Friday 19 May 2023

war men gangsters meet in the garden and discuss the world


After eating father asked to walk together in the garden. I'm shocked on what I saw it's not a garden it's a god damn forest! And there are a lot of floras there. Your mother loves plants so she created a forest here. I need to install lights on the pathway because there are no lights, its pitch black at night.



Father wanted to talk to me something personal after the dinner, and I thought mother and my wife would follow us but it seems not. There is a storm coming from the west and it's still in preparations. I’ve got some enemies back there. When the time comes I may need your help to rescue me and your mother. 10 years ago I already stored my assets in banks at Switzerland and Sweden. I'm telling you this because it will be under your name use it at your disposal for us to be rescued. I still have assets here in China but if the one I feared came it may not be mine anymore so all of my assets are locked away from this country. People surrounding Xi want the dominance of the old ancient empire he wants to take the whole of Asia or the world. He has a large army to try this and the industrialization of this country helps him to build his own armaments. The Idealism of he and his circle can bring down this country which he built. I was part of that and I don't want to be eaten by it so I stayed in the shadows and never mingle with these affairs. Due to the tons of migrations Xi uses as spies, and if the family doesn’t agree, relatives here will be the one to be punished. And Xi knows CIA, NSA, MI6, MI5, Russian intelligence, Israeli intelligence and that of other nations’ know what he is doing. China just surveys it. His spies are nothing they can't even find accurate info unlike their counterparts whom know their mission. It's a silent war and few people know about it. I know you don't want to be part of it but you entered this dark world which most of big guys use too, you need to know this to have your escape plan because we are being used as a front for their war games. The only family or group that really don't mingle is the Italian Mob because they don't do arms dealing, massive amounts of drug trade or mercenary business just smuggling. Middle East wars are also brewing especially with Iran who is getting mightier, Pakistan wants to attack India again and some Arab sheiks want to gain power over the Middle East. All of this is the new order. I don't know when this will erupt but I feel it it's less than a decade Lihan. Don't think of it too much It might not come true just believe. I hope so son but there are things that you cannot stop anymore from developing it's more like a cancer it has complications that will still end up erupting. I don't know what to say with this because I'm shocked of what you have told me. I know that you’re smart and you can comprehend this that’s why I'm telling you this son. I can see in your eyes that you knew something and observe something that a common person cannot do. Well father I don't have a common childhood like others because the 3 of us were very sickly we never played outside so we stayed inside the house to play or read books, watch T.V. That's what I did read books, write essays, poems or short stories. I read history books, saw documentaries, researching for books I want to read and when I was a kid, I realized that the white men feels they are very superior because of his books, texts and everything they think of the east side is primitive. They don't even acknowledge that in the east what they discovered recently was already done by the people here long ago. When they came here they washed out most of the artefacts and made the people believe that they are the ones who introduced it but people here are not fools. I'm not mad at all of them just a few who feel so very superior that he believes he’s almost God. I don't know is it because of the colour of the skin, the race? Or is this how they just brought up. But father honestly I cannot promise I can rescue you if something comes up because you know my country is also vulnerable. I might be the first one to pass away before you. If that happens I'll just meet you up at the road. Don't say that. I'm saying it father because if that happens I will enlist to fight and we cannot predict if I'll be alive and how much time I’ll have on the battlefield. You’re not dumb to take all the bullets on the field my boy. Father I have a favour to ask you. What is it? I need to schedule a meeting for a senator with Xi; he wants to talk to the man about the islands they are claiming. Could you help me with that? Is this a secret meeting? Yes it is father. Then I can make it happen. I'll tell you the date and time and I can only provide at least 30 mins of his time. But it depends if he really wanted to hear something from him. It may take more than 30 mins so he better have a good deal or else his time will be nothing. Tell him that to make Xi hear his every word, and he might get a good deal out of it, those Islands is very vital in Xi's plan. It's for Taiwan, he wants to corner this country and he needs also to cut off its allies. Well he will have a hard time. Red China wants to be a super power and influencer but that’s a long way off though he is the mass producer of all the goods today, quantity is always his motto, not the quality. You have to check the quality even it's few if all are in good quality you can defeat even trillions of mass production crap.


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