Nick Armbrister
Juniper’s Daughter – Cloud Mission
Content Warning: Some sexual references, physical violence, and graphic language about mental illness and mental health.
Spank Satan!
The witch had a boxing match with the Devil. She wore a pair of lead weighted gloves and it showed. She also wore light blue shorts and a wireless sports bra. Her lithe athletic body was food for any man and some women. Satan too fancied he had a chance with the witch. Before then he had to spank her sweet spell casting arse in the ring. The thing is he was losing. It showed, for his once handsome nose was broken and oozing blood. His lip was thick and three teeth were loose. He would lose at this rate. A cracked cheek bone didn’t help nor did a black right eye that was already closing up. How could a 5 foot 5 inch tall slim fit female do this to an Alpha male of the top Satanic order? It was insane. Or was it? There were no spells at work here, no dark arts except from Satanic ones. The witch used methodical biological science to target her opponent and physics to bring her fists in contact with him. There was chemistry too. Her hands went so well with his body, bruising and blooding it. Teaching the Satanic wanker a right good lesson! That no matter how cool darkness is, the light always wins. Head for the light not the night or darkness. Juniper’s Daughter always won. This was a basement boxing fight with illegal high order cash bets. No hocus pocus, just her fighting skills from a thousand lifetimes of hand to hand combat and training and discipline. She looked all the way back, focused her intent and went to work. Enjoying kicking Satan’s butt in the ring. Ok, it wasn’t Vegas, but hey, this was like Fight Club and very real. Satan would learn today that his previous war victories were just that, previous. The bastard was a fucking has been! A damn wannabe! Juniper’s Daughter was the champ, oh yes…
Disc Change
The witch flew her disc that she kept in her secret Puerto Rico base to the centre of all the oceans on Planet Earth. Right at the very epicentre was her second flying saucer. Both were exactly alike. They flew the same and looked the same yet she knew the differences. As you do with two pet dogs both the same colour. They’re just different.
Juniper’s Daughter descended into the ocean’s depths. It was a nice sunny spring day. Nobody saw her for she was miles from land. She took her time “flying” under the sea. As in flight, the principles were the same, but down here there were fish and whales to avoid plus water was denser than air. There was no rush. Her viewing window was operating and the witch enjoyed the view of coloured fish and shipwrecks on the seabed. It was just like Captain Nemo and his Nautilus. Each trip down here was different. It was like flying, nothing was ever the same. The planet and natural world were forever in motion and change. As long as it was positive change that was fine.
Coming to her second ship she slowed and lowered the landing legs. These were of corrosion resistant alloy like the hull. The hull was strong to support the weight but the witch was methodical. The ship’s landing legs were designed to do a job and that’s what they would do. Her disc settled on the flat ocean bottom. She shut down the systems by flicking her wrist. The craft read her mind and went into standby mode. The witch formed a tunnel in the water from one craft to the other and was supported by a wall of water. Even though the pressure was immense at this depth there were no issues. She walked on dry land and marvelled at the wall of water arcing up over her. Yes, Mother Nature was truly wonderful. It was so sad that the world was always in threat from Satan. That was why she was here.
She went to her other craft and looked at it, and then back to the one she had arrived in. Both identical and both unique. Nodding in satisfaction, Juniper’s Daughter opened the entry door. The other automatically closed. She climbed aboard and checked the systems. All were as they should be. She stored her small travel bag and powered up the ship. Like the trip here the return trip was the same through the sea and amazing fish until she broached the surfaces and flew like a bird. She kept her speed low and enjoyed the trip back to Puerto Rico. There was something adorable about the clouds, the sun on the sea and the blue sky. It was superbly serene. This was the best part of her job. She slowly returned to her alien mountain base. There was work to be done and a mission in the Balkans to carry out.
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About the Authors
Born in Oldham, a Lancashire mill town, in 1971, Nick Armbrister has lived in various places and now in SE Asia. Has many interests include writing, studying history, military aviation, current affairs. He loves Gothic music and metal, likes the 1980s for what is was (trash decade!), loves tattoos and wants more. His writing is both varied and broad covering many subjects in poetry and stories. His work has been published in zines, online, in anthologies, and he has worked with several international writers/poets/authors.
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