Thursday 19 September 2024





Aim of this spell – to set into motion a small event or discovery at or near Nikomouro atoll to help in the discovery of Amelia Earhart, Noonan her navigator and their plane. To help solve this mystery and to provide answers. The spell has no time limit and the laws of Mother Nature will govern the outcome.

I respect the spirits of Earhart and Noonan and if they don’t want to be found and left alone I respect that. Yet this all hovers at the edge of my mind.

Light a white candle for peace.

Illustration by E. S. Foster via Adobe Firefly.

Now, cast a magic circle to provide a safe working area. Take your athame magical knife in your left hand, outstretched. Walk round clockwise in a circle including your altar. Focus your mind and be positive. Say the following words:

‘I cast this sacred magic circle to do my magic and witchcraft in, positively and not for self-gain or to harm myself or others, earthbound or not. I abide by the three-fold rule of magic and of karma. By the powers of my sacred goddess of Mother Nature, I invoke thee to do my work as I command thee. Mighty bearer of the moon, protector of human kind, lady of the forests, of the oceans, of the lakes and rivers. Guardian of the skies and all under and above it. Do this invocation and protect me with this sacred magic circle, only let helpful positive energy in, reflect all harmful negative energy. My actions are governed by you, the great goddess of Mother Nature; your protection, strength and guidance is yours, ours. I humbly ask for all of the above now as my circle is cast. I thank you for your help. So mote it be.’

After saying the above and walking round clockwise to cast your circle, then stop in front of your altar. Now cast a pentagram again, using your athame. The object of this is to focus the natural powers and to provide a link from our mortal world to the world of the gods and goddesses. Describe the pentagram in the shape of a 5-pointed star with your athame. Visualise it in your mind. Say: ‘I use this pentagram I have cast as a link from me to you my goddess of Mother Nature.’

Now call the cardinal points. Stand by the north point and say: ‘I call upon the guardian of the north to guide me while I do this spell. I sprinkle some earth of the planet onto the ground as a link to your being.’ Have a small bowl of earth and do just that; then place the bowl onto your altar. Sprinkle it onto newspaper if you don’t want a mess.

Now face the east point. Burn your incense now and say: ‘I call upon the guardian of the east to protect me while I do this spell. I burn this incense as a link to your sky.’

Set your incense down on your altar; let it burn.

Face south and pick up your trashy fake gold American zippo petrol lighter, flick it open like Elvis did and say: ‘I call upon the guardian of the south to strengthen me while I do this spell. I burn this flame as a mystical link to your heart.’ Put your zippo down.

Now face the final point, west. Pick up your holy water, say: ‘I call upon the guardian of the west to bring me positivity while I do this spell. I sprinkle holy water as a link to your tears.’ Don’t go to your local church and steal their holy water – use tap water that has been charged up on your altar for 24 hours beforehand. Put the water on your altar.

Now that the circle is cast, link made, quarters called, your spell work may begin. This is the main reason for your magic ritual, so make it count, be focused and positive. Say: ‘I invoke my goddess of Mother Nature to do my work at my command; let this spell be positive, successful and completed. I invoke my mighty goddess of Mother Nature to find Amelia Earhart, Noonan and their plane and to solve the mystery of their disappearance. I believe they are near or at Nikomouro atoll in the Pacific Ocean. Let a piece of their airplane be found to identify it or the remains of their skeletons be found to provide the answers to this great mystery. Any magic spell invoked through you and carried out by me, us, has only peaceful and positive actions intended. Make any negative energy into positive energy and dissipate it to the universe. If any piece of metal is found on Niko Atoll, let it be identifiable to similar bits of other similar Lockheed airplanes like theirs. This would be the key to the outcome of this spell if wreckage is found. If human remains are found and they belong to Amelia Earhart or Noonan, let them be identifiable as such. There is no time limit on the outcome of this spell but let it be positive and successful if it is meant to be so. The outcome will be in the future, not in infinity, waiting forever. I respect Amelia Earhart’s and Noonan’s spirit. If they are still earthbound I wish them both peace and love. So mote it be.’

Your spell is said now. You may rest a bit and meditate and focus on your spell’s outcome. Think back to their small silver airplane flying over the ocean, see it as it is now, where is it? Remember the location as clearly as you can. You may stand or sit down as you do this. Spend time meditating the outcome. When you have done, stand in front of your altar. Now thank your goddess of Mother Nature for working with you. Thank each of the four quarters for their support and guidance. Then dissolve the circle. Hold your athame in your left hand and walk round in an anti-clockwise direction and say: “I break this circle and deconsecrate this ground. Let positive energy from this circle help in the outcome of this spell. So mote it be.’

Now wait and see if the spell works! Leave your white candle burning and incense too.



Saturday 14 September 2024

The Mission is a Pop Band 2 Poems by Nick Armbrister 


The Mission is a Pop Band 2 Poems

A follow up to the first book in the series which was fiction. This volume is poetry on various subjects from current affairs and whats going on in the world to aircraft and flight to love and erotica in different situations with different people to satire with a small dog with a dislike for Putin. The themes are mostly adult so over 18s only. Enjoy this new alternative writing book by Nick.


You’re Next!

And you just slept she said

Who did you sleep with?

There was the male pool attendant

And the gal from the hospital

The lady boy from the call centre

Mad married couple over the road

A hooker from the airport

Three open minded hotel guest

And that was just last week

Who did I sleep with?

Will it be you?




Dead For Two

The dead man watches TV

While sat on his sofa

He’s been dead two years!

His TV blares out day and night

None of his neighbours care

Nobody gives a fuck

This is the way here

Keep yourself private

Don’t stick yer nose in

Or it’ll get bopped!

The dead man is quiet

He doesn’t bother a soul

Be just like him

Dead years by the TV

A wonderful scene!

His desiccated body all dry

The life dripped away

Evaporated like his essence

No life no soul no breathing

Dead as can be free TV!

Do not disturb any time soon

He likes old films

Especially John Wayne




Summit Answer

The people hiking these hills are either perverts gay or celibate

A gay man smiled at me for too long and asked me which am I?

Why my dear I am all three can you guess which I am right now?

If you guess right you will get a nice reward so pick carefully




Next Time

On the spaceplane alone as the pissed off people on Neptune

Bombed Mars destroying the spaceport and holiday resort

Now I’m heading to Jupiter to roam about the planet

No more Martian hooker to accompany me just my own self

I’ll examine rocks take sky photos hike and write poems

Rather than screwing mauve skinned telepathic aliens

They blew up a cool resort due to being closeminded

After here I’ll visit Venus to really go whoring!





Friday 13 September 2024

Needed No More

Needed No More

The land is terraced it was once rice fields

No longer in use due to pests that ate the rice

A big job to stop the pests like wild rats and aphids

The half-eaten rotting rice rancid not fit to eat

Almost a full crop ruined by pests to what extreme

Go the farmers again and again fighting a lost cause?

Now grass grows where rice was six years gone

In future will rice grow here again when new techniques

Allow for pest control eliminating rice eating vermin

Now it's a memory till then time moves on

In future science will work to help hard working farmers

Vermin eating crops needed no more






Friday 6 September 2024

My Writer’s CV

 My Writer’s CV
Born in Oldham, a Lancashire mill town in 1971, Nick Armbrister has lived in various places and now in SE Asia. Has many interests include writing, studying history, military aviation, current affairs. He loves Gothic music and metal, likes the 1980s for what is was (trash decade!), loves tattoos and wants more. His writing is both varied and broad covering many subjects in poetry and stories. His work has been published in zines, online, in anthologies, and he has worked with several international writers/poets/authors.