Thursday, 30 January 2025



Another Silence

Why was Riga being distant to one of her operatives? She had things on her mind. Being a private person she didn’t tell many her thoughts or issues. She'd confided a few times in this certain operative. They had a romance when he first joined her unit. It lasted weeks. She liked him but didn’t love him. Or did she? He loved her deeply. She was easy to fall for being genuine. What you saw as what you got. She judged people on their actions and said love was just that an action. It was easy to say I Love You. It was harder to show more than words. The operative listened to this and remembered. He now judged her on her actions not her words or lack of them. She was mostly silent. He only got one encrypted message every day or two. When he asked her questions on the mission she replied. When it was personal stuff the wall was there. What was she going through right now? Why had Riga put a wall there? Was she avoiding him? Or avoiding being close to him. He still saw her at the base and she still gave orders that he followed. One of the more experienced operatives pulled him to one side and explained their boss had always been this way. She was testing him. Would he keep his cool or freak out? He continued being professional and learning his trade. Answers would be given in time. For now he let the distance remain.





Command Rules

Riga became cold hearted to one of her operatives. This man was older than her. He was trained in jungle operations like she was. They went training in the jungles of Guatemala. Here they practiced hit and run missions on fictitious targets, escape and evasion, navigation and other disciplines. They were off the grid with only emergency satellite comms and a one-time use drone. They could do what they wanted and they did. They found a secluded pool with a falls. Here they swam and were careful of the currents. For three days they remained here. It was paradise in a distant land. Lovemaking and more was one of their activities. The jungle was a place with no people. At least this spot was. There were no rival guerrilla groups or drug production facilities. Just Riga and Miguel getting it on by a pool with falls. Of course it couldn’t last forever. They had to hike back to Brazil and show proof of training coverage to Satan. They took their time returning. Upon arrival they were greeted as heroes. Did the other operatives suspect what had happened? Of course! Riga was distant and professional to the trooper. He was hurt and upset. Why was his boss like this? If he had ever been in command he would know. The others could suspect or guess but not be given proof unless it was needed. And this time it wasn’t.




Solo Riga

Riga pretended to go AWOL. She simply disappeared and never told anybody where she was going. She went to the neighbouring country flitting over the border in a truck. Safely across she went to the small town. Here she donned a disguise as a domestic helper. She said she was from Laos. The wages here were low. Many people moved abroad to earn a better wage. Some became victims to fraudsters. Riga didn't like this. It wasn't honest or ethical. She pretended to be a poor woman looking for work and a better life at a factory compound. The two men she met carried guns and were very shifty. They checked her fake passport and flight tickets then took her to a middleman. He interviewed her and checked her background. All she told him was lies. That she needed to earn a wage for her daughter and sick parents who were old. He took it all in. This was a common story. Riga was given a meal of takeaway burger and fries with cola. Then she was taken to see a bigger boss. This was her target. He did the final interviews and had the workers’ fates in his hands. Riga told the same story but added to it. Again he believed her. He examined her documents again. He explained how much she would be paid and where she would stay. There was a secure dormitory for the women separated from the men. However she would be expected to have sex with him or anybody who wanted her. This started there and then. He said show me what you’ve got and she did so. She was naked and he fucked the operative leader on the sofa in his secure office. He came inside her and she came three times. She enjoyed sex and used it to further her aims. After she washed she went to her quarters. Here there was no privacy and make armed guards prowled about. Riga went straight to work. She had to clean up in the guards’ canteen and serve food and do their laundry. Riga was well organized and put a rota together. This allowed her to do different tasks at different times. The work went on the three weeks. Then the top boss called her to his office and locked the door. As before they had sex. Riga always enjoyed this. After it was over she carried out her mission. She got a ball point pen off the desk and pushed it into the boss' eyeball. She was fast and it killed him in seconds. His body jerked and he fell to the floor. Now she accessed his encrypted computer and hacked it in less than a minute. She located his main bank accounts the sent the money to a thousand different shell accounts. This in turn sent the cash to a hundred thousand others. It was untraceable except for the magical marker she'd put on it. Then she locked his pc and climbed out of the window onto the roof. Here she snuck onto a neighbouring building, climbed down a wall and escaped from the secure guarded compound. Now Satan had another evil soul in Hell and the cash went into bank accounts owned by people and organizations allied to the dark side. Riga wasn't paid a cent for her actions. The thrill of success was all she needed or wanted. The fake company would fold and the guards would rebel when they found their leader dead and wages unpaid. The workers would be left to their fate. It wasn’t Riga’s current concern. Satan would deal personally with them.






Friday, 24 January 2025

Meet Trevor


Meet Trevor

My name is Trevor and I'm an OC skull crusher! I'm in charge. I'm the supervisor and in command. Do you have any problems? No? Good. Then we can get down to business. I work for Satan. He pays well and is a good boss. I've never taken a day off sick. I look after myself in all ways. You need to be your own best friend. If not then you give your enemies a victory before the war has even started. And trust me. There are many enemies that want to kill you before you've even begun battle. Make sure you have a full deck of cards and a winning hand. Even if you're losing you must have the winning mind set. Then nothing and nobody will defeat you. From loser to winner. Imagine that. Anything is possible. Just manifest it. It's about belief. Luck doesn’t come into it. Luck is simply skill and hard work. Satan understood and knew this. He lets me do what I do. My team and I are unstoppable. Not even Juniper's Daughter can stop us. She is outdated and only one. We are many and of the new world.






Wednesday, 15 January 2025

newer poems




We have all year

To do our plans

All things go

Be patient plan it well

This is your moment




Good Bad

Time to stay time to go

You decide not the man over there


Remain in the job

Leave the girl


What will you do?

Where will you go?


Decision time actions now

Your choice will change lives

Like when he left you

Both your lives changed

For good or bad




You the cold ice queen/once you cared full of fire/freezing all gone now




To See

Life is full of options

Options is full of life

One leads to the other

Like a person walking a dog

Or a dog walking the person

Which is correct?

It depends on your view

What do you want to see?




She Ice

You send her a dozen messages

Including five photos of the moon and sky

Plus a Berlin song and touching thoughts

She only replies to one msg

When you said two soldiers quit

Why is this? Is she really an ice queen?

Ask her see what she says




Rear View

The jet pipe of the warplane

Looks mighty fine from the back

This the pilot thinks

As he does his pre-flight checks

Will a heat seeking missile

Have the same thoughts?




Silent End

The guy ghosts the gal

The gal ghosts the guy

Why do they do this?

Just say it's over

Without an end of silence

Tuesday, 7 January 2025



Demang marched his rested and rearmed army to Moscow. He would succeed where the other two crap leaders had failed. Napoleon and Hitler were both imbeciles. Not a genius like him fuelled on Pepsi and junk food. The distances were huge so Demang used old but well maintained trailer trucks to travel in. The truck was fitted with a rifle position in the roof with a door and hand holds for accurate shooting. In tests his troops had hit targets three hundred yards away while the vehicles were moving.