Monday 13 May 2024

mad poems hehe


Spac Attack!

Joey Deacon went on holiday to _____________

He went with Ernie and their special electric car

While going for a cup of tea they met a new friend

His name was Abnoy and he was from ____________

Originally born in a remote province

Now he lived in ____________ nut house

With hundreds of other special people

Joey and Ernie bought Abnoy a cup of tea

The way English drank tea and biscuits

With the Queen of England even if dead

Abnoy got very excited and spacked out

This set off Joey with spassed out big time

Ernie was missing the fun so he did too

3 retards having full motion eppies

With hands arms bodies and mouths going

It was a joyous sight and sound to behold

Such a release of nervous twitching energy!




the latency was always there

cutting in and out of radar coverage

like a b2 stealth bomber over poland  

lazy like a big fat crocodile just eaten

3 swimmers in the river now gone

caught in the wrong place wrong time

kind of things the angry man did/does

he himself complains hey why me!

yet it was he who did the things he did

got plonked in jail for a month

now he hates the cops usual thing

now got a rap sheet really moans

hey wait a minute you made a choice

doing this and that now being latent

waiting for the trial that'll never come

just blow the judge up you're italian

get a fake id and go elsewhere

move on in life write a film on it

you who are forgotten in 3 weeks

another angry young jerk same old

who will be the next clone like you?

your kind are all over in every town

welcome to tomorrow go get a life

a legit one with issues or shit

you wanna fix things fix yourself

and your criminal ways and go talk

to your cop bro who has things to say

is he as latent as you?



A bomber plane flew/payload heavy Moscow bound/for little Putin  



Heal It

Squeeze that big spot by your right ear

See the puss ooze out like cream from a cake

You need to do it 3 times to empty the shit out


How did you get a large red spot there?

Was it shaving the night before?

A mosquito bite full of infection?

An allergic reaction to aftershave?

Scratching your ear while having a shit?


It could be anything but one thing is certain

The pop of the spot and spurt of puss

On the mirror and your fingers is good

Time to wipe it wash it put antiseptic on it

Check for any other spots ready to go

What a lovely mess soon to heal

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