, my body reacted against the ink and it all lifted out leaving bad scars. There’s a lesson there: DO NOT USE PEN INK! I got proper ink from my artist and tattooed a way. I did two sessions a week for months. Dozens of small tattoos filled in the gaps on my legs and other places. I slowly got better. Being good at art, I found drawing out the designs no problem. The quality of my hand done tats improved.
Friday, 9 June 2017
poem on me being blocked on facefuk for calling saudis motherfukers and terror backers
Terror Game
Saudi Arabia played football with Australia
Before the game there was a minutes silence
Saudi players refused to do the silence
They took their field positions
How fucking disgusting
Saudi Arabia played football with Australia
Before the game there was a minutes silence
Saudi players refused to do the silence
They took their field positions
How fucking disgusting
Not respecting
the London terror victims
This shows Saudi Arabia’s backs terrorism
I posted a BBC news link on Facefuk
I called them terror backing motherfuckers
I said I look forward to Saudi Arabia falling apart
Like Yemen who they bomb
Or Syria or Libya or Iraq or Afghan or...
I look forward the the fall of the House of Saud
Let the desert run red with their blood
Saudi Arabia the world's number 1 terror backer
Iran is next and your enemy
You fight it out in Yemen and Syria
Two rival enemy Muslim terror backers
Both fucking crazy
Saudi showing their colours by a lack of respect on the pitch
I got banned for my post calling them motherfuckers
3 days in Facefuk jail
Can't use my account at all
Fuck you Mark Suckerberg
Fuck you with a big black one
Up your white trash arse
Terror nation lover and supporter?
Due to USA selling war weapons to Saudi
Do you wanna be pres?
Next damn Trump?
This shows Saudi Arabia’s backs terrorism
I posted a BBC news link on Facefuk
I called them terror backing motherfuckers
I said I look forward to Saudi Arabia falling apart
Like Yemen who they bomb
Or Syria or Libya or Iraq or Afghan or...
I look forward the the fall of the House of Saud
Let the desert run red with their blood
Saudi Arabia the world's number 1 terror backer
Iran is next and your enemy
You fight it out in Yemen and Syria
Two rival enemy Muslim terror backers
Both fucking crazy
Saudi showing their colours by a lack of respect on the pitch
I got banned for my post calling them motherfuckers
3 days in Facefuk jail
Can't use my account at all
Fuck you Mark Suckerberg
Fuck you with a big black one
Up your white trash arse
Terror nation lover and supporter?
Due to USA selling war weapons to Saudi
Do you wanna be pres?
Next damn Trump?
I think
For he
celebrated the huge Saudi arms sale
This will
be used for terror
And to
defend a terror nation…
Thursday, 8 June 2017
Kahlia Akasha Is Back
Kahlia Akasha Is Back
We armed our jet with 8 anti ship missiles. Every single
under wing weapon pylon was spoken for. Under fuselage drop tank full of fuel,
in front of that a twin barrel 30mm gun
with 200 armour piercing shells. We where forward based on a dusty coastal
track in southwest India. The Pak navy sank the Indian aircraft carrier and Sea Harriers so we can’t use her as a springboard. On the beach, fuel topped up, weapons armed, final checks done. We took off heading west to engage the Pakistan navy. To sink their ex British and American destroyers. Just as they sank the ex Brit carrier India had used. Mad.
Nice low slow cruise 50ft above the choppy fog laden sea. 200knots, 220mph. She would touch 530mph but we had to go slow, we had 8 ships to kill. My wife flew our plane in the back cockpit. I caressed the juicy missiles below our stealth fighter plane. Used infrared to scan ahead, just ghostly images hidden by the fog. I tried the laser range finder, so many readings due to the shifting fog. Radar! Two scans, off. There! The 1st Pak navy ship, a Type21 Frigate ex Royal Navy. Let’s do an Argy and sink it! Our Chain Head missiles are better than Exocet, 25yrs ahead in tech and lethality.
My wife kept our jet 50ft above the ocean, our grave if she hated me. I confirmed, 'Missile 1 locked on, missile 2 ready to lockup any new target,' then my lady lifted our port wing. Unbalancing me, just illusion. Enough room for our weapon to launch without hitting the sea, our right wing 20ft above the sea! A big wave would swamp us. Mad!
Away! Orange bright flare devil roar missile away. Radar on again to sweep ahead, weapon merging with Pak ship 80 miles ahead. Time to turn gently away; we have 7 more ships to find in the fog and coming night. We’re a ghost unseen below enemy radar, slow to save fuel we have forever to do our job. Sink the Pak navy. Any survivors in the water will get 30mm shells if we don’t shoot up any ships still afloat. Let’s hope our missiles work, I don’t want to strafe some drowning men, let the sea slowly claim them.
Our black painted Soviet prop jet fighter slides through the evening fog as a distant orange flash flares and dies. 7 anti ship missiles left. We’ll evade their 40yr old mirage jets...
This story/poem is my 4th Kahlia Akasha one, the others being in my 3rd book A Nation in Flames: Short Story Collection, out to order on amazon. This warplane is multi role including nuclear capable. Her real title is Aeroprogress T-720. She was never built due to the death of the cold war. This looks to be starting again. Would she be reborn, even more dangerous and deadly? After all the Russians will need a replacement for the Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot, a 30yr old attack jet. They lost several, blown out of the sunny Georgian skies in August 2008. Georgian missiles shot them down, David fighting Goliath. Would my Kahlia Akasha escape being shot down over Georgia? We’ll never know. She is stealth capable, has active radar jamming system, chaff and flares to decoy missiles, extreme performance and agility, small size, high technology. She isn’t invulnerable but more survivable than a Frogfoot. All I have are my own design studies, theoretical. I ask what if?
You wear your cheap jeans that cost you a fiver
with your fake Adidas t-shirt and knackered trainers.
You say this is you and you ain’t bothered so what can I say?
I’m happy in my middle of the road way.
When will you change your image?
Do you wear Y-fronts and old string vests?
Are you old well before your time?
You are an enigma to me with a hypocritical view
on fashion and a messy hair cut.
You are one of a kind now, aren’t you?
I’ll leave you alone, so bye bye numb nuts,
go and buy some new clothes.
old rude times hehe
It is a wonderful
thing that we’ve got
as we do some things
that other people could never do,
like doing threesomes
and foursomes and so much more besides.
Why do we do it – is
the thrill that good to do the unknown?
I watched you dance
with a lad,
this I didn’t like
especially when he kissed you.
But if we’d all gone
to bed just like we planned
the ride would have
been fab, so in yer face.
We won’t do that
again, no not in a club,
because you are out
with me and I’m with you.
We have to be careful
where we draw the line.
I don’t want this
good fun to end in some upsetting scene.
After all, we’re in
this together with us first and foremost.
Monday, 5 June 2017
Second Shadow Jimmy Boom Semtex
Weapons Of Peace
Welcome to Saudi
Arabia. Land of desert and oil. Be good here or you're in trouble. Steal a
handbag, lose a hand. Smuggle drugs and lose your head. Head chopping business
is good. They're recruiting 8 new choppers. If you want to be one step above a
savage, this job's for you. You'll be both feared and respected with your razor
sharp sword and never out of work.
The Saudi's are
bombing the fuck out of Yemen. Using weapons bought from the UK and USA. Top
dollar warplanes dropping smart bombs. Hitting big ammo dumps and killing Houthi
rebels. Besides thousands of civilian casualties, usual collateral damage. Many
months of air raids, no end in sight. Will Iran be drawn in? Houthi rebel
backers, smashing Iranian influence. For now.
It was a small news
report: Saudi to buy Pakistan nukes. With no complaints or fanfare. Off the
shelf bombs to face off Iran. Will it deter or spur Iran to build their own
bomb? Why don't the Jews sell invisible nukes to Saudi? My enemy's enemy is my
friend. Nuclear proliferation failed. Will they buy bombs, rockets or cruise
missiles? What next for Saudi? Peacemaking?
Elleswyth the Warrior Nick Armbrister and P.J. Reed
It was the little
green girl who lived in the forest; she was wraith like. Alice, as in fantasy
land. Yet this was real, no fairytale. Tea cups clinked. Two big ones were in
use. Alice's and another. Whose? And several smaller ones. The warrior woman
circled the picnic site, weapon ready. The unheld tea cup hovered in the air.
Unseen hands held it. The girl indicated, 'Sit Down.' The warrior advanced,
spear tip ahead. In a sudden movement faster than the eye, the sharp tip caught
the child's right arm. Blood flowed and her half full cup fell. Tea covered her
and mixed with overly red blood. The warrior wiped her spear on the girl's
dress, took the second cup from mid air and sat down. The child glared but
remained silent. Her blood confirmed her life force. Who was she though? A
sentry for the Devil, for her enemies or Cernunnos? Or all? She was pretty but
it was a fake beauty. Stolen from willing and unwilling souls. Her age was
measured in multiple centuries and not years. The beautiful toy dolls were
surreal and out of place. Yet after recent events, anything was possible.
"Why?" growled the warrior witch, heart thudding?
Pussy Pounder Cocktail By Nick Armbrister
following the naked stranger Lina silently walked into the trees trying to
remain quiet. Where had he gone? she
wondered. There he was! A dozen yards in front of her, quickly she ducked
behind a small tree and felt her heart thudding in her chest. Had he seen her?
She didn’t think so. Peeping round the leaves Lina struggled to see the man,
yes there he was by a tree picking some bananas. It looked like he was hungry
and needed food. Look at the size of his
cock, it must be six inches long and it’s not even hard! she gasped.
a twig snap and leaves rustle Jan knew something or someone was nearby, he played
dumb and kept peeling a banana. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a tree move
a few feet away. Suddenly dropping his fruit he sprang and ran to the bush, he
was ready for anything but not expecting to see a naked woman cower in fright.
For seconds the two stared at one another and then she bolted and ran. He was
ready and caught hold of her hand yanking her to a stop. She swore and fell to
the floor. He stood over her.
don’t hurt me!” stammered the scared girl.
are you? Why were you spying on me?” asked Jan gruffly, visibly annoyed.
live here, this is my home. I’ve never seen you before and wanted to know who
you are,” replied the girl, starting to cry.
need food and I’m hungry. That’s why I came ashore, I’ll soon be gone. It’s
still rude to spy on me,” explained Jan. The girl sobbed violently.
don’t hurt me; I’m sorry for spying on you. I’ve never seen a naked man
won’t hurt you and stop crying, little girls do that. Looking at you, you’re
not a little girl,” he commented bending down and putting his arm around her.
She fell into his arms and cried against his chest, he felt her warm tears. He
was responsible for them.
don’t cry I didn’t mean to be bossy with you. For that I’m sorry. I won’t hurt
you, I promise.”
Kahlia Akasha Jet Strike By Jimmy Boom Semtex
“That was bright! The rocket
motor,” commented the oriental girl, adjusting her night vision goggles
from the glare of the first missile. She checked her systems. Telemetry data
linked from the missile showed it was on course and rapidly closing on target
at supersonic speed. It would be some flash when it went off, best be ready!
“Let’s get out of here! All
hell will break loose in a minute!” whispered her man, watching more
inaccurate enemy missiles launch from the dark jungle into the starry sky. They
know we are here but not where, he mused.
“Our missile looks good,
almost on target. Get ready. Now!” she confirmed, before everything
changed forever. He clicked his mike in response and concentrated on flying the
jet, turning their radar set on from standby now their enemy was alert.
In a huge white flash, the
touch of God, the single converted missile whooshed down onto the hidden
camouflaged entrance of the secret nuclear facility. Protected by a massive two
foot thick steel blast door, with an outer foot of painted concrete, the base
was proof against most weapons but not nuclear. The missile smashed into the
door, slightly left of centre, piercing the fake rock and a foot of steel
before its velocity was reduced. Sensors and accelerometers sensed this and
detonated the weapon, vaporising the door, the air in the tunnel and rock walls
of the tunnel. A wave of pure plasma whooshed into the base killing, wrecking
and causing a small chain reaction with the single Burmese nuclear reactor and
four small tactical weapons being worked on. Destruction was total with not a
living soul emerging from underneath the crater which had once been two miles
of winding tunnels and underground rooms. Mission kill number one had been
achieved. The blast wave buffeted the stealth warplane with a gentle caress as
they sped away from their destruction.
“Whoa yeah! We did it!
Fuckin’ ace!” whooped the western pilot.
“Yes my love we did, a
definite kill. Nothing will be coming out of there now,” she quietly said,
checking their cameras were getting all this.
“Did we record it okay?
“Yes my dear, you've got to
see it. Quite something, the mushroom cloud is already three miles high and
“I can see it in my mirror and
reflecting over the jungle, it looks like day back there. I can see without my
goggles. I’ve had to adjust them…”
More missiles rose into the
air ahead of them, all missing. Behind them no more missiles were fired, the
launching units were either destroyed or shorted out by the blast and EMP. Time
for target number two.
more info into their navigation system, they got ready. She re-programmed their
second weapon for its target. It wasn’t been needed before, the first weapon
worked as advertised being shoved down the throat of the Burmese military.
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