Sunday 19 May 2024

My Art Essay


My Art Essay

A writer is only a writer as long as they write. Like a painter is only a painter if they paint. This is the ongoing creative process. If an artist doesn't create they aren't doing their craft or art. Like a master who yearns to make what he does but doesn't. The creative outlet is stifled. This leads to shut down depression despair forgetting how to make art. Ask Da Vinci or Wordsworth what their negative uncreative times was like. Long moments of not nothingness but something in-between. Not dark for many good works were made in dark times. Thing Shelley's classic horror writing or even Little Red Riding Hood. Each is dark yet very creative. A work of dark art. Today all art has it followers and critics. One person's passion is another person's critique. It has always been and will always be this way. And so with my own art my writing. From a simple poem to a long novel it's the same. Each can have light or dark themes moments and atmosphere. Tattoos are the same. A tattoo of Frankenstein can be both uplifting and dark. Exceptionally done and of utmost horror. A work of visual art. Just like a song can be. A heavy metal song can be thrilling to dance and head bang too and have dark lyrics and meaning. Like Painkiller by Judas Priest or Aces High by Iron Maiden. Time pauses while on the dancefloor under those songs spell. It's magical yet only a song. My writing covers most moods and emotions. It's happy and sad. Dark and light. A stereotype cliche if ever there was one of original art. Why original if it can be like the rest? Because it belongs to me and I alone created it. Just like the boy band song from twenty five years ago. It's a big budget manufactured pop song by a male vocal group not a talented performing band. It's still art even if some people think its crap. It will inspire and aspire to certain people. The old saying 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' is as true now as it ever was. The 21st Century has brought new changes in art of all types and also made it easier for individual people to get what they create out there. Be it a song a computer generated drawing or an ebook. All this is free to see online or available for a small price. Yet is the quality of this varied art the same as the old traditional art or books? People tend to 'self-police' themselves. They do not release a badly recorded or sung acoustic guitar track. Only their best will do. If it inspires just one person after listening then it's a positive result. Remember all art is positive. Even a dark film with negative topics like serial killers and cannibalism is a positive because it's art the film maker and script writer knows this and each want maximum exposure for their work. Unlike some poets who fill journal after journal with poems and never show a soul. This is fine for it's their work and belongs to them and their decision is right for them. It's only the wrong decision when they delete their songs burn their manuscripts or whitewash their paintings. And this has happened when the artist simply went mad. Madder than the usual insane creative madness. Numerous times painters or authors have lost control and trashed their creations. If we are lucky they forget some of their work and it survives for posterity. All art is priceless from Banksie's street murals to Waterhouse Lady of Shalot. Their creations will outlive their mortal creators by centuries. This is the way with art. How will it be with a teenagers exercise book scrawl or spray painted vandalism on a store wall? Is this not art? Each has its place in history and the world. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we are the judges.










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