Saturday 14 September 2024

The Mission is a Pop Band 2 Poems by Nick Armbrister 


The Mission is a Pop Band 2 Poems

A follow up to the first book in the series which was fiction. This volume is poetry on various subjects from current affairs and whats going on in the world to aircraft and flight to love and erotica in different situations with different people to satire with a small dog with a dislike for Putin. The themes are mostly adult so over 18s only. Enjoy this new alternative writing book by Nick.


You’re Next!

And you just slept she said

Who did you sleep with?

There was the male pool attendant

And the gal from the hospital

The lady boy from the call centre

Mad married couple over the road

A hooker from the airport

Three open minded hotel guest

And that was just last week

Who did I sleep with?

Will it be you?




Dead For Two

The dead man watches TV

While sat on his sofa

He’s been dead two years!

His TV blares out day and night

None of his neighbours care

Nobody gives a fuck

This is the way here

Keep yourself private

Don’t stick yer nose in

Or it’ll get bopped!

The dead man is quiet

He doesn’t bother a soul

Be just like him

Dead years by the TV

A wonderful scene!

His desiccated body all dry

The life dripped away

Evaporated like his essence

No life no soul no breathing

Dead as can be free TV!

Do not disturb any time soon

He likes old films

Especially John Wayne




Summit Answer

The people hiking these hills are either perverts gay or celibate

A gay man smiled at me for too long and asked me which am I?

Why my dear I am all three can you guess which I am right now?

If you guess right you will get a nice reward so pick carefully




Next Time

On the spaceplane alone as the pissed off people on Neptune

Bombed Mars destroying the spaceport and holiday resort

Now I’m heading to Jupiter to roam about the planet

No more Martian hooker to accompany me just my own self

I’ll examine rocks take sky photos hike and write poems

Rather than screwing mauve skinned telepathic aliens

They blew up a cool resort due to being closeminded

After here I’ll visit Venus to really go whoring!





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