Sunday 14 January 2024

new poems



It would always be different

But the same in this game

This was the rules they all knew

Why change it when it was set?

Established things were just that



Noise Limits

The manager urges her reps

To be loud and outspoken

Is this right is this professional?

Some reps are quiet and focused

An opposite so which is best?

Both ways work and get sales

Be loud or be quiet its fine

But not loud next to a quiet rep

He’s liable to bop you one!



Telephone Call

The young smart attractive intelligent committed female secretary was doing her job. She manned the phones and took shorthand notes and wrote memos. In between she updated the sales orders on the computer. An important customer called in wanting one thousand BL755 cluster bombs. ‘We need them as of yesterday!’ the customer commented. It was the time of the Gulf war and the lady had lots to do. No thoughts of doing her nails or seeing her friends or going on a date. Calls needed answering and orders taking. War was a lucrative business and a lot of money was being made. 



skull fuck

the gay probing the cx

you should've seen it!



blown servers

the google assistant robot

was blown to bits nothing left

by the rep who loathed it

an ongoing war finally over

the rep blew up the servers

and storage rooms in cali

with a huge bomb oh what joy!

no more google assistant

not connecting him thru

while doing sales calls









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