Thursday 4 July 2024

Green Bike


Green Bike


Larry reefer his green motorcycle round the corners. It was a race of speed with the clock. He screwed the bike to red line. The small engine was small by purpose. He liked to beast his machines. This was no exception his little one two five roared as it screamed this way and that. Nobody but nobody who was responsible and adult treated a bike that way. It was his experiment. Hammer a normal bike like a five hundred or thousand racing bike. Like a tuned up prepared racer built for the track. Not a commuting city bike bought second hand from Loot. It was looked after and he serviced it but never did any adjustments. He fuelled it then donned his leathers and helmet and off he went. Being closer to one hundred than the bike ever should've known. His pricey cameras filmed it in case he pranged. The witch Juniper's Daughter knew what Larry was up to and she never protected him. Not a spell or wish or incantation. He was on his on with just his skills. Not even protecting him from the Devil who was a closet bike fan. What could possibly go wrong? It could lead to war or death.


From high above the clouds the witch watched the speeding bike ridden by the skilled rider. She was concerned that something would soon go wrong. Call it a feeling or intuition. She held her spells back. Now and again she wanted to see how long a mere human could defy the odds and outwit the Devil. This rider was both good and had guts but was stupid. Doing this on a small motorcycle!


A fat man eating a mixed kebab drove his uninsured car. He ate while driving and pulled out of a side street onto the highway. Straight into the path of the green motorcycle; what would happen did!


Larry’s was on his fourth bike race of the day. Now he knew how the machine handled how fast it went and its acceleration. He knew how it felt round the bends and on the straight. His top speed was slower than most of the other traffic for they had bigger engines but they couldn’t use that higher speed on the congested roads. Only on long straight bits and on those sections of road the drivers only increased speed a little. They observed the traffic laws unlike Larry who was a speed demon and knew when and where to speed up. It was stupid to speed along a short piece of road full of vehicles. It was wiser to use road with few buildings with few side roads with fewer vehicles; with no other vehicles if possible. Larry was down by the railroad tracks. The road was parallel to it and long and straight for three miles. He could see all that distance. There were no vehicles on his side and only a couple of cars on the other side some way off. He opened the throttle and felt the small bike with the small engine actually roar. Or did it scream?


He looked good in his black leather jacket and trousers plus boots with a metallic purple helmet. He kept the bike in the centre of the road and redlined it. The slipstream whooshed over him. The bike had spent very little time of its road use at this kind of speed. He held the handlebars and glanced at the dials and speedo. He was at maximum speed. He backed off the throttle a little and then waited a few seconds before opening it again. This took some pressure off the engine and allowed him to throttle all the way up again. In doing so the speed went to maximum and little bit passed it. Larry kept it there and hunkered down in the air flow. He felt it tug at him and flow over him. It he sat fully up he could be thrown off! He was two thirds down the long road and his way ahead was clear. Just then he saw something and it filled him with fear. There was only one side road emerging onto this stretch of road. It was opposite the railway side. A dirty white car sidled onto the and never turned the correct way to join the traffic flow. Instead it turned to face him and drove down the wrong side of the road, into the traffic flow. With seconds to spare Larry kept the throttle maxed out and aimed directly for the front of the dirty white Dodge sedan. It was inevitable he would hit it. There were vehicles on the opposite side of the road so he couldn’t go over to their side as it wasn’t clear. The other vehicles beeped their horns at the erratic white car. Even from a distance Larry could see that the driver really filled the driver’s seat. The guy must weigh four hundred pounds! And he was drinking a large bottle of Pepsi! Larry saw the logo. He was eating something too. Larry saw the driver looked unwell with a pale complexion on his wide round face. His eyes were merely dots. He knew the driver saw him and knew what he was doing. Larry’s motorcycle hit the front of the Dodge dead centre at well over maximum speed. Larry was ready and knew what to do. He went flying! He launched himself off the bike and flew through the air like Superman. Arms held out before him his legs straight but bent a little like he was diving into a swimming pool. He heard and felt the bike impact with the car and saw the white vehicle as he was airborne and actually looked down onto its scruffy rusty roof. Then he was beyond the car and landed with some force. The car bike and four hundred pound driver detonated into a huge fireball.


When Larry woke up he was elsewhere. He no longer wore his leathers boots or helmet. His body was somehow different. Was he alive or dead? Was this Heaven or Hell? A pretty woman came to him and took his hand. She talked to him and he heard her voice clear as day but her lips remained still.


“I am Juniper’s Daughter. You are safe here…”


When Demang woke up he was in a different place. It was hot and his fat body was sore and full of sweat. Flames and smoke hovered at the edge of his watery eyes. A powerful handsome man in a red suit appeared and scolded the fat man.


“I told you to kill him. Not to let him die in a road accident. Do you not know the difference between the two? I told you to kill him. Not let him die when he hit the road. Those specific differences really matter. Now he isn’t here is he? Look around, do you see him? No you do not. For he’s in Heaven with the witch Juniper’s Daughter and her mother Juniper. Demang you fat bastard you failed me! For that you must be punished. Bend over. You will feel my large hot red throbbing cock up your butt. Yes I know your piles are still sore. Even though you’re dead this will still hurt. Bend over now!”


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