Saturday, 18 May 2019

Phallic Sky

Phallic Sky
Plane flies miles high above us
Energy pushes it into manoeuvres
Nothing stationery about it
I see it turn, roll and zoom about
Stunning display of aerial prowess
I wish I was a pilot and flew like that
Not working in a stuffy boring job
The two percent get to fly in a jet
How they are the best of the best
Expensively trained Air Force pilots
Show boating in their F-18 fighter
Knowing they will soon be in trouble
Yes, they drew a huge airborne penis!

Family Rules

Family Rules
I always needed something to rebel against
From my school peers who I fucking hated
To my overly dominant mother who was the boss

And the neighbours who were stuffy pricks
The controlling school rules I loathed so much

I was always had to rebel against something
It was me against the world and still is?
What amazes me is I made it thru

Physically in one piece but inside...
There was a little bit of chop along the way

But I escaped the crap of life
That ensnared many of my fellow teens
Was this because certain family rules ruled me?

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

solitary bag

Solitary Bag
Down below where the plastic lives
Out of sight and out of mind
Seven miles down down down
On the sea bed in the Marianas Trench
A special type of plastic bag
That likes to hide from us humans
Tho we invented it a while ago
The plastic bag is fine here
Floating in the current
Where no light ever reaches
And the pressures will crush you
If the cold doesn't kill you first
In this dark world devoid of us
With a plastic bag relaxing there
Quite happy to be here
Not being thrown away or recycled
King of the block or the Trench
This bag is the boss here
With no rival to threaten his realm
The Marianas Trench which it owns
You need to ask the plastic bag
Permission to visit here
Or it'll take offence
And think you want to remove it
To clean up the environment
The only rubbish at the deepest spot
That our planet possesses
Ruled by a solitary carrier bag...