Thursday 11 July 2024

Epping Forest Fun


Epping Forest Fun

Wet wet wet are most pussies

Have you ever known a pussy

That was dry dry dry


Like the one I fingered in a forest

When I was with my ex long ago

She was frigid as Hell


I got it on with the other gal

My ex wouldn’t suck or fuck

The other guy which we agreed


To do in Epping Forest in daylight

Resting on a big sheet

All having sex oh such fun!


I got my fingers up the guy’s wife

How would I get my cock up there?

She wanked me off till I came


If felt so damn good what pleasure

It would be good to go back

With a different gal not my ex


An open minded and programmed

To enjoy sex with strangers

Imagine how erotic and cool


All making love coming as one

Nobody to stop us or say it’s bad

Getting it on in Epping Forest

The way it’s meant to be!







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