Saturday 30 April 2022

MAJOR INSOMNIA CORPORAL SLEEP Nick Armbrister and other writers




Nick Armbrister and other writers


Hotel Dreams

Do what you want

In the hotel of dreams

Fuck the maid

And her hot sister

Bonk your cool boss

Have your best friend

Try out your pal’s wife

Even grind your step sis

All this in the dream hotel

It’s a shame to wake up!




Into A Wall

The man lived inside a wall

It was really cool a metre across

Including two layers of bricks

He found a way inside

Now he’s got a bed and stove

Nice and cosy in winter

Calm and dry in summer

You can’t see the bricks for the wall

With no way to spot the man

Who lives inside the wall

On the outskirts of town

Just by the small park and woods

He poaches for fish and rabbits

Gets water from the river

Has a crap in a hole

Keeps his clothes in a wooden box

By three pairs of shoes

He comes out at night

Or at dawn and dusk

Depending on his mood

He sees a woman twice a month

She lives in the next town

Inside an oil drum in a field

Her story is just like his

But different and unknown

Except in this solitary poem

Two obscure strangers

Hidden from view




Rebel Flower

Painted acrylic flower with a message

What are you telling us?

Do spit it out and spill the beans


We need to know your words

It could be something or nothing

Let us decide and go from there


Is it the revolution or another concern?

If it touches me I want to know

As does my boyfriend and neighbours


We have a right to know acrylic flower

Your words may touch us light or dark

All you do it sit there on the board


Standing tall and pretty as a queen

This will stop now the words are needed

I’ve got the scissors ready…




Lectern Tinsel

Why does the word lectern remind me of rectum and anus?

It has something to do with posture and going to the toilet

Taking a right good crap while writing my thesis

Maybe I can eat and drink and write and shit together?

As long as I do them in the correct order and don’t mix them up!

Imagine if I drink piss and write shit and submit a toilet

What will my professor think of my awesome talent?


‘You’ve been on the absinthe and weed again!’ he’ll scold

While standing at his lectern and ordering us about

The joys of uni life and of being a working class student

No silver spoon up my arse or dad being a Rupert

Good job I robbed the bank two winters ago

I can live my tinsel time life how I want…




Coded Freedom

Hi there. My name is Nick. I have dealt with and have experience with several mental health issues. This includes depression, suicidal thoughts, anger issues, confusion on self-identity, a deep lack of trust, paranoia with/without reason and other concerns. I can advise on copying strategies. Contrary to thought, pills only work rarely and should be used sparingly. Cognitive thought training, poetry writing, being close to nature and animals are positive helps. Thank you.




Venice 2pm

Imagine that seeing an alien or other world spacecraft

Giving a free low level aerobatic show over Venice at 2pm

Well that’s exactly just what I saw when I was there

It was a surreal stunning event and I wasn’t alone

Several thousand people witnessed it and will testify

It wasn’t an apparition or a weather balloon or swamp gas

A real flying saucer or what is now called a UAP

Ask the F-18 Super Hornet pilots what they sky danced with

Flying Tick-tacks or Unidentified Airborne Phenomena

I think it was what I saw pirouetting over Venice that day

It was the best free show I ever had and I wanna see it again

How a machine can climb roll dive soar and turn that way

Without crashing and killing us all is beyond me

Would I be able to fly one safely and have some fun?




Invalid Wagon

The army war vehicle was meant to be the best there was

But it was hacked and totally screwed by a 12 year old kid

He gained access to the Armoured Personnel Carrier


It was so easy to do he did it blindfolded and taught them a lesson

Simply tracking the truck by GPS and toggling its pinger

Then going to the army/manufacturer’s website and logging in

The password was just that PASSWORD123 and he was in


He took over driving it via the Remote Driving System

Speeding up and down at 50 miles per hour but it was boring

The vehicle was fully armed and ready for war!

He slewed round the gun turret and fired the 30mm cannon

Five hundred mixed rounds went down range and devastated


Then he fired three thousand rounds from the small machine gun

Rat-atat-tat it went all bloody day followed by the two TOW missiles

They created a real fuss and mess as did the twin Stinger missiles

He shot soldiers dead destroyed tanks and brought down Jumbo Jets

All coz he hacked a US Army Stryker war vehicle when bored





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