We have all year
To do our plans
All things go
Be patient plan it well
This is your moment
Good Bad
Time to stay time to go
You decide not the man over there
Remain in the job
Leave the girl
What will you do?
Where will you go?
Decision time actions now
Your choice will change lives
Like when he left you
Both your lives changed
For good or bad
You the cold ice queen/once you cared full of fire/freezing all gone now
To See
Life is full of options
Options is full of life
One leads to the other
Like a person walking a dog
Or a dog walking the person
Which is correct?
It depends on your view
What do you want to see?
She Ice
You send her a dozen messages
Including five photos of the moon and sky
Plus a Berlin song and touching thoughts
She only replies to one msg
When you said two soldiers quit
Why is this? Is she really an ice queen?
Ask her see what she says
Rear View
The jet pipe of the warplane
Looks mighty fine from the back
This the pilot thinks
As he does his pre-flight checks
Will a heat seeking missile
Have the same thoughts?
Silent End
The guy ghosts the gal
The gal ghosts the guy
Why do they do this?
Just say it's over
Without an end of silence